The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

List of Quotes by Letter Recipient

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Date [Source / Page]Author QuotedTitle QuotedQuotation by Merton
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[Ltrs: HGL p. 527]
Jean Pierre Caussade, deAbandonment ot Divine Providence Have you ever read Caussades's Abandonment to Divine Providence? At times it is a bit overlogical, but still i..
[Jnl 6 ('66-'67) p. 360]
Peter DamianWorks. 1853. S. Petri Damiani S.R.E. cardinalis episcopi ostiensis, ordinis s. Benedicti, e congregatione fontis-avellanæ : opera omnia : collecta primum ac argumentis et notationibus illustrat / Saint Peter Damian ; studio ac labore domni Constantini Caj Qui autem cellulam perpetuus incolit, ad stabilitatis praeconium de toto corporelinguam facit. [Whoever dwells..