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Results for search on the term: "Complete writings : with all the variant readings / William Blake
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 QUOTATION found in:
1. William Blake - Complete writings : with all the variant readings / William Blake ; ed. by Geoffrey Keynes (Date: 1959/08/09) - "And several books on Blake from U.K. library (I had asked for them). When I wa.."
2. William Blake - Complete writings : with all the variant readings / William Blake ; ed. by Geoffrey Keynes (Date: 1968/03/23) - "And Anitharmon named the Female, Jerusalem the holy Wond'ring she saw the Lamb.."
3. William Blake - Complete writings : with all the variant readings / William Blake ; ed. by Geoffrey Keynes (Date: 1963/07/19) - "The following are the questions, with Merton's answers: 1. Name the last three.."
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