The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Books Cited by Merton by Title

Below is a list of all recorded references by Merton to a book he was reading which were recorded in the seven volumes of his personal journals, the original five volumes of his correspondence, and a growing list of other books by Merton with an emphasis on Merton's published correspondence. The list can be sorted by each column by clicking the column header (another click reverses the sort). Clicking the excerpt of the quote will display a page with the full quote and more information about the quote and book citation.

This database was compiled by Willy Eurlings, chairman of the Mertonvrienden, the Dutch-speaking Merton Society from Flanders and the Netherlands, with technical help by Fieke Julius. The Merton Center is grateful for his permission to post this for use by researchers.

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Books cited that ARE includedBooks cited but NOT included
Merton named the title and author and writes that he has read the book or parts of it.Merton only mentions the name of an author.
If Merton doesn't name the title or the author, but it is obvious which book he means than the book is included.Merton says he wants to read a book, but there is no indication that he actually did read it.
Merton comments on the book, whereby he proves he's read (part of) it.Citations from articles/poetry when source is unclear.
Citations from the Bible or the Vulgate.


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Author and Title
[Anonymous] / - Rule for Recluses
[Anonymous] / - Apophthegmata Patrum
[Anonymous] / - Au coeur même de l'Eglise. Une recherche monastique: les frères de la Vierge des Pauvres
[Anonymous] / - Bhagavad Gita
[Anonymous] / - Didachè
[Anonymous] / - Exordium Magnum Cisterciensae
[Anonymous] / - Koran
[Anonymous] / - Mabinogion
[Anonymous] / - Meditations Cartusiennes pour tous les jours de l'annee. Three Volumes
[Anonymous] / - Navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis
[Anonymous] / - Perfectae Caritatis
[Anonymous] / - Philokalia
[Anonymous] / - Poems on Solitude / Transl. from the Chinese by Jerome Chen and Mike Bullock
[Anonymous] / - Prajna paramita Sutra
[Anonymous] / - Regula Magistri
[Anonymous] / - Rituel Propre de l'Abaye de Cisteaux
[Anonymous] / - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
[Anonymous] / - Song of Roland
[Anonymous] / - Teaching of Maelruain
[Anonymous] / - Cloud of Unknowing
[Anonymous] / - Dhammapada
[Anonymous] / - I ching : or book of changes / the Richard Wilhelm transl. ; rendered into English by Cary F. Baynes ; foreword by C.G. Jung
[Anonymous] / - Pilgrimage of Etheria / translation of Peregrinatio Aetheriae
[Anonymous] / - ten principal Upanishads / put into English by Shree Purohit, swami, and W.B. Yeats
[Anonymous] / - Way of the Pilgrim
[Anonymous] / - Theologica Germanica
[Anonymous] / - Tibetan Book of Dead / compiled and edited by Walter Yeeling-Evans-Wenz
Abaelardus. / Petrus Abaelardus - Epistolae
Adam. / Karl Adam - Christ of Faith
Adam. / Karl Adam - Spirit of Catholicism
Adolfs. / Robert Adolfs - Grave of God: Has the Church a Future?
Aeschylus / Aeschylus - Prometheus Bound
Agus. / Jacob B. Agus - Banner of Jerusalem: a Biography of Abraham Isaac Kook, Chief Rabbi of Palestine in the 1930s.
Alegria. / Ciro Alegria - Mundo es ancho y ajeno
Ali / al-Jullabi al-Hujwiri Ali ibn Usma - Kashf al-Mahjúb : the oldest Persian treatise on sufiism / by Alī­ B. Uthmán al-Jullābi al-Hujwīrī : transl. from the text of the Lahore edition, comp. with mss. In the India office and British Museum by Reynold
Allchin. / A.M. Allchin - Silent Rebellion: Anglican Religious Communities 1845-1900
Altizer. / Thomas J.J. Altizer - New Apocalyps: The Radical Christian Vision of William Blake
Ambrosius. / Ambrosius - Hexaemeron
Amery. / Carl Amery - Capitulation: The Lesson of German Catholicism
Ammonas / Ammonas - Ammonii Eremitae Epistolae
Anderson. / Alan Orr Anderson - Adamnan's Life of Columba / and Marjory Ogilvie Anderson, editors and translators
Andrade. / Jorge Carrera Andrade - Interpretacion de Ruben Darío
Andrewes. / Lancelot Andrewes - Preces Privatae
Andrews. / Charles Freer Andrews - Mahatma Gandhi: His Life and Works
Andrews. / Edward Deming Andrews - people called Shakers : a search for the perfect society
Andrews. / Edward Deming Andrews - Religion in Wood: A Book of Shaker Furniture
Andrews. / Edward Deming Andrews - Shaker furniture : the craftsmanship of an American communal sect / by Edward Deming Andrews and Faith Andrews ; photos by William F. Winter
Anselmus / Anselmus of Canterbury - Cur Deus Homo?
Anselmus / Anselmus of Canterbury - De Casu Diaboli
Anselmus / Anselmus of Canterbury - De Libertate Arbitrii
Anselmus / Anselmus of Canterbury - De Veritate
Anselmus / Anselmus of Canterbury - Opera Omnia / ed. by Franciscus Salesius Schmitt o.s.b.
Anselmus / Anselmus of Canterbury - Orationes et Meditationes
Anselmus / Anselmus of Canterbury - Proslogion
Anson. / Peter F. Anson - Call of the Desert
Antoninus. / Brother Antoninus - Poet is Dead: A Memorial for Robinson Jeffers / pseudonym of William Everson
Apollinaire / Guillaume Apollinaire - Anecdotiques
Arasteh. / Reza Arasteh - Final Integration in the Adult Personality: A Measure for Peace
Arasteh. / Reza Arasteh - Rumi the Persian: Rebirth in Creativity and Love
Arberry. / A.J. (Arthur John) Arberry - Koran interpreted
Arberry. / A.J. (Arthur John) Arberry - Sufism : an account of the mystics of Islam
Ardrey. / Robert Ardrey - African genesis : a personal investigation into the animal origins and nature of man / Robert Ardrey ; drawings by Berdine Ardrey
Arendt. / Hannah Arendt - Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil
Arendt. / Hannah Arendt - Human Condition
Arendt. / Hannah Arendt - Origins of Totalitarianism
Aristotle / Aristotle - works of Aristotle / Aristotle ; transl. into English under the editorship of W.D. Ross
Arnold. / Emmy Arnold - Torches Together: The beginning and Early Years of the Bruderhof Communities
Artaud. / Antonin Artaud - Oeuvres complètes
Ashtavakra / Ashtavakra - Ashtavakra gita / Ashtavakra ; transl. by Hari Prasad Shastri
Athanasius / Athanasius - Life of Anthony
Aubert. / Marcel Aubert - Architecture cistercienne en France
Auden. / Wystab Hugh Auden - Enchafèd Flood: or the Romantic Iconography of the Sea
Auden. / Wystan Hugh Auden - On the Frontier
Auden. / Wystan Hugh Auden - Dance of Death
Augustinus. / Aurelius Augustinus - City of God
Augustinus. / Aurelius Augustinus - Confessions
Augustinus. / Aurelius Augustinus - De Beata Vita
Augustinus. / Aurelius Augustinus - De Doctrina Christiana
Augustinus. / Aurelius Augustinus - De Musica
Augustinus. / Aurelius Augustinus - Exposition on the Book of Psalms
Augustinus. / Aurelius Augustinus - Refutation of the Pernicious Teaching of those who would deter men from entering Religious Life
Bachelard. / Gaston Bachelard - Poetique de l'espace
Bachelard. / Gaston Bachelard - Psychanalyse de Feu
Bahya / Bahya ibn Pakuda - Introduction aux devoirs des coeurs / transl. André Chouraqui, 1943
Baker. / Augustine Baker - Inner Life and the Writings of Dame Gertrude More / dom Benedict Weld-Blundell, ed.
Baldwin. / James Baldwin - Go Tell It on the Mountain
Baldwin. / James Baldwin - Nobody knows my name
Baldwin. / James Baldwin - Fire Next Time
Bargellini. / Piero Bargellini - Unquiet Conscience / Translated from Latin by Thomas Merton
Barnabooth. / A.O. Barnabooth - Journal Intime.
Barth. / Karl Barth - Against the Stream
Barth. / Karl Barth - Christmas / translated by Berhard Citron
Barth. / Karl Barth - Dogmatics in Outline
Barth. / Karl Barth - Fides quaerens intellectum : la preuve de l'existence de dieu d'après Anselme de Cantorbery / Karl Barth ; trad. francaise de Jean Carrère
Barthes. / Roland Barthes - Last Happy Writer
Barzun. / Jacques Barzun - House of Intellect
Basetti- / Giulio Basetti-Sani - Mohammed et Saint-Francois
Basho. / Matsuo Basho - Narrow Road to the Deep North and Other Travel Sketches / translated by Nobuyuki Yuasa
Basly. / Deodat Basly, de - Deux grandes ecoles catholiques de B. Duns Scot et de S. Thomas
Bateson / F.W. Bateson ed. - Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature
Baudelaire. / Charles Baudelaire - Fleurs du mal
Beauvoire. / Simone Beauvoire, de - Ethics of Ambiguity
Beckett. / Samuel Beckett - More Pricks Than Kicks
Beckett. / Samuel Beckett - Waiting for Godot
Behrman. / Samuel Nathaniel Behrman - Biography of Joseph Duveen, Baron Duveen, 1869-1939
Behrman. / Samuel Nathaniel Behrman - Portrait of Max: an Intimat Memoire of Sir Max Beerbohm
Belorgey. / Godefroid Belorgey - Humilite Benedictine
Belorgey. / Godefroid Belorgey - Pratique de l'oraison mentale. T1: Oraisons ordinaires. T2 Oraisons mystiques
Bemelmans. / Ludwig Bemelmans - Donkey inside
Benedict / Benedict of Nurcia - Rule
Benedict. / Ruth Benedict - Chrysanthemum and the Sword
Benet / Benet of Canfield - Rule of Perfection
Benz. / Ernst Benz - Evolution and Christian hope : man's concept of the future from the early Fathers to Teilhard de Chardin / Ernst Benz ; transl. from the German by Heinz G. Frank
Berdiaev. / Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev - sens de la creation : un essai de justification de l'homme / Nicolas Berdiaev ; trad. du russe par Lucienne Julien Cain ; pref. de Stanislas Fumet
Berdyaev. / Nicolai Berdyaev - Meaning of Creation
Berdyaev. / Nicolas Berdyaev - Slavery and Freedom
Berdyaev. / Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev - Russian Idea
Berdyaev. / Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev - Destiny of Man
Berdyaev. / Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev - Meaning of History
Berdyaev. / Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev - Solitude and Society
Bernanos. / Georges Bernanos - Dialogue des carmelites
Bernanos. / Georges Bernanos - Journal d'un cure de campagne
Bernanos. / Georges Bernanos - Chemin de la croix-des-Ames
Bernanos. / Georges Bernanos - Diary of a Country Priest
Bernanos. / Georges Bernanos - Last Essays of Georges Bernanos
Bernardus / Bernardus of Clairvaux - De Consideratione
Bernardus / Bernardus of Clairvaux - De Diligendo Deo
Bernardus / Bernardus of Clairvaux - Epistolae Opera Omnia
Bernardus / Bernardus of Clairvaux - Sermones de Diversis
Bernardus / Bernardus of Clairvaux - Sermones in Cantica Canticorum
Berrigan / Daniel Berrigan S.J. - Encounters
Berrigan / Daniel Berrigan S.J. - World for Wedding Ring
Berrigan. / Philip Berrigan - No More Strangers
Bhave. / Vinoba Bhave - Talks on the Gita
Binyon. / Lawrence Binyon - Flight of the Dragon
Biot. / François Biot - Rise of Protestant Monasticism
Blackham. / Harold John Blackham - Six Existential Thinkers
Blaedel. / Niels Blaedel - Harmony and Unity: The Life of Niels Bohr
Blake. / William Blake - Complete writings : with all the variant readings / William Blake ; ed. by Geoffrey Keynes
Bloy. / Leon Bloy - Celle qui pleure. Notre Dame de la Salette
Bloy. / Leon Bloy - Dans les Tenèbres
Bloy. / Leon Bloy - Invendable.
Bloy. / Leon Bloy - Salut par les Juifs
Bloy. / Leon Bloy - Mon Journal
Bloy. / Leon Bloy - Woman Who Was Poor
Boehme. / Jacob Boehme - Confessions of Jacob Boehme
Boethius / Boethius - De Hebdomadibus
Boethius. / Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus Boethius - De Consolatione Philosophiae
Boismard. / M.E. Boismard - Du Baptême à Cana
Bolshakoff. / Sergius Bolshakoff - Russian Mystics
Bonaventura / Bonaventura - Collectiones in Haexemeron
Bonaventura / Bonaventura - Commentarius in secundum librum Sententiarum Petri Lombardi
Bonaventura / Bonaventura - Itinerarium
Bonaventura / Bonaventura - Itineris Mentis in Deum
Bonhoeffer. / Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Ethics
Bonhoeffer. / Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Letters and Papers from Prison
Bouyer / Louis Bouyer (ed.) - HIstoire de la spiritualité chrétienne
Bouyer. / Louis Bouyer - Bible et l'Evangile. Le sens de l'Ecriture: du Dieu qui parle au Dieu faite homme
Bouyer. / Louis Bouyer - Mystère Pascal: méditation sur la liturgie des trois derniers jours de la Semaine Sainte
Bouyer. / Louis Bouyer - Mystère Pascal: meditation sur la liturgie des trois derniers jours de la Semaine Sainte
Bouyer. / Louis Bouyer - Trône de la sagesse
Bouyer. / Louis Bouyer - Meaning of the Monastic Life
Bouyer. / Louis Bouyer - Newman: His Life and Spirituality
Bouyer. / Louis Bouyer - Vie de saint Antoine par saint Athanase
Brecht. / Bertolt Brecht - Measures Taken / Translated from German Die Massnahme
Brecht. / Bertolt Brecht - Private Life of the Master Race
Brecht. / Bertolt Brecht - Trial of Heron Lucullus
Brennan. / Niall Brennan - Making of a Moron
Bridges. / Robert Bridges - Milton's prosody
Briffault. / Robert Stephen Briffault - Mothers: the Matriarchal Theory of Social Origins
Brillet. / Gaston Brillet - Meditations on the Old Testament
Brunel. / Rene Brunel - monachisme errant dans Vlslam, Sîdi Heddi et les Heddâwa
Bruno / Bruno de Jesus-Marie o.c.d. - Saint Jean de la Croix
Brunton. / Paul Brunton - Hermit in the Himalayas / pen name of Raphael Hurst
Buber. / Martin Buber - I and Thou
Buber. / Martin Buber - Ten Rungs
Buber. / Martin Buber - Origin and Meaning of Hasidism
Buber. / Martin Buber - Tales of Rabbi Nahman
Bulgakov. / Sergei Nikolaevitch Bulgakov - Du Verbe incarne : (Agnus Dei) / par Serge Boulgakof ; trad. du russe par Constantin Andronikof
Bulgakov. / Sergei Nikolaevitch Bulgakov - Sagesse de Dieu
Bulgakov. / Sergei Nikolaevitch Bulgakov - Orthodox Church
Bulgakov. / Sergei Nikolaevitch Bulgakov - Wisdom of God: a Brief Summery of Sophiology
Bultmann. / Rudolf Bultmann - Form Criticism: Two Essays on New Testament Research
Burckhardt. / Titus Burckhardt - An introduction to Sufi doctrine
Burridge. / Kenelm Burridge - Mambu: A Melanesian Millenium
Burtt. / Edwin Arthur Burtt - In Search of Philosophic Understanding
Bush. / Douglas Bush - John Milton: A Sketch of His Life and Writings
Butler / Cuthbert Butler o.s.b. - Benedictine Monachism: Studies in Benedictine Life and Rule
Butler. / Cuthbert Butler - Western Mysticism: The Teaching of SS Augustine Gregory and Bernard on Contemplation and the Contemplative Life
Butterfield / Herbert Butterfield - Christianity and History
Cabaud. / Jacques Cabaud - Simone Weil: A Fellowship in Love
Cáceres. / Esther Cáceres - Tiempo y abismo
Caesarius / Caesarius of Arles - Epistolae
Callahan. / Daniel Callahan - Honesty in the Church
Campbell. / Joseph Campbell - Symbol without Meaning
Camus. / Albert Camus - Actuelles I: Chroniques 1944-1948
Camus. / Albert Camus - Carnets janvier 1942 - mars 1951 / Albert Camus
Camus. / Albert Camus - Discours de Suède
Camus. / Albert Camus - Etat de siège
Camus. / Albert Camus - etranger : roman
Camus. / Albert Camus - homme revolte
Camus. / Albert Camus - chute, recit
Camus. / Albert Camus - Peste
Camus. / Albert Camus - Malentendu
Camus. / Albert Camus - Reflexions sur la guillotine
Camus. / Albert Camus - Fall and Exile and the kingdom / Albert Camus ; transl. from the French Chute by Justin O'Brien
Camus. / Albert Camus - Myth of Sisyphus
Canetti. / Elias Canetti - Auto-da-Fe
Cardenal. / Ernesto Cardenal - Epigramas: Poemas
Cardenal. / Ernesto Cardenal - Gethsemani, Ky
Cardenal. / Ernesto Cardenal - Literatura indigena americana: Antología
Cardenal. / Ernesto Cardenal - Mayapan
Cardenal. / Ernesto Cardenal - Oración por Marily Monroe y otros poemas
Cardenal. / Ernesto Cardenal - Salmos
Cardenal. / Ernesto Cardenal - Vida en El Amor
Carson. / Rachel Carson - Silent spring / by Rachel Carson ; drawings by Lois and Louis Darling
Casares. / Adolfo Bioy Casares - Plan d'evasión
Cassian. / John Cassian - Joannis Cassiani Opera omnia cum amplissimis commentariis Alardi Gazæi in hoc parisiensi editione, contra quam in lipsiensi, textui continenter ad majorem commoditatem lectoris subjacentibus
Cassiodorus / Cassiodorus - Introduction to Divine and Human Readings by Cassiodorus Senator / Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Jones Leslie Webber
Cassiodorus / Cassiodorus - De Anima
Cassiodorus / Cassiodorus - Institutiones Divinarum et Saecularium Litterarum
Catherine / Catherine of Siena - Dialogo breve sulla consumata perfezione / Saint Catherine of Siena ; ed. di Aldo Buonomini
Caussade. / Jean Pierre Caussade, de - Abandonment ot Divine Providence
Cavarnos. / Constantine Cavarnos - Anchored in God: Life, Art, and Thought on the Holy Mountain of Athos
Cayrol. / Jean Cayrol - Poèmes de la nuit et du brouillard
Chadwick. / Nora Kershaw Chadwick - Age of the Saints in the Early Celtic Church
Chadwick. / Nora Kershaw Chadwick - Poetry and Letters in early Christian Gaul
Chadwick. / Owen Chadwick - From Bossuet to Newman: the Idea of Doctrinal Development
Chakravarty. / Amiya Chandra Chakravarty - Tagore Reader
Chandos. / Dane Chandos - Village in the Sun
Chang. / Chung-Yuan Chang - Creativity and Taoism: A Study of Chinese Philosophy, Art and Poetry
Chapman. / John Chapman - Spiritual Letters
Char. / Rene Char - Fureur et mystère / Rene Char ; pref. de Yves Berger
Char. / Rene Char - Rene Char. Presentation par Pierre Guerre. Choix de textes, bibliographie, portraits, fac-similes
Chateau- / Francois Rene Chateaubriand - Vie de Rance
Chi. / Richard S.Y. Chi - Last of the Patriarchs: The Recorded Sayings of Shen-Hui
Chuang-tzu / Chuang-tzu - Dschuang Dsi : das wahre buch vom südlichen Blütenland : Nan hua dschen ging / Chuang-tzu ; aus dem chinesischen verdeutscht und erläutert von Richard Wilhelm
Cicero. / Marcus Tullius Cicero - De Oratore
Clarc. / Grenville Clarc - Plan for Peace
Clark. / James Midley Clark - Abbey of St. Gall as a Centre of Literature and Art
Claudel. / Paul Claudel - Connaisance de l'Est
Claudel. / Paul Claudel - Jeanne d'Arc au bûcher
Cleaver. / Eldridge Cleaver - Soul on Ice
Clement / Clement of Alexandria - Paedagogue
Clement / Clement of Alexandria - Protreptikos
Clement / Clement of Alexandria - Stromata. French & Greek. Selections. Stromate II / Clement d'Alexandrie ; introd. et notes de Th. Camelot ; texte grec et trad. de Cl. Mondesert
Clement. / Olivier Clement - Transfigurer le temps: notes sur le temps à la lumière de la tradition orthodoxe
Cocteau. / Jean Cocteau - Grand Ecart
Cocteau. / Jean Cocteau - Enfants Terribles
Coffin. / Charles Monroe Coffin - Major Poets: English and American.
Cohen / John Cohen (ed.) - Essential Lenny Bruce
Coleridge. / Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Kubla Khan; or, A Vision in a Dream: A Fragment
Coleridge. / Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Collier. / John Collier - Indians of the Americas
Congdon. / William G. Congdon - In My Disk of Gold: Itinary to Christ by William Congdon
Conze. / Eduard Conze - Buddhist Thought in India
Conze. / Edward Conze - Selected sayings from the perfection of wisdom / chosen, arranged and transl. by Edward Conze
Coomaraswamy. / Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy - Hinduism and Buddhism
Coomaraswamy. / Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy - Paths that Lead to the Same Summit
Corbin. / Henry Corbin - Histoire de la philosophie islamique. Des origines jusqu'à la mort d'Averroës (595-1198) / In collaboration with Seyyed Hosseîn Nasr et Osman Yahya
Corbin. / Henry Corbin - Imagination creatrice dans le soufisme d'Ibn 'Arabi
Cornford. / Frances M. Cornford - Principium Sapientiae: The Origins of Greek Philosophical Thought
Cortazar. / Julio Cortazar - Winners
Cortes. / Alfonso Cortes - Poema cotidiano
Cortes. / Alfonso Cortes - Coplas del pueblo
Cortes. / Alfonso Cortes - puertas del pasatiempo
Cortes. / Alfonso Cortes - Rimas universales
Cortes. / Alfonso Cortes - Poemas Nuevos
Coulton. / George Gordon Coulton - From Saint Francis to Dante
Covarrubias. / Miguel Covarrubias - Indian Art of Mexico and Central America
Craplet. / Bernard Craplet - Auvergne Roman
Creusen. / Joseph Creusen - Religious Men and Women in the Code
Croce. / Benedetto Croce - Filosofia di G.B. Vico
Cuadra. / Pablo Antonio Cuadra - Jaguar y la luna : poemas
Curzon. / Robert Curzon - Visits to Monasteries in the Levant
Dalai / Dalai Lama - Introduction to Buddhism
Daly. / Mary Daly - Church and the Second Sex
Danielou. / Jean Danielou - From Glory to Glory: Texts from Gregory of Nyssa's Mystical Writings / and Herbert Musurillo
Danielou. / Jean Danielou - Signe du temple ou De la presence de Dieu
Daniélou. / Jean Daniélou - Signe du temple ou De la présence de Dieu
Danielou. / Jean Danielou - Platonisme et theologie mystique. Essay sur la doctrine spirituelle de Saint Gregoire de Nysse
Danielou. / Jean Daniélou - Platonisme et théologie mystique. Essay sur la doctrine spirituelle de Saint Grégoire de Nysse
Dante / Dante Alighieri - Inferno. English & Italian. The Inferno of Dante Alighieri
Dante / Dante Alighieri - Paradiso. English & Italian. The Paradiso of Dante Alighieri
Daoust. / Joseph Daoust - Dom Martène, un Geant de l'Erudtition benedictine
Dasgupta. / Surendranath Dasgupta - Introduction to Tantric Buddhism
Daumal. / Rene Daumal - Mount Analogue
Dawson. / Chrisopher Dawson - Understanding Europe
Dawson. / Christopher Dawson - Historic Reality of Christian Culture: A Way to the Renewal of Human Life
Dawson. / Christopher Dawson - Progress and Religion. A Historical Inquiry
Day. / Dorothy Day - Loaves and Fishes: The Inspiring Storey of the Catholic Worker Movement
Dechanet / Jean-Marie Dechanet o.s.b. - Christian Yoga
Defoe. / Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe
Delp / Alfred Delp S.J. - Prison Meditations of Father Alfred Delp
Desjardins. / Armand Desjardins - Message des Tibetains
Dewart. / Leslie Dewart - Christianity and Revolution
Diadochos / Diadochos of Photike - Capita centum de perfectione spirituali
Dimier. / Anselm Dimier - La Sombre Trappe. Les legendes et la verite
Dimock / Edward C. Dimock and Denise Levertov - In Praise of Krishna: Songs from the Bengali
Dodd. / Charles Harold Dodd - The Bible Today
Dolan. / Patrick Dolan - Unity and Reform: Selected Writings of Nicholas of Cusa
Dommergues. / Pierre Dommergues - Saul Bellow
Donne. / John Donne - Poems of John Donne / ed. H.J.C. Griesron
Dostoyevsky. / Fyodor Dostoyevsky - House of the Dead
Dostoyevsky. / Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Idiot
Dostoyevsky. / Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Possessed / by Fyodor Dostoyevsky ; transl. from the Russian by Constance Garnett ; with a foreww by Avrahm Yarmolinsky and a transl. of the hitherto-suppressed chapter "At Tihon's"
Dostoyewsky. / Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Brothers Karamazov
Douglas. / James W. Douglas - Non-Violent Cross: A Theology of Revolution and Peace
Drevet. / Camille Drevet - Par les routes humaines
Drinkwater. / F.H. Drinkwater - Morals and Missiles
Du / William Du Bay - Human Church
Dumoulin / Heinrich Dumoulin S.J. - history of Zen Buddhism / Heinrich Dumoulin ; transl. from the German by Paul Peachey
Duncan. / Robert Eduard Duncan - Bending the Bow
Duncan. / Robert Eduard Duncan - Of the War: Passages
Duns / Johannes Duns Scotus - Opus Oxoniense
Duns / Johannes Duns Scotus - Reportationes Parisiensis / o.f.m.
Dürckheim. / Karlfried Dürckheim, von - Japanese Cult of Tranquility
Durrwell. / F.X. Durrwell - Resurrection: a Biblical Study / translated by Rosemary Sheed
Eadmer / Eadmer - Life of St. Anselm / ed. R.W. Southern
East. / P.D. East - Magnolia Jungle; The Life, Times and Education of a Southern Editor
Eckhart / Eckhart - Meister Eckhart / Meister Eckhart ; a modern translation by Raymond Bernard Blakney
Eckhart. / Meister Eckhart - Beati pauperes spiritus. English. Meister Eckhart's sermon on Beati pauperes spiritu / (Eckhart von Hochheim) ; transl. by Raymond Bernard Blakney
Edman. / Irwin Edman - Candle in the Dark: A Postscript to Despair
Edwards. / David L. Edwards - "Honest to God" Debate: Some Reactions to the Book Honest to God
Einstein. / Albert Einstein - Ideas and Opinions
Eiseley. / Loren Eiseley - Firmament of Time
Eliade. / Mircea Eliade - Images and symbols : studies in religious symbolism / Mircea Eliade ; transl. by Philip Mairet
Eliade. / Mircea Eliade - Mythes, rêves et mystères. English. Myths, dreams, and mysteries : the encounter between contemporary faiths and archaic realities / Mircea Eliade ; transl. by Philip Mairet
Eliade. / Mircea Eliade - Forge and the Crucible: The Origins and Structure of Alchemy
Eliot. / T.S. Eliot - Four Quartets
Eliot. / T.S. Eliot - Murder in the Cathedral
Eliot. / T.S. Eliot - On Poetry and Poets
Eliot. / T.S. Eliot - Sacred Wood
Eliot. / T.S. Eliot - Waste Land
Ellard. / Gerald Ellard - Christian Life and Worship
Ellul. / Jacques Ellul - Illusion politique
Ellul. / Jacques Ellul - Propagandes
Ellul. / Jacques Ellul - technological society / Jacques Ellul ; transl. from the French by John Wilkinson ; with an introd. by Robert K. Merton
Emmanuel. / Pierre Emmanuel - Qui est cet homme?
Emmett. / Dorothy Emmett - Nature of Metaphysical Thinking
Empson. / William Empson - Seven types of ambiguity by William Empson
Enomiya / Hugo M. Enomiya Lasalle - Zen, Weg zu Erleuchtung
Erasmus. / Desiderius Erasmus - Ratio Verae Theologiae
Ernst. / Morris Ernst - Teacher / editor
Eshelman. / Clayton Eshelman - Residence on Earth / translation of Neruda, Pablo. Residencia en la Tierra
Esnoul. / Anne Marie Esnoul - Ramanuja et la mystique vishnouite
Eucherius / Eucherius - Contemptus Mundi
Euripides / Euripides - Iphigenia in Tauris
Evans-Wentz. / W.Y. (Walter Yeeling) Evans-Wentz - Tibetan yoga and secret doctrines : or, Seven books of wisdom of the great path, according to the late Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English rendering / W.Y. (Walter Yeeling) Evans-Wentz
Evdokimov. / Paul Evdokimov - Orthodoxie
Evdokimov. / Paul Evdokimov - femme et le salut du monde : etude d'anthropologie chretienne sur les charismes de la femme / Paul Evdokimov
Evdokimov. / Paul Evdokimov - femme et le salut du monde : étude d'anthropologie chrétienne sur les charismes de la femme / Paul Evdokimov
Everson / William K. Everson o.p. - Tongs of Jeopardy / pseudonym: brother Antoninus
Faber. / Frederick William Faber - Growth in Holiness
Fanon. / Frantz Fanon - Black skin, white masks / Frantz Fanon ; transl. by Charles Lam Markmann
Fanon. / Franz Fanon - Wretched of the Earth
Faukner. / William Faukner - Go Down Moses
Faulkner. / William Faulkner - As I lay dying
Faulkner. / William Faulkner - Essays, Speeches and Public Letters / ed. James B. Meriwether
Faulkner. / William Faulkner - Light in August
Faulkner. / William Faulkner - Sartoris / William Faulkner ; forew. by Robert Cantwell ; after. by Lawrance Thompson
Faulkner. / William Faulkner - Sound and the Fury
Faulkner. / William Faulkner - Wild Palms
Fenelon. / François de Salignac de La Mothe Fenelon - Lettres Spirituelles
Fenelon. / François de Salignac de La Mothe Fenelon - Fenelon: Letters of Love and Counsel / Merton wrote introduction
Ferry. / W.H. [Ping] Ferry - Disarm and Parley, a Case for Unilateral Disarmament
Festugière. / Andre Marie Jean Festugière - Contemplation et vie contemplative selon Platon
Fiedler. / Adolph Konrad Fiedler - Vom Wesen der Kunst
Fillion. / L.C. Fillion - Study of the Bible
Flanagan / Father Raymond Flanagan O.C.S.O. - Relax and Rejoice
Ford. / John (abbot) of Ford - Wulfric of Haselbury
Forster. / E. M. Forster - Abinger Harvest
Forster. / E.M. Forster - Passage to India
Foucault. / Michel Foucault - Madness and Civilization
Fowler. / Henri Watson Fowler - Dictionary of Modern English Usage
Francis. / Francis, Saint - little flowers of St. Francis. The mirror of perfection. The life of St. Francis
Freud. / Sigmund Freud - Civilization and its discontents / Sigmund Freud ; transl. by Joan Riviere
Fromm. / Erich Fromm - Man for himself : an inquiry into the psychology of ethics
Fromm. / Erich Fromm - Marx's concept of man / Erich Fromm ; with a transl. from Marx's economic and philosophical manuscripts by T.B. Bottomore
Fromm. / Erich Fromm - May Man Prevail
Fromm. / Erich Fromm - Psychoanalysis and religion
Fromm. / Erich Fromm - Sigmund Freud's Mission
Fromm. / Erich Fromm - Art of Loving: an Enquiry into the Nature of Love
Fromm. / Erich Fromm - Forgotten Language
Fromm. / Erich Fromm - Heart of Man: Its Genious for Good and Evil
Fromm. / Erich Fromm - Sane Society
Fromm. / Erich Fromm - Zen Buddhism & Psychoanalysis / Other autors: Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, Richard De Martino
Fuentes. / Carlos Fuentes - Change of Skin
Gaillardin. / Casimir Gaillardin - Les Trappistes, ou, L'ordre de Citeaux au XIX siècle: l'histoire de la Trappe depuis sa fondatione jusque'à nos jours
Gamow. / George Gamow - Thirty Years that shook Physics: The Story of Quantum Physics
Gandhi. / Mahatma Gandhi - Non-violence in Peace and War
Gascoigne. / Dame Margaret Gascoigne - Devotions
Gasquet. / Francis Aidan Gasquet - English Monastic Life
Gasquet. / Francis Aidan Gasquet - Henri VIII and the English Monasteries
Ghazali / Ghazali - Delivrance de l'erreur
Gheon. / Henri Gheon - Sainte Therèse de Lisieux
Giles. / Herbert Giles - Confucianism and its Rivals
Gill. / Eric Gill - Clothes: An Essay upon the Nature and Significance of the Natural and Artificial Integuments Worn by Men and Women
Gilson. / Etienne Gilson - God and Philosophy
Gilson. / Etienne Gilson - Spirit of Medieval Philosophy
Gilson. / Etienne Gilson - Mystical Theology of Saint Bernard / translation from the French: La theologie mystique de Saint Bernard
Gilson. / Etienne Gilson - Mystical Theology of Saint Bernard / translation from the French: La théologie mystique de Saint Bernard
Gilson. / Etienne Gilson - Unity of Philosophical Experience
Ginsberg. / Allen Ginsberg - Kaddish and other poems 1958-1960
Giono. / Jean Giono - Regain
Gironella. / Jose Maria Gironella - One Million Dead
Gogarty. / Oliver St. John Gogarty - Week End in the Middle of the Week: and other Essays on the Bias
Golding. / William Golding - Lord of the Fliles
Goodman. / Paul Goodman - Growing up Absurd
Gorodetzky. / Nadejda Gorodetzky - Humiliated Christ in Russian Thought
Görres. / Ida Friederike Görres - Broken Lights: Diaries and Letters of Ida Görres 1951-1959
Görres. / Ida Friederieke Görres - Hidden Face: A Study of St. Therese of Lisieux
Gougaud. / Louis Gougaud - Celtic Christianity
Gougaud. / Louis Gougaud - Ermites et Reclus
Govinda. / Anagarika Brahmacari Govinda - Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism / pseudonym of Ernst Lothar Hoffman
Graef. / Hilda Graef - Scholar and the Cross: The Life and Work of Edith Stein
Graham. / Aelred Graham - Zen Catholicism
Graves / Robert Graves and Alan Hodges - Reader over Your Shoulder
Green. / Julien Green - Chaque homme dans sa Nuit
Green. / Julien Green - Each in His Darkness
Green. / Julien Hartridge Green - Journals
Greene. / Felix Greene - Curtain of Ignorance
Greene. / Graham Greene - Burnt-Out Case
Greene. / Graham Greene - Journey without Maps
Greene. / Graham Greene - Another Mexico
Greene. / Graham Greene - Brighton Rock
Greene. / Graham Greene - Heart of the Matter
Greene. / Graham Greene - Quiet American
Gregg. / Richard Bewe Gregg - Power of Non-violence
Gregorius / Gregorius the Great - Homiliae in Evangelia
Gregory / Gregory of Nyssa - De vita Moysis
Gregory / Gregory of Nyssa - From Glory to Glory, Texts from Gregorius of Nyssa's Mystical Writings / Edited by J. Danielou/H. Musurillo
Gregory / Gregory of Nyssa - In canticum canticorum
Grierson. / Herbert J.C. Grierson - Methaphysical Lyrics & Poems of the 17th C.
Griffin. / John Howard Griffin - Black Like Me
Grimlaicus / Grimlaicus - Regula Solitariorum
Grivot. / Denis Grivot - Autun
Guardini. / Romano Guardini - Pascal for Our Time
Guardini. / Romano Guardini - Prayer in Practice
Guardini. / Romano Guardini - Religiöse Gestalten in Dostojewskijs Werk: Studien über den Glauben
Guardini. / Romano Guardini - Rilke's 'Duino Elegies': An Interpretation
Guenon. / Rene Guenon - Crisis of the Modern World
Guervara. / Falleció Roberto Guervara - Días móviles
Guigo / Guigo I - Meditations
Guigo / Guigo II - Scala Claustrarum
Guillet. / Jacques Guillet - Thèmes bibliques. Etudes sur l'expression et le developement de la revelation
Gunther. / John Gunther - Inside Russia Today
Haley. / Alex Haley - Autobiography of Malcolm X
Hallier. / Amadee Hallier - Monastic Theology of Aelred of Rievaulx: An Experimental Theology
Hamilton. / William Hamilton - Radical theology and the Death of God
Hammarskjöld. / Dag Hammarskjöld - Markings
Hammer. / Victor Hammer - Concern for the Art of Civilized Man
Hammer. / Victor Hammer - Fragments for C.R.H.
Hanshan / Hanshan - Surangama Sutra (Leng Yen Ching) / Chinese rendering by Master Paramiti of Central North India at Chih Chih Monastery, Canton, China, A. D. 705 ; commentary (abridged) by Ch'an Master Han Shan (1546-1623) ; transl. by Upasaka Lu K'uan
Happold. / Frederick Crossfield Happold - Mysticism: A Study and an Anthology
Hardy. / Thomas Hardy - Jude the Obscure
Harland. / Gordon Harland - Thought of Reinhold Niebuhr
Harrington. / Alan Harrington - Life in the Crystal Palace
Harrington. / Michael Harrington - Other America: Poverty in the United States
Hasley. / Lucille Hasley - Reproachfully Yours
Haughton. / Rosemary Haughton - Transformation of Man
Hausherr. / Irenee Hausherr - Penthos: The Doctrine of Compunction in the Christian East
Hausherr. / Irenee Hausherr - S.J. Jean le Solitaire (pseudo Jean de Lycopolis), Dialogue sur l'Ame et les passions des hommes
Hausherr. / Irenee Hausherr - Solitude et vie contemplative d'après l'Hesychasme
Hebel. / Johann Peter Hebel - Treasure Chest
Heiler. / Friedrich Heiler - Prayer: A Study in the History and Psychology of Religion
Heisenberg. / Werner Heisenberg - Physics and Philosophy
Herodotus / Herodotus - Histories
Herrick. / Robert Herrick - Hesperides: or the Works both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq. / British Poets, edited by F.J. Child
Herrigel. / Eugen Herrigel - Zen and the Art of Archery
Heruka. / Tsangnyön Heruka - Life of Milarepa
Heschel. / Abraham Joshua Heschel - Between God and Man. An Interpretation of Judaism
Heschel. / Abraham Joshua Heschel - God in Search of Man
Heschel. / Abraham Joshua Heschel - Man Is Not Alone
Heschel. / Abraham Joshua Heschel - Prophets
Heschel. / Abraham Joshua Heschel - Earth Is the Lord's: The Inner World of the Jew in Eastern Europe
Heschel. / Abraham Joshua Heschel - Insecurity of Freedom: Essays on Human Existence
Heschel. / Abraham Joshua Heschel - Sabbath
Hesse. / Herman Hesse - Steppenwolf
Hesse. / Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha
Hesse. / Hermann Hesse - Journey to the East / translation of Die Morgenlandfahrt by Hilda Rosner
Heureux. / John Heureux - Quick as Dandelions
Hieronymus / Hieronymus - Vita Sancti Pauli Eremitatae
Hilarius / Hilarius - Sermo de Vita Sancti Honorati Episcopi Arelatensis
Hildebrand. / Dietrich Hildebrand, von - In Defense of Purity
Hildebrand. / Dietrich Hildebrand, von - Transformation in Christ
Hilton. / Walter Hilton - Scale of Perfection
Hisamatsu. / Shin'ishi Hisamatsu - On Mutually Going Into the Matter of Self / translated by Gishin Tokiwa
Hochhuth. / Rolf Hochhuth - Deputy / Translation from the German Der Stellvertreter
Holberg / John Holberg (ed.) - Moralium dogma philosophorum
Homer / Homer - Iliad / Translated by Robert Fitzgerald
Hopkins. / Gerard Manley Hopkins - note-books and papers of Gerard Manley Hopkins / Gerard Manley Hopkins ; ed. with notes and a pref. by Humphry House
Horace. / Quintus Horace - Epodes
Horace. / Quintus Horace - Odes
Horia. / Vintila Horia - septième lettre. Le roman de Platon
Horney. / Karen Horney - Neurosis and human growth : the struggle toward selfrealization
Hromadka. / Josef Luk Hromadka - Gospel for Atheists
Hughes. / Richard Hughes - High Wind in Jamaica
Hughes. / Richard Hughes - In Hazard
Hui-neng / Hui-neng - Platform scripture / Hui-neng ; (transl. and with an introd. and notes by Wing-tsit Chan)
Huizinga. / Johan Huizinga - Erasmus and the Age of Reformation
Huizinga. / Johan Huizinga - Homo ludens : a study of the play-element in culture
Huizinga. / Johan Huizinga - Waning of the Middle Ages
Hutterian / Hutterian Brethren (ed.) - Children in Community
Huxley. / Aldous Huxley - After Many a Summer dies the Swan
Huxley. / Aldous Huxley - Ends and Means
Huxley. / Aldous Huxley - Gray Eminence
Huxley. / Aldous Huxley - Those barren leaves
Ignatius / Ignatius of Loyola - Spiritual Exercises
Ignatow. / David Ignatow - Rescue the dead : poems
Ionesco. / Eugène Ionesco - Poesie / ed. Renan
Ionesco. / Eugène Ionesco - Pieton de l'air
Ionesco. / Eugène Ionesco - Notes et contre-notes
Ionesco. / Eugène Ionesco - Bold Soprano
Ionesco. / Eugène Ionesco - Future Is in Eggs
Ionescu. / Eugène Ionescu - Avenir est dans les oeufs
Ionescu. / Eugène Ionescu - Rhinoceros
Irenaeus / Irenaeus of Lyon - Adversus Haereses
Isaac / Isaac of Stella - Sermones
Izutsu. / Toshihiko Izutsu - Comparative Study of the Key Philosopical Concepts in Sufism and Taoism
Jackson. / Kenneth H. Jackson - Studies in Early Celtic Nature Poetry
Jaeger. / Werner Wilhelm Jaeger - Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture / Gilbert Highet (translator)
Jahn. / Janheinz Jahn - Muntu: African Culture and Western World
Jarrell. / Randell Jarrell - Pictures from an Institution
Jarvie. / Ian Jarvie - Revolution in Anthropology
Jaspers. / Karl Jaspers - Nietsche and Christianity
Jaspers. / Karl Jaspers - Plato and Augustine / edited by Hannah Arendt
Jaspers. / Karl Jaspers - European Spirit
Jaspers. / Karl Jaspers - Way to Wisdom
Jeffers. / Robinson Jeffers - Selected Poems
John / John of Salesbury - Metalogicon
John / John of the Cross - Cántico espiritual / Saint John of the Cross ; según el ms. de las Madres carmelitas de Jaen ; ed. y notas de M. Martínez Burgos
John / John of the Cross - Obras de San Juan de la Cruz / edit. y anot. por P. Silverio de Santa Teresa
John / John of the Cross - Precautions
John / John of the Cross - Living Flame of Love
John / Saint John of the Cross - complete works of Saint John of the Cross, doctor of the church / Saint John of the Cross ; transl. from the critical edition of P. Silverio de Santa Teresa, and ed. by E. Allison Peers
Johnson. / Ronald Johnson - Line of Poetry, A Row of Trees
Johnson. / Ronald Johnson - Book of the Green Man
Johnston / William Johnston S.J. - Mysticism of the Cloud of Unknowing
Jones. / David Jones - Anathemata
Jones. / Penn Jones - Forgive My Grieve: A Critical Review of the Warren Commission Report on the Assasination of President John F. Kennedy
Joret / F.D. Joret o.p. - Dominican Life
Journet. / Charles Journet - Dark Knowledge of God / translated from the French by James F. Anderswon
Joyce. / James Joyce - Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Joyce. / James Joyce - Dubliners
Joyce. / James Joyce - Finnigans Wake
Joyce. / James Joyce - Letters of James Joyce
Joyce. / James Joyce - Ulysses
Julian / Julian of Norwich - Revelations of Divine Love
Junayd / Abu al-Qasim Junayd ibn Muhammad - life, personality and writings of al-Junayd : a study of a third-ninth century mystic / Abu al-Qasim Junayd ibn Muhammad ; with an ed. and transl. of his writings by Ali Hassan Abdel-Kader
Jundt. / Auguste Jundt - Amis de Dieu au quatorzième siècle
Jung. / Carl Gustav Jung - Undiscovered Self
Jungmann. / Josef A. Jungmann - Sacrifice of the Church: the Meaning of the Mass
Kafka. / Franz Kafka - Diaries of Franz Kafka 1910-1923 / Collected and translated from German by Max Brod
Kafka. / Franz Kafka - Castle
Kafka. / Franz Kafka - trial / by Franz Kafka
Kapleau. / Philip Kapleau - three pillars of Zen : teaching, practice, and enlightenment / comp. & ed., with transl., introd. & notes, by Philip Kapleau ; forew. by Huston Smith
Kavanaugh. / James Kavanaugh - Modern Priest Looks at His Outdated Church
Keats. / John Keats - Eve of St. Agnes
Kelley. / William Melvin Kelley - Different Drummer
Keys / Donald Keys (editor) - God and the H Bomb
Kierkegaard. / Søren Kierkegaard - Attack upon Christendom
Kierkegaard. / Søren Kierkegaard - Either/Or
Kierkegaard. / Søren Kierkegaard - Fear and Trembling
Kierkegaard. / Søren Kierkegaard - Journals of Kierkegaard / translated bij Alexander Dru
Kierkegaard. / Søren Kierkegaard - Present Age
Kierkegaard. / Søren Kierkegaard - Sickness unto Death
Kierkegaard. / Søren Kierkegaard - Works of love / by Søren Kierkegaard ; transl. from the Danish by David F. Swenson and Lillian Marvin Swenson ; with an introd. by Douglas V. Steere
Kipling. / Rudyard Kipling - Just-So Stories
Kishi. / Augustin Hideshi Kishi - Spiritual consciousness in Zen from a Thomistic theological point of view
Klee. / Paul Klee - Diaries of Paul Klee
Knowles / David Knowles o.s.b. - Historian and Character and other Essays
Knowles. / David Knowles o.s.b. - Religious Orders in England
Knox. / Robert Knox - Historical Relation of Zeilon
Knox. / Ronald Knox - Enthusiasm: A Chapter in the History of Religion with Special Reference to the XVII and XVIII Centuries
Koestler. / Arthur Koestler - Darkness at Noon
Koestler. / Arthur Koestler - Invisable Writing
Koestler. / Arthur Koestler - Lotus and the Robot
Koestler. / Arthur Koestler - Sleepwalkers
Koestler. / Arthur Koestler - Thieves in the Night
Kroeber. / Theodora Kroeber - Ishi in Two Worlds: A Biography of the Last Wild Indian in North America
Kümmel. / Werner Georg Kümmel - Man in the New Testament / trans. John J. Vincent
Küng. / Hans Küng - Council, Reform and Reunion
Lactantius / Lactantius - De Opifico Dei
Ladeuze. / P. Ladeuze - Essai sur le cenobitisme pakhômien
Laforgue. / Jules Laforgue - Complaintes
Lahey. / G.F. Lahey - Gerard Manley Hopkins
Lampedusa. / Giuseppe Lampedusa - The Leopard
Landsberg. / Paul Louis Landsberg - Problèmes du personalisme
Lanza / Joseph Jean Lanza del Vasto - Peleinage aux Sources
Lanza / Joseph Jean Lanza del Vasto - Pelerinage aux Sources
Lao / Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching / Translated by John C.H. Wu
Lapp. / Ralph E. Lapp - Kill and Overkill
Larbaud. / Valery Larbaud - Amants Heureux Amants
Larsson. / Raymond E. F. Larsson - Book Like a Bow Curved
Laughlin. / James Laughlin - Poems : selections : a small book of poems / James Laughlin
Laughlin. / James Laughlin - Some Natural Things
Laughlin. / James Laughlin - wild anemone & other poems
Lawler. / Justus George Lawler - Catholic Dimension in Higher Education
Lawrence. / D.H. Lawrence - Mornings in Mexico
Lawrence. / D.H. Lawrence - Saint Mawr
Lawrence. / D.H. Lawrence - Selected Poems / edited by J. Reeves
Lawrence. / D.H. Lawrence - Sketches of Etruscan Places and other Italian Essays
Lawrence. / D.H. Lawrence - Twilight in Italy
Lawrence. / Peter Lawrence - Road Belong Cargo: A Study of the Cargo Movement in the Southern Madang District
Lax. / Robert Lax - Circus of the Sun
Leary. / Paris Leary - Controversy of Poets: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poets
Leclercq / Jean Leclercq o.s.b. - Alone with God
Leclercq / Jean Leclercq - Alone with God
Leclercq / Jean Leclercq - Otia Monastica: etudes sur le vocabulaire de la contemplation au Moyen A¢ge
Leclercq / Jean Leclercq o.s.b. - Otia Monastica: Etudes sur le vocabulaire de la contemplation au Moyen âge
Leclercq / Jean Leclercq o.s.b. - St. Bernard mystique
Leclercq / Jean Leclercq - St. Bernard mystique
Leclercq. / Jean Leclercq o.s.b. - Chances de la spiritualite occidentale
Leclercq. / Jean Leclercq o.s.b. - Amour des lettres et le desier de Dieu. Initiation aux auteurs monastiques du moyen age
Leclercq. / Jean Leclercq - Dottrina del Beato Paolo Giustiniani
Leen. / Edward Leen - Progress through Mental Prayer
Leff. / Gordon Leff - Heresy in the Later Middle Ages: The Relation of Heterodoxy to Dissent c.1250 - c.1450
Legge. / James Legge - Chinese classics
Legge. / James Legge - Texts of Taoism
Leggett. / Trevor Leggett - first Zen reader
Lehodey. / Vital Lehodey - Saint Abandon
Lentfoehr / Therese Lentfoehr S.D.S. - Give Joan a Sword
Lentfoehr / Therese Lentfoehr S.D.S. - I Sing of a Maiden
Lepp. / Ignace Lepp - From Karl Marx to Jesus Christ
Lepp. / Ignace Lepp - Christian Failure
Leskov. / Nikolai Leskov - Cathedral Clergy
Levertov. / Denise Levertov - Overland to the Islands
Levertov. / Denise Levertov - With Eyes in the Backs of Their Heads
Levi-Strauss. / Claude Levi-Strauss - cru et le cuit
Levi-Strauss. / Claude Levi-Strauss - Mythologiques I
Levi-Strauss. / Claude Levi-Strauss - Pensee sauvage
Levi-Strauss. / Claude Levi-Strauss - Tristes tropiques / par C. Levi-Strauss
Lings. / Martin Lings - Moslem saint of the twentieth century : Shaikh Ahmad al-'Alawi : his spiritual heritage and legacy
Lings. / Martin Lings - Ancient Beliefs and Modern Superstitions
Loch. / Sydney Loch - Athos, the Holy Mountain
Lorca. / Federico Garcia Lorca - Así que pasen cinco años
Lorca. / Federico Garcia Lorca - Romancero Gitano. Poema del Cante Jondo. Llanto por Ignacio Sanchez Mejias
Lorenz. / Konrad Lorenz - On Aggression
Lortz. / Joseph Lortz - Reformation: A Problem For Today
Lossky. / Vladimir Lossky - À l'Image et à la Ressemblance de Dieu
Lossky. / Vladimir Lossky - Essay de la theologie mystique de l'Eglise d'Orient
Lossky. / Vladimir Lossky - Essay de la théologie mystique de l'eglise d'Orient
Lossky. / Vladimir Lossky - Vision de Dieu
Lossky. / Vladimir Lossky - Theologie negative et connaissance de Dieu chez Maître Eckhart
Lot-Borodin. / Myrrha Lot-Borodin - Nicolas Cabasilas: un maître de la spiritualite byzantine au XIVe siècle
Lowell. / Robert Lowell - For the Union Dead
Lowell. / Robert Lowell - Imitations
Lowell. / Robert Lowell - Lord Weary's Castle
Lü. / Tung-pin Lü - Secret of the golden flower : a Chinese book of life. / Tung-pin Lü ; transl. and expl. by Richard Wilhelm ; with a forew. and comment. by C.G. Jung ; and a part of the Chinese meditation text The book of consciousness and life
Lubac. / Henri Lubac, De - Catholicism
Lubac. / Henri Lubac, De - Exegèse medieval: les quatre sens de l'Ecriture
Lubac. / Henri Lubac, De - Teilhard de Chardin: The Man and His Meaning / transl. R. Hague
Lucas. / Frank Laurence Lucas - Decline and Fall of the Romantic Ideal
Lupasco. / Stephane Lupasco - Logique et contradiction
Lyford. / Joseph P. Lyford - Airtight Cage
Mabillon / Jean Mabillon o.s.b. - Traite des etudes monastiques
Macaulay. / Rose Macaulay - Personal Pleasures
Maccquarrie. / John Maccquarrie - Extentialist Theology: a Comparison of Heidegger and Bultmann
Mahan. / Jean Berthold Mahan - Ordre cistercien et son gouvernement, des origines au milieu du XIIIe siecle (1098-1265)
Mahn. / J. B. Mahn - Pape Benoit XII et les cisterciens
Makra. / Mary Lelia Makra - Hsiao Ching / transl. (from the Chinese) by Mary Lelia Makra ed. by Paul K. T. Sih
Malinowski. / Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski - Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term
Mandonnet. / P. Mandonnet - Dante le Theologien. Introduction à l'intelligence de la Vie, des Oevres et de l'Art de Dante Alighieri
Mann. / Thomas Mann - The Magic Mountain / translation from German Der Zauberberg
Marbodus / Marbodus Redonensis - Opuscula
Marcel. / Gabriel Marcel - Homo viator
Marcuse. / Herbert Marcuse - One-dimensional man : studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society / by Herbert Marcuse
Marguerite / Marguerite Porete - Mirror of Simple Souls
Marie-Eugène / Marie-Eugène de l'Enfant Jesus, O.C.D. - Je suis fille d'eglise
Maritain. / Jacques Maritain - Art and Scholasticism
Maritain. / Jacques Maritain - Carnet de notes / Jacques Maritain
Maritain. / Jacques Maritain - Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry
Maritain. / Jacques Maritain - Introduction to Philosophy / Translated by E. I. Watkin - Foreword by Ralph McInerny
Maritain. / Jacques Maritain - paysan de la Garonne : un vieux laïc s'interroge à propos du temps present
Maritain. / Jacques Maritain - paysan de la Garonne : un vieux laïc s'interroge a  propos du temps présent
Maritain. / Jacques Maritain - paysan de la Garonne : un vieux laîc s'interroge à propos du temps present
Maritain. / Jacques Maritain - Liturgie et contemplation / par Jacques et Raïssa Maritain ; pref. de Charles Journet
Maritain. / Jacques Maritain - mimeographed conference in December 1964
Maritain. / Jacques Maritain - Moral Philosophy
Maritain. / Jacques Maritain - Dream of Descartes
Maritain. / Raïssa Maritain - Chagall: Ou l'orage enchantre
Maritain. / Raïssa Maritain - Journal de Raïssa
Maritain. / Raïssa Maritain - Grandes Amities: Souvenirs
Maritain. / Raïssa Maritain - Notes sur le Pater
Martène. / Edmond Martène - Voyage Litteraire de Deux Benedictins de la Congragation de Saint Maure / co-author Ursin Durand
Martínez / Angel Martínez Baigorri - Sonetos irreparables
Marty. / Martin E. Marty - Varieties of Unbelieve
Marx. / Karl Marx - Critique of Hegel's 'Philosophy of Right'
Mascall / E.L. Mascall (ed.) - Blessed Virgin Mary: Essays by Anglicans / co-editor: H.S. Box
Mason. / Eudo C. Mason - Rilke, Europe and the English-Speaking World
Massignon. / Louis Massignon - Akhbar al-Hallaj. Texte ancien relatif à la predication et au supplice du mystique musulman al-Hosayn B. Mansour al-Hallaj
Massignon. / Louis Massignon - Opera Minora
Massignon. / Louis Massignon - Parole donnee / Louis Massignon ; introd. de Vincent Monteil
Massignon. / Louis Massignon - Peasant of the Garonne
Mauser. / Ulrich Mauser - Christ in the Wilderness
McAdoo. / Henry Robert McAdoo - Structure of Caroline Moral Theology
McAfee / Robert McAfee Brown - American Dialogue: A Protestant Looks at Catholicism
McLuhan. / Marshall McLuhan - Understanding media : the extensions of man / by Marshall McLuhan
Meer / Pieter Meer de Walcheren, van der - Paradis Blanc
Meer / Pieter Meer de Walcheren, van der - Rencontres: Leon Bloy, Raïssa Maritain, Christine et Pieterke
Meer. / Frederic Meer, van der - Augustine the Bishop
Meerloo. / Joost Abraham Maurits Meerloo - Homo Militans
Melville. / Herman Melville - Moby Dick; of the Whale
Mens. / Alacantara Mens - Oorsprong en betekenis van de Nederlandse begijnen - en begardenbeweging. Vergelijkende studie XII-XIII eeuw
Merleau-Ponty. / Maurice Merleau-Ponty - In Praise of Philosophy / transl. of Eloge de la philosophy et autres essays (Paris 1960)
Merleau-Ponty. / Maurice Merleau-Ponty - Sens et non-sens
Merleau-Ponty. / Maurice Merleau-Ponty - Signes
Milarepa / Milarepa - Sixty songs of Milarepa / transl. by Garma C.C. Chang ; select. and introd. by Bikkhu Khantipalo
Miller. / Henri Miller - Murder the Murderer
Miller. / Henry Miller - Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch
Miller. / Henry Miller - Remember to remember
Miller. / Henry Miller - Stand Still like the Hummingbird
Miller. / Henry Miller - Colossus of Maroussi
Miller. / Henry Miller - Time of the Assassins: a Study of Rimbaud
Miller. / Henry Miller - Wisdom of the Heart
Milosz. / Czeslaw Milosz - Postwar Polish Poetry: An Anthology
Milosz. / Czeslaw Milosz - Sur les bords de l'Issa
Milosz. / Czeslaw Milosz - Captive Mind
Milosz. / Czeslaw Milosz - Seizure of Power
Milton. / John Milton - Paradise Lost
Mistral. / Gabriela Mistral - Motivos de San Francisco : poems en prosa / por Gabriela Mistral ; seleccion y prologo de Cesar Diaz-Munoz Cormatches
Molinari. / Paul Molinari - Julian of Norwich: The Teachings of a Fourteenth Century Mystic
Monchanin. / Jules Monchanin - De l'esthetique à la mystique
Montaigne. / Michel Montaigne - On Solitude
Montale. / Eugenio Montale - Ossi di Seppia
Montale. / Eugenio Montale - Selected Poems / introduction by Glauco Cambon
Montherlant. / Henri Montherlant - Va jouer avec cette poussière; carnets 1958-1964
Mooney. / James Mooney - Ghost-dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890
Moseley. / Virginia Moseley - Joyce and the Bible
Mounier. / Emmanuel Mounier - Personalism
Mudge. / Isadore Gilbert Mudge - Guide to Reference Books
Muir. / Edwin Muir - Autobiography
Muir. / Edwin Muir - Collected Poems
Muir. / Edwin Muir - Estate of Poetry
Mumford. / Lewis Mumford - Art and Technics
Mumford. / Lewis Mumford - Culture of Cities
Mumford. / Lewis Mumford - City in History
Mumford. / Lewis Mumford - Myth of the machine : technics and human development
Murti. / T.R.V. Murti - Central Philosophy of Buddhism
Nabokov. / Peter Nabokov - Two Leggings: The Making of a Crow Warrior
Nanasampanno. / Acariya Maha Boowa Nanasampanno - Wisdom Develops Samadhi / translated from Thai by Bhikkhu Pannavaddho
Nash. / Roderick Frazier Nash - Wilderness & the American Mind
Neruda. / Pablo Neruda - Residence on Earth
Neumann. / Erich Neumann - Amor and Psyche: The Psychic Development of the Feminine: A Commentary on the Tale by Apuleius.
Newman. / James Roy Newman - Rule of Folly
Nhat / Thich Nhat Hanh - Vietnam: Lotus in a Sea of Fire
Nicholas / Nicholas of Cusa - Opuscula
Nicholas / Nicholas of Narbonne - Ignea Sagitta (The Flaming Arrow)
Nicolas / Nicolas of Cusa - Vision of God
Niebuhr. / Reinhold Niebuhr - Christian Realism and Political Problems
Nietzsche. / Friedrich Nietzsche - Birth of Tragidy from the Spirit of Music
Nin. / Anaïs Nin - Under a Glass Bell
Nishida. / Kitaro Nishida - study of good / Kitaro Nishida ; transl. by V.H. Viglielmo
Nishida. / Kitaro Nishida - Intelligibility and the Philosophy of Nothingness: Three Philosophical Essays / Kitaro Nishida ; transl. and introd. by Robert Schinzinger in collaboration with I. Koyama and T. Kojima.
Nizan. / Paul Nizan - Aden Arabie
Nogard. / Raymond J. Nogard - Lord of the Absurd
Northbourne. / Lord Walter Northbourne - Religion in the modern world
Norwich. / John Julius Norwich - Mount Athos
Nyanaponika. / Thera Nyanaponika - Heart of Buddhist Meditation
O'Brien. / Darcy O'Brien - Conscience of James Joyce
O'Connor. / Flannnery O'Connor - Everhthing That Rises Must Converge
O'Connor. / Flannnery O'Connor - Everything That Rises Must Converge
O'Connor. / Flannnery O'Connor - Wise Blood
Odojewski. / Wlodzimierz Odojewski - Dying Day
O'Gorman. / Ned O'Gorman - Prophetic Voices: Ideas and Words of Revolution
Oldenbourg. / Zoe Oldenbourg - Destiny of Fire
Oldenbourg. / Zoe Oldenbourg - Massacre at Monsegur: A History of the Albigensian Crusade
Origenes / Origenes - Contra Celsum / Translated with an introduction & notes by Henry Chadwick
Origenes / Origenes - Opera Omnia
Origenes / Origenes - Treatise on Prayer.
Origo. / Iris Origo - Leopardi: A Study in Solitude
Orwell. / George Orwell - Politics and the English Language
Osborn. / E.F. Osborn - Philosophy of Clement of Alexandria / and C.H. Dodd
Ovidius / Publius Ovidius Naso - Metamorphoses
Packard. / Vance Packard - Naked Society
Paddock / John Paddock (ed.) - Ancient Oaxaca: Discoveries in Mexican Archeology and History
Pallis. / Marco Pallis - Is There Room for 'Grace' in Buddhism?
Pallis. / Marco Pallis - Peaks and Lamas
Pallis. / Marco Pallis - Way and the Mountain
Papini. / Giovanni Papini - Letters of Pope Celestine VI
Parain. / Brice Parain - Mort de Jean Madec
Parent. / Joseph Marie Parent - Doctrine de la Creation dans l'Ecole de Chartres. Etude et textes
Parra. / Nicanor Parra - Versos de salon
Pascal. / Blaise Pascal - Provincial Letters, Pensees, Scientific Treatises. / translated by W.F.Trotter, in Great Books of the Western World
Pasternak. / Boris Pasternak - Doctor Zhivago
Pasternak. / Boris Pasternak - I Remember: Sketch for an Autobiography
Pasternak. / Boris Leonidovich Pasternak - docteur Jivago : roman / Boris Leonidovic Pasternak ; trad. du russe
Pasternak. / Boris Pasternak - Letters to Georgian Friends / Translated by D. Magarshack
Pasternak. / Boris Pasternak - Safe Conduct: An Autobiography and other Writings
Pasternak. / Boris Pasternak - Selected Writings
Patchen. / Kenneth Patchen - Selected Poems
Patchen. / Kenneth Patchen - Dark Kingdom
Patmore. / Coventry Patmore - Poems
Paustovsky. / Konstantin Paustovsky - Story of a Life
Pavese. / Cesare Pavese - Among Women Only / translation of Tra donne sole
Pavese. / Cesare Pavese - Harvesters / Translation from the Italian Paesi Tuoi
Pavese. / Cesare Pavese - House on the Hill / translation of La Casa in Collina
Pavese. / Cesare Pavese - Moon and the Bonfires / Translation from the Italian La Luna e i Falô
Peele. / George Peele - Old Wives Tale
Peguy. / Charles Peguy - Mystery of the Holy Innocents
Pemba. / Tsewang Yishey Pemba - Idols on the Path
Penco. / Gregorio Penco - Storia del monachesimo in Italia: Dalle origini alla fine del medio evo
Pepler. / Conrad Pepler - English Religious Heritage
Percy. / Walker Percy - Last Gentleman
Percy. / Walker Percy - Moviegoer
Perles. / Alfred Perles - My Friend, Henri Miller: An Intimate Biography
Perrin. / Henri Perrin - Priest and Worker: The Autobiography of Henri Perrin
Perse. / Saint-John Perse - Excile: and other Poems
Peter / Peter Damian - Works. 1853. S. Petri Damiani S.R.E. cardinalis episcopi ostiensis, ordinis s. Benedicti, e congregatione fontis-avellanæ : opera omnia : collecta primum ac argumentis et notationibus illustrat / Saint Peter Damian
Peters. / H.F. Peters - Rainer Maria Rilke, Masks and the Man
Philipon. / Marie Michel Philipon - Doctrine Spirituelle de Soeur Elisabeth de La Trinite
Philippe / Paul Philippe O.P. - Très Sainte Vierge et le Sacerdoce
Piault. / Bernard Piault - What Is the Trinity
Picard. / Max Picard - Flight from God
Picard. / Max Picard - World of Silence
Pieper. / Josef Pieper - Happiness and Contemplation
Pieper. / Josef Pieper - In tune with the world : a theory of festivity / Josef Pieper ; transl. from the German by Richard and Clara Winston
Pieper. / Josef Pieper - Leisure, The Basis of Culture
Pieper. / Josef Pieper - Four Cardinal Virtues: Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance
Pius / Pius XI - Divini Redemptoris
Plato / Plato - Gorgias
Plato / Plato - Phaedo
Plato / Plato - Symposium
Poole. / R.L. Poole - Masters of the Schools at Paris and Chartres in John of Salisbury's Time
Porete. / Marguerite Porete - Mirror of Simple Souls
Porion. / Jean Baptiste Porion - Hadewijch d'Anvers. Ecrits mystiques des Beguines
Porion. / Jean-Baptiste Porion - Sainte Trinite et la Vie Intereure
Porter. / Katherine Anne Porter - Pale Horse, Pale Rider
Post. / Laurens Post, van der - Dark Eye in Africa: Politics, Psychology
Post. / Laurens Post, van der - Heart of the Hunter
Post. / Laurens Post, Van Der - Lost World of the Kalahari
Post. / Laurens Post, van der - Lost World of the Kalahary
Pouillon. / Fernand Pouillon - Pierres sauvages
Poulet. / Georges Poulet - Studies in Human Time
Pound. / Ezra Pound - Culture
Pound. / Ezra Pound - Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
Pound. / Ezra Pound - Lustra
Pound. / Ezra Pound - Pisan Cantos
Powers. / James Farl Powers - Morte d'Urban
Presse. / Dom Alexis Presse - A l'ecole de St. Benoît
Presse. / Dom Alexis Presse - Bela Just: Les Illumines
priest / priest Sylvester - Domostroy
Progroff. / Ira Progroff - Symbolic & the Real: A New Psychological Approach to the Fuller Experience of Personal Existence
Purdy. / James Purdy - Cabot Wright Begins
Quasimodo. / Salvatore Quasimodo - False and True Green / translation from the Italian: Il falso e vero verde
Radin. / Paul Radin - Primitive Man as Philosopher
Rahner / Hugo Rahner S.J. - Man at Play
Rahner. / Hugo Rahner - Theology of Proclamation / Translated from the German: Eine Theologie der Verkündigung
Rahner. / Karl Rahner - Free Speech in the Church
Rahner. / Karl Rahner - Mary, Mother of the Lord
Rahner. / Karl Rahner - Mission and Grace: Essays in Pastoral Theology
Rahner. / Karl Rahner - On the Theology of Death
Rahner. / Karl Rahner - Christian Commitment: Essays in Pastoral Theology
Rahner. / Karl Rahner - The Dynamic Element in the Church (Quaestiones Disputatae)
Rampa. / Tuesday Lobsang Rampa - Third Eye. The Autobiography of a Tibetan Lama
Ravier / Andre Ravier S.J. - Mystique et les mystiques
Rawicz. / Piotr Rawicz - Blood from the Sky
Read. / Herbert Eduard Read - Icon and Idea: The Function of Art in the Development of Human Consciousness
Read. / Herbert Read - Green Child
Reed. / Nelson Reed - Caste War of Yucatan
Regamey / Pie Raymond Regamey O.P. - Non-Violence et conscience chretienne
Regamey. / P.-R. (Pie-Raymond) Regamey - Face à la violence : pour un statut des objecteurs de conscience / par P.-R. Regamey et J.-Y. Jolif.
Regamey. / Pie Raymond Regamey - Cross and the Christian / Translated from the French by Angeline Bouchard
Regamey. / Pie Raymond Regamey - Poverty: An Essential Element in the Christian Life / Translated from the French by Rosemary Sheed
Religieux / Un Religieux Chartreux - La Vie Contemplative son rôle apostolique
Reps. / Paul Reps - Zen flesh, Zen bones : a collection of Zen & pre-Zen writings / by Paul Reps
Rexroth. / Kenneth Rexroth - Collected Shorter Poems
Rexroth. / Kenneth Rexroth - Natural Numbers: New and Selected Poems
Reznikoff. / Charles Reznikoff - Testimony: The United States (1985-1915)
Richards. / Ivor Armstrong Richards - Coleridge on Imagination
Richards. / Ivor Armstrong Richards - Mencius on the Mind: Experiments in Multiple Definition
Rilke. / Rainer Maria Rilke - Book of Hours
Rilke. / Rainer Maria Rilke - Das Buch der Bilder
Rilke. / Rainer Maria Rilke - Duino Elegies / translated into English by James Blair Leishman and Stephen Spender
Rilke. / Rainer Maria Rilke - Letters to a Young Poet
Rilke. / Rainer Maria Rilke - Neue Gedichte
Rilke. / Rainer Maria Rilke - Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
Rilke. / Rainer Maria Rilke - Sonnets to Orpheus / translated by J.B.L. Leishman
Rimbaud. / Arthur Rimbaud - Season in Hell
Roberts. / Thomas E. Roberts - Nuclear Weapons and Christian Conscience
Robinson. / John A. T. (John Arthur Thomas) Robinson - Honest to God
Rolland. / Romain Rolland - Inde: journal 1915-1943
Romains. / Jules Romains - Men of Good Will
Rothenberg. / Jerome Rothenberg - Gorky Poems
Rougement. / Denis Rougement - Western Quest: the Principles of Civilization
Rounault. / Jean Rounault - Nightmare / pseudonym of Rainer Biemel
Rousseau. / Jean Jacques Rousseau - Confessions
Rozanov. / Vasilii Rozanov - Face sombre du Christ
Ruether. / Rosemary Ruether - Church Against Itself
Rufinus. / Tyrannius Rufinus - Historia Monachorum in Aegypto
Runyon. / Damon Runyon - Damon Runyon Omnibus
Rutledge. / Denys Rutledge - In Search of a Yogi
Ruusbroec. / Jan Ruusbroec - Oeuvres de Ruysbroeck l'admirable / Jan van Ruusbroec ; trad. du flamand par les Benedictins de Saint-Paul de Wisques par Ernest Hello
Ruysbroeck. / Jan Ruysbroeck - Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage
Rynne. / Xavier Rynne - Letters from Vatican City
Saint-Beuve. / Charles Augustin Saint-Beuve - Port Royal
Salesbury. / Harrison Evans Salesbury - A New Russia?
Salinger. / J.D. Salinger - Franny and Zooey
Sankaracharya / Sankaracharya - Crest-Jewel of Discrimination
Saroyan. / William Saroyan - Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapese and Other Stories
Saroyan. / William Saroyan - Inhale and Exhale
Sarraute. / Nathalie Sarraute - Portrait d'un inconnu : roman / Nathalie Sarraute ; pref. de J.-P. Sartre
Sartre. / Jean Paul Sartre - Anti-Semite and Jew
Sartre. / Jean Paul Sartre - Baudelaire
Sartre. / Jean Paul Sartre - Huis Clos
Sartre. / Jean Paul Sartre - être et le neant : essai d'ontologie phenomenologique / par J.-P. Sartre
Sartre. / Jean Paul Sartre - nausee : roman
Sartre. / Jean Paul Sartre - Nausée : roman
Sartre. / Jean Paul Sartre - Mots
Sartre. / Jean Paul Sartre - Literature & existentialism / Jean Paul Sartre ; transl. from the French by Bernard Frechtman
Sartre. / Jean Paul Sartre - Respectful Prostitute
Sartre. / Jean Paul Sartre - Age of Reason
Sasanasobhon / Phra Sasanasobhon (ed.) - His Majesty King Rama the fourth Mongkut
Schamoni. / Wilhelm Schamoni - Face of the Saints
Scheeben. / Matthias Joseph Scheeben - Mysteries of Christianity
Schillebeeckx / Edward Schillebeeckx o.p. - Christ, the Sacrament of the Encounter with God.
Schlier. / Heinrich Schlier - Eleutheros
Scholem. / Gershom Gerhard Scholem - Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism
Schuon. / Frithjof Schuon - Comprendre l'Islam
Schuon. / Frithjof Schuon - Language of the self / Frithjof Schuon ; transl. by Marco Pallis and Macleod Matheson
Schuster. / Ildefonso Schuster - Vie monastique dans la pensée de Saint Bernard
Schwartz-Bart. / Andre Schwartz-Bart - Last of the Just
Scott-Moncrieff. / George Scott-Moncrieff - Scottish Islands
Segal. / Ronald Segal - Race War
Serafian. / Michael Serafian - Pilgrim: Pope Paul VI, & the Church in Time of Decision / pseudonym of Malachi Martin
Sertillanges. / Antonin Gilbert Sertillanges - Vie Intellectuelle; son exprit, ses conditions ses methodes
Shah. / Idries Shah - Sufis / Idries Shah ; introd. by Robert Graves
Shantideva / Shantideva - Way of the Boddhisattva: A Translation of the Bodhicharyavatara
Shibayama. / Zenkei Shibayama - flower does not talk / Zenkei Shibayama ; transl. by Sumiko Kudo ; with an introd. by Daisetz T. Suzuki.
Shirer. / William L. Shirer - Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany
Sih. / Paul K.T. Sih - Decision for China
Sih. / Paul K.T. Sih - From Confusius to Christ
Singer. / Isaac Bashevis Singer - Gimpel the fool
Sitwell. / Sacheverell Sitwell - Monks, Nuns and Monasteries
Skinner. / B.F. Skinner - Walden Two
Smalley. / Beryl Smalley - Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages
Snell. / Bruno Snell - Discovery of the mind: in Greek philosophy and literature
Solovyov. / Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov - Godmanhood as the main idea of the philosophy of Vladimir Solovyev / Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov ; ed. by Peter P. Zouboff. Chteniia o Bogocheloviechestvie
Solovyov. / Vladimir Sergeyewich Solovyov - Meaning of Love
Sophocles / Sophocles - Antigone
Sophocles / Sophocles - Oedipus at Colonus
Sophrony. / Sophrony - Undistorted Image: Startz Silouan 1866-1938
Southern. / R.W. Southern - Life of St. Anselm, Archbisshop of Canterbury
Spender. / Stephen Spender - Collected Poems
Spiegelberg. / Herbert Spiegelberg - Phenomenological Movement: a Historical Introduction
Squirru. / Rafael Squirru - Challenge of the New Man: A Cultural Approach to the Latin American Scene
Standard / Paul Standard e.a. - Chapters of Writing and Printing
Steichen. / Edward Steichen - family of man : the greatest photographic exhibition of all time : 503 pictures from 68 countries / created by Edward Steichen for the Museum of Modern Art
Stein / Walter Stein (ed.) - Nuclear Weapons and the Christian Conscience
Stein / Walter Stein (ed.) - Nuclear Weapons: a Catholic Response
Steiner. / George Steiner - Language & Silence: Essays on Language, Literature and the Inhuman
Steinmann. / Eliezer Steinmann - garden of Hassidism / Eliezer Steinmann ; transl. from the Hebrew by Haim Shachter
Steinmann. / Jean Steinmann - Saint Jerome and His Times
Stephens. / John Lloyd Stephens - Incidents of Travel in Yucatan
Stern. / Alfred Stern - Sartre, His Philosophy and Existential Psychoanalysis
Stern. / Karl Stern - Pillar of Fire
Stern. / Karl Stern - Flight from Woman
Stern. / Karl Stern - third revolution : a study of psychiatry and religion
Stonier. / Tom Stonier - Nuclear Disaster
Stoudt. / John Joseph Stoudt - Sunrise to Eternity: A Study in Jacob Boehme's Life and Thought
Strachey. / Giles Lytton Strachey - Eminent Victorians
Stranks. / Charles James Stranks - Anglican Devotion
Stringfellow. / William Stringfellow - My People Is the Enemy: An Autobiographical Polemic
Styron. / William Clark Styron - Confessions of Nat Turner
Sulpicius / Sulpicius Severus - Dialogues
Sundkler. / Bengt Sundkler - Bantu Prophets in South Africa
Sutherland / Elizabeth Sutherland Martinez (ed.) - Letters from Mississippi
Suzuki. / Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki - Essentials of Zen Buddhism
Suzuki. / Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki - Manual of Zen Buddhism / Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
Suzuki. / Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki - Mysticism : Christian and Buddhist
Suzuki. / Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki - Zen and Japanese Buddhism
Suzuki. / Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki - Zen and Japanese culture
Suzuki. / Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki - Zen and Psychoanalysis
Svevo. / Italo Svevo - Confessions of Zeno / translation of La Coscienza di Zeno 1923
Syke. / Gerald Syke - Cool Millennium
Sze. / Mai-Mai Sze - Tao of Painting
Tagore. / Rabindranath Tagore - One Hundred Poems of Kabir / translated by Evelyn Underhill
Talbot. / C.H. Talbot - Life of Christina of Markyate, a Twelfth Century Recluse
Tauler. / Johannes Tauler - Book of the Poor in Spirit
Tauler. / Johannes Tauler - Sermons de Tauler : traduction sur les plus anciens manuscrits allemands / par les RR. PP. Hugueny, Thery, O. P. et A. L. Corin
Taylor. / Henry Osborn Taylor - Medieval Mind: A History of the Development of Thought and Emotion in the Middle Ages
Teilhard / Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Divine Milieu
Teilhard / Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Hymne de l'univers / Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Teller. / Edward Teller - Legacy of Hiroshima
Tempels. / Placide Tempels - philosophie bantou
Teresa / Teresa of Avila - Autobiography
Terry. / Philip Terry - Terry's Guide to Cuba
Terry. / Thomas Philip Terry - Terry's Mexico
Tertullianus / Tertullianus - Apologeticus adversos gentes pro christianis
Tertullianus / Tertullianus - De Oratione
Tertullianus. / Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus - De Resurectione Carnis
Theresa / Theresa of Avila O.C.D. - Interior Castle
Thierry / Thierry of Chartres - Hexameron
Thomas / Thomas a Kempis - Imitation of Christ
Thomas / Thomas Aquinas - Commentary on the Gospel of St. John
Thomas / Thomas Aquinas - Commentary on Timothy
Thomas / Thomas Aquinas - De Divinis Moribus
Thomas / Thomas Aquinas - De Ente et Essentia
Thomas / Thomas Aquinas - Suma Contra Gentiles
Thomas / Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologiae
Thomas. / Dylan Thomas - 18 Poems
Thoreau. / Henry David Thoreau - Walden or Life in the Woods
Thornton. / Martin Thornton - English Spirituality: An Outline of Ascetical Theology according to the English Pastoral Tradition
Thurber. / James Thurber - Life and Hard Times
Thurber. / James Thurber - Years with Ross
Tillich. / Paul Tillich - Love, Power and Justice
Tillich. / Paul Tillich - Protestant Era
Tillich. / Paul Tillich - Theology of Culture
Tour / Patrice Tour du Pin, de la - Dedicated Life and Poetry
Trahern. / Thomas Trahern - Centuries of Meditation
Trahern. / Thomas Trahern - Centuries, Poems and Thanksgivings
Tresmontant. / Claude Tresmontant - Doctrine morale des prophètes d'Israel
Trevor / Hugh Trevor Roper - Men and Events
Trilling. / Lional Mordecai Trilling - Broken Mirror: A Collection of Writings from Contemporary Poland / edited by Pawel Mayewski
Troyat. / Henri Troyat - Case de l'Oncle Sam
Trungpa. / Chogyam Trungpa - Born in Tibet
Tucci. / Giuseppe Tucci - Theory and Practice of the Mandala
Tucker. / Robert C. Tucker - Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx
Tukaram. / Bhakta Tukaram - Poems of Tukaram
Unamuno. / Miguel de Unamuno - Agonia del cristianismo
Underhill. / Evelyn Underhill - Mysticism. Study in Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness
Urs / Hans Urs von Balthasar - Dieu et l'homme d'aujourd'hui
Urs / Hans Urs von Balthasar - Gloire et la croix. Vol 1: Apparition
Urs / Hans Urs von Balthasar - Herrlichkeit. Eine theologische Ästetik.
Urs / Hans Urs von Balthasar - Presence et pensee. Essay sur la philosophie religieuse de Gregoire de Nysse
Urs / Hans Urs von Balthasar - Skitzen zur Theologie
Urs / Hans Urs von Balthasar - Word and Revelation. Essays in Theology I
Vagaggini. / Cyprian Vagaggini - Theological dimensions of the liturgy : a general treatise on the theology of the liturgy
Valery. / Paul Valery - Variety
Vallejo. / Cesar Vallejo - Poesías completas (1918-1938) / Cesar Vallejo ; recop. y pról. de Cesar Miro
Van / Mark Van Doren - Collected and New Poems, 1924-1963
Van / Mark Van Doren - Narrative Poems: Jonathan Gentry
Van / Mark Van Doren - Selected Poems
Van / Mark Van Doren - Spring Birth and Other Poems
Van / Mark Van Doren - Autobiography of Mark Van Doren
Van / Mark Van Doren - Mayfield Deer
Vaughan. / Henry Vaughan - Flores solitudinis
Verner / Thomas Verner Moore - Life of Man with God
Vico. / Giambattista Vico - Scienza Nuova
Villain. / Maurice Villain - Abbe Paul Couturier
Vinoba / Vinoba - Talks on the Gita (Translators have retained some essential Sanskrit words) / Vinoba ; introd. by Jayaprakash Narayan
Virgil / Virgil - Georgics
Vogüe. / Adalbert Vogüe, De o.s.b. - La communaute et l'abbe dans la Règle de saint Benoît
Voillaume. / Rene Voillaume - Au coeur des masses. La vie religieuse des Petits Frères du Père de Foucauld
Vonier. / Anscar Vonier - People of God
Waddell. / Helen Waddell - Wandering Scholars
Warnock. / G. J. Warnock - English Philosophy since 1900
Warren. / Robert Penn Warren - Segregation: the Inner Conflict in the South
Watkin. / E.I. (Edward Ingram) Watkin - Poets and mystics
Watts. / Alan W. Watts - Psychotherapy East and West
Waugh. / Evelyn Waugh - Brideshead Revisited
Waugh. / Evelyn Waugh - Decline and Fall
Waugh. / Evelyn Waugh - Helena
Waugh. / Evelyn Waugh - Officers and Gentlemen
Waugh. / Evelyn Waugh - Loved One
Waugh. / Evelyn Waugh - They were still dancing
Waugh. / Evelyn Waugh - Vile Bodies
Wei. / Wu Wei Wei - All else is bondage : "non-volitional living" / by Wei Wu Wei. pseud. of Terrence Gray
West. / Morris West - Shoes of the Fisherman
West. / Nathanael West - Miss Lonelyhearts
Wickes. / George Wickes - Lawrence Durrell & Henry Miller: A Private Correspondence
Widder. / Erich Widder - Glanz des Ewigen: Sakrale Kunst in Österreich
Wieger. / Leon Wieger - Bouddhisme chinois
Willett. / John Willett - Theater of Bertold Brecht
William / William of Chonces - Philosophia Mundi
William / William of Conches - Moralium Dogma Philosophorum
William / William of St. Thierry - Expositio Altera in Cantica
William / William of St. Thierry - Golden Epistle
William / William of St. Thierry - Speculum Fidei
Williams. / George H. Williams - Wilderness and the Paradise in Christian Thought
Williams. / William Carlos Williams - In the American grain
Williams. / William Carlos Williams - Paterson
Williams. / William Carlos Williams - Selected Essays
Wilson. / Edmund Wilson - American Earthquake. A Documentary of the Twenties and Thirties
Wilson. / Edmund Wilson - Apologies to the Iroquois with a Study of the Mohawks in High Steel
Wind. / Edgar Wind - Art and Anarchy: The Reith Lectures
Wingren. / Gustaf Wingren - Man and the Incarnation: A Study in the Biblical Theology of Irenaeus
Wolfe. / Tom Wolfe - Kandy Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby
Woolf. / Leonard Woolf - Downhill Alle the Way. An Autobiography of the Years 1919-1939
Wordsworth. / William Wordsworth - Trosachs
Worsley. / Peter Worsley - Trumpet Shall Sound
Wright / Charles Wright Mills - Causes of World War Three
Wright / Charles Wright Mills - Power Elite
Wright. / George Ernest Wright - God Who Acts: Biblical Theology as Recital
Wu. / John (Jingxiong) Wu - Golden Age of Zen
Wu. / John C.H. Wu - Beyond East and West
Yevtushenko. / Yevgeny Yevtushenko - Precocious Autobiography
Zaehner. / Robert Charles Zaehner - At Sundry Times
Zaehner. / Robert Charles Zaehner - Hindu and Muslim Mysticism
Zaehner. / Robert Charles Zaehner - Matter and Spirit: Their Convergence in Eastern Religions, Marx and Teilhard de Chardin
Zahn. / Gordon C. Zahn - German Catholics and Hitler's War: A Study in Social Control
Zahn. / Gordon Zahn - In Solitary Witness. The Life and Death of Franz Jägerstätter
Zhuang / Zhuang Ze - Oeuvre de Tchoang-tzeu / translated into French by Leon Wieger
Zoshchenko. / Mikhail Zoshchenko - Russia Laughs
Zukofsky. / Louis Zukofsky - "A" 1-12
Zukofsky. / Louis Zukofsky - Test of Poetry
Zukofsky. / Louis Zukofsky - Bottom: On Shakespeare
Zukofsky. / Louis Zukofsky - Prepositions: The Collected Critical Essays of Louis Zukofsky
Zukofsky. / Louis Zukofsky - The Collected Short Poems,1923-1958

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