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Results for search on the term: "Intelligibility and the Philosophy of Nothingness: Three Philosophical Essays / Kitaro Nishida
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1. Kitaro Nishida - Intelligibility and the Philosophy of Nothingness: Three Philosophical Essays / Kitaro Nishida ; transl. and introd. by Robert Schinzinger in collaboration with I. Koyama and T. Kojima. (Date: 1966/01/06) - "Reading the [Robert] Schinzinger book of [Kitaro] Nishida's, [Intelligibility .."
2. Kitaro Nishida - Intelligibility and the Philosophy of Nothingness: Three Philosophical Essays / Kitaro Nishida ; transl. and introd. by Robert Schinzinger in collaboration with I. Koyama and T. Kojima. (Date: 1966/01/12) - "Great experience - reading Nishida's The Intelligible World. How like Evagrius.."
3. Kitaro Nishida - Intelligibility and the Philosophy of Nothingness: Three Philosophical Essays / Kitaro Nishida ; transl. and introd. by Robert Schinzinger in collaboration with I. Koyama and T. Kojima. (Date: 1966/01/24) - "Finished Burtt and Nishida (Unity of Opposites). N. is certainly the one philo.."
4. Kitaro Nishida - Intelligibility and the Philosophy of Nothingness: Three Philosophical Essays / Kitaro Nishida ; transl. and introd. by Robert Schinzinger in collaboration with I. Koyama and T. Kojima. (Date: 1966/01/29) - ""The world where innumerable individuals, negating each other, are united, is .."
5. Kitaro Nishida - Intelligibility and the Philosophy of Nothingness: Three Philosophical Essays / Kitaro Nishida ; transl. and introd. by Robert Schinzinger in collaboration with I. Koyama and T. Kojima. (Date: 1966/01/10) - "I was surprised and delighted to get the Shinzinger book on Nishida the other .."
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