The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Results for search on the term: "Meister Eckhart / Meister Eckhart
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 QUOTATION found in:
1. Eckhart - Meister Eckhart / Meister Eckhart ; a modern translation by Raymond Bernard Blakney (Date: 1959/06/28) - "Opened a new translation of Eckhart, and immediately hit upon this: "Obedience.."
2. Eckhart - Meister Eckhart / Meister Eckhart ; a modern translation by Raymond Bernard Blakney (Date: 1966/04/10) - "The best thing of all was lying reading Eckhart, or sitting up, when I finally.."
3. Eckhart - Meister Eckhart / Meister Eckhart ; a modern translation by Raymond Bernard Blakney (Date: 1961/07/04) - "I am becoming entranced with Eckhart: I have been won by the brevity, the inci.."
4. Eckhart - Meister Eckhart / Meister Eckhart ; a modern translation by Raymond Bernard Blakney (Date: 1961/08/06) - "Today I read the wonderful sermon on the divine truth in which Eckhart says th.."
5. Eckhart - Meister Eckhart / Meister Eckhart ; a modern translation by Raymond Bernard Blakney (Date: 1963/07/19) - "The following are the questions, with Merton's answers: 1. Name the last three.."
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