The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Results for search on the term: "Shaker furniture : the craftsmanship of an American communal sect / by Edward Deming Andrews and Faith Andrews
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1. Edward Deming Andrews - Shaker furniture : the craftsmanship of an American communal sect / by Edward Deming Andrews and Faith Andrews ; photos by William F. Winter (Date: 1964/07/14) - "Must write the preface to E[dward] D[eming] Andrews' new edition of Shaker Fur.."
2. Edward Deming Andrews - Shaker furniture : the craftsmanship of an American communal sect / by Edward Deming Andrews and Faith Andrews ; photos by William F. Winter (Date: 1960/12/12) - "It was indeed a pleasure to get your kind letter. I had been thinking of writi.."
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