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Results for search on the term: "technological society / Jacques Ellul
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1. Jacques Ellul - technological society / Jacques Ellul ; transl. from the French by John Wilkinson ; with an introd. by Robert K. Merton (Date: 1964/10/29) - "Ferry sent Jacques Ellul's book on Technology [The Technological Society, 1964.."
2. Jacques Ellul - technological society / Jacques Ellul ; transl. from the French by John Wilkinson ; with an introd. by Robert K. Merton (Date: 1964/11/02) - "I am going on with Ellul's prophetic and I think very sound diagnosis of the T.."
3. Jacques Ellul - technological society / Jacques Ellul ; transl. from the French by John Wilkinson ; with an introd. by Robert K. Merton (Date: 1964/11/06) - "I think Ellul is perhaps too pessimistic. Not unreasonably so-but one must sti.."
4. Jacques Ellul - technological society / Jacques Ellul ; transl. from the French by John Wilkinson ; with an introd. by Robert K. Merton (Date: 1964/12/10) - "The old structures, manifestly inadequate in some ways, are being taken away, .."
5. Jacques Ellul - technological society / Jacques Ellul ; transl. from the French by John Wilkinson ; with an introd. by Robert K. Merton (Date: 1964/12/28) - "In November a group of peace workers, including A. J. Muste, who is the dean o.."
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