The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews by:

Cunningham, Lawrence S.

Ad Reinhardt
Corris, Michael Book
Alaskan Journal of Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomasedited with an introduction by Robert E. Daggy; preface by David D. CooperBook
The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomas Book
The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomas Book
The Courage for Truth: The Letters of Thomas Merton to Writers
Merton, Thomas Book
Ferrytale: The Career of W. H. "Ping" Ferry
Ward, James A. Book
Gandhi on Non-violence. Edited, with an introduction, by Thomas Merton
Gandhi, Mahatmaedited and with an introduction by Thomas MertonBook
Geography of Holiness: The Photography of Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomasedited by Deba Prasad PatnaikBook
Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns / selected and edited by William H. Shannon
Merton, Thomas Book
Honorable Reader: Reflections on My Work
Merton, Thomas Book
In the School of Prophets: The Formation of Thomas Merton's Prophetic Spirituality
Arcement, Ephrem (Kyle Thomas) Book
The letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomasedited and annotated by Patrick Samway, S.J.; and foreword by Jonathan MontaldoBook
The Life You Save May be Your Own: An American Pilgrimage
Elie, Paul Book
The Literary Essays of Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomas Book
Merton & Judaism: Holiness in Words - Recognition, Repentance, and Renewal
 compiled and edited by Beatrice Bruteau; with a foreword by Victor A. KramerBook
Merton and Friends: A Joint Biography of Thomas Merton, Robert Lax, and Edward Rice
Harford, James Book
The Merton Annual Vol. 06
 edited by George A. Kilcourse, Jr.Book
Merton: A Biography
Furlong, Monica Book
Merton's Theology of Prayer
Higgins, John J., S.J. Book
The Monastic Journey
Merton, Thomasedited by Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O.Book
The Other Side of the Mountain: the end of the journey
Merton, Thomasedited by Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O.Book
Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation
Merton, Thomas Book
The School of Charity: the letters of Thomas Merton on religious renewal and spiritual direction / selected and edited by Patrick Hart
Merton, Thomas Book
A Search for Wisdom and Spirit: Thomas Merton's Theology of the Self
Carr, Anne E.foreword by Patrick Hart OCSOBook
The Selected Essays of Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomasedited by Patrick F. O'ConnellBook
The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton
Mott, Michael Book
Silent Lamp
Shannon, William H. Book
The Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemai
Merton, Thomas Book
Survival or Prophecy?: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq
Merton, Thomasedited by Patrick Hart; and foreword by Rembert G. WeaklandBook
Thomas Merton, Early Essays, 1947-1952
Merton, Thomasedited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell; and foreword by Jonathan MontaldoBook
Thomas Merton, Social Critic
Baker, James Thomas Book
Thomas Merton: Faithful Visionary
Higgins, Michael W. Book
Thomas Merton: Hermana America
Grinberg, Miguel Book
Thomas Merton: The Man and His Work
McInerny, Dennis Q. Book
Thomas Merton: Prophet of Renewal
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O. Book
What I Am Living For: Lessons from the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton
 edited by Jon M. SweeneyBook
When Prophecy Still Had a Voice: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Robert Lax
Merton, Thomasedited by Arthur W. BiddleBook
Words and Silence: On the Poetry of Thomas Merton
Lentfoehr, Thérèse, Sr., S.D.S. Book