The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews by:

Kountz, Peter J.

A Hidden Wholeness: The Visual World of Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomas; and John Howard Griffinphotographs by Thomas Merton and John Howard Griffin; text by John Howard GriffinBook
The Message of Thomas Merton
 edited by Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O.Book
A Search for Wisdom and Spirit: Thomas Merton's Theology of the Self
Carr, Anne E.foreword by Patrick Hart OCSOBook
The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton
Mott, Michael Book
Silent Lamp
Shannon, William H. Book
Thomas Merton and the Inclusive Imagination
Labrie, Ross Book
Thomas Merton: Prophet in the Belly of Paradox
Twomey, Gerald S. Book