The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews by:

Patnaik, Deba P.

The Art of Thomas Merton
Labrie, Ross Book
The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomas Book
Faith and Violence: Christian Teaching and Christian Practice
Merton, Thomas Book
Father Louie: Photographs of Thomas Merton
Meatyard, Ralph Eugene Book
The Gethsemani Poems
Seitz, Ron Book
A Hidden Wholeness: The Visual World of Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomas; and John Howard Griffinphotographs by Thomas Merton and John Howard Griffin; text by John Howard GriffinBook
Love and Living
Merton, Thomas Book
The Monastic Journey
Merton, Thomasedited by Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O.Book
Thomas Merton/Monk: A Monastic Tribute
 edited by Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O.Book
Thomas Merton: Prophet in the Belly of Paradox
Twomey, Gerald S. Book
Thomas Merton's Shared Contemplation: A Protestant Perspective
Adams, Daniel J. Book