The U.S.
Postal Service's Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee has agreed
to consider the issuance of a Thomas Merton commemorative stamp in
honor of the 100th anniversary of Merton's birth.
Stamp Advisory Committee
Postal Service
L'Enfant Plaza SW Room 3300
DC 20260-3501
here for a sample letter, written by an
ITMS past President and longtime editor of The Merton Seasonal, Pat
O'Connell, which can be used by you or can inspire your own letter.
If you
attend or teach at a school/university/college, or belong to place of
worship or community organization, start a petition campaign to show support
for a Thomas Merton commemorative stamp.
If you are
an American member of the ITMS, we have been advised by a Congressional
staffer that you do NOT contact your member of Congress to lobby for support
for the following reason:
Watch this space for news of upcoming events....
The fourteenth general meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society took place from June 4-7, 2015 at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky.
An unprecedented number of new books are being published to coincide with the centenary - check out the current list here.
Centenary Icon painted by
John Giuliani
for the
Feast of
Thomas Merton
from the
New Zealand
Anglican Calendar
Gracious God, you called your monk Thomas Merton
to proclaim your justice out of silence,
and moved him in his
contemplative writings
to perceive and value Christ at work in
the faiths of others:
Keep us, like him, steadfast in the
knowledge and love of Jesus Christ;
who with you and the Holy
Spirit lives and reigns, one God,
for ever and ever. Amen.