The Merton Annual - Volume 15
Kilcourse, George A., Jr.
“Introduction: ‘A Certainty of Tread’: Grace Unfolded in
Thomas Merton’s Contemplative Experience and Poetry.” 7-13.
Pearson, Paul M. “The Ox
Mountain Parable: An Introduction.” 14-19.
Merton, Thomas. “The Ox
Mountain Parable of Meng Tzu.” 20-22.
Mizingou, Jeannine N.
“‘Bringing the Earth to Flower’: A Tribute to Robert Lax
(1915-2000): Poet, Pilgrim, Prophet.” 23-60.
Matthews, Gray. “The
Healing Silence: Thomas Merton’s Contemplative Approach to
Communication.” 61-76.
Biallas, Leonard J. “Merton
and Basho: The Narrow Road Home.” 77-102.
Szabo, Lynn. “‘Hiding the
Ace of Freedoms’: Discovering the Way(s) of Peace in Thomas
Merton’s Cables to the Ace.”
Badaracco, Claire Hoertz.
“The Influence of ‘Beat’ Generation Poetry on the Work of
Thomas Merton.” 121-135.
Bear, Virginia. “A Woodshed
Full of French Angels: Multilingual Merton.” 136-154.
Seynnaeve, Johan. “Language
Mixture in a Macaronic Poem of Thomas Merton.” 155-165.
Collins, John P. “Thomas
Merton and Walker Percy: A Connection Through
Intersections.” 166-193.
McMillan, Allan M. “Thomas
Merton’s Seven Lessons for Interfaith Dialogue.” 194-209.
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. “‘Aware
and Awake and Alive’: An Interview about Thomas Merton”
conducted by George A. Kilcourse, Jr. 210-231.
Kramer, Victor A.
“‘Contemplation’s Shadow and Merton’s Act: Becoming a Saint
Through Words’: 2001 Bibliographic Review.” 232-262.
Stull, Bradford T. Rev. of
Thomas Merton and the Inclusive Imagination
by Ross Labrie. 263-267.
Thompson, J. Milburn. Rev.
of Thomas Merton and Thich Nhat Hanh: Engaged
Spirituality in an Age of Globalization
by Robert H. King. 267-269.
Morrin, Peter. Rev. of
Dialogues with Silence: Prayers and Drawings
by Thomas Merton, edited by Jonathan Montaldo. 270-271.
Pearson, Paul M. Rev. of
Reading Thomas Merton: A Guide to His Life and Work
by John Laughlin. 271-272
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The Merton Annual