The Merton Annual - Volume 24
Gray Matthews. “Introduction: Upon Hearing an Aeolian Harp.” 7-14.
Thomas Merton. “The Wild Places.” 15-28.
W. H. Ferry. “The Technophiliacs.” 29-38.
"An Interview with W. H. (Ping) Ferry about Thomas Merton," conducted by Paul Wilkes, transcribed and edited by Paul M. Pearson. 39-53.
Albert Borgmann. “Contemplation in a Technological Era: Learning from Thomas Merton.” 54-66.
Phillip Thompson. “Questioning the Goal of Biological Immortality: Mertonian Reflections on Living Eternally.” 67-82.
Daniel P. Horan, OFM. “Digital Natives and the Digital Self: The Wisdom of Thomas Merton for Millennial Spirituality and Self-Understanding.” 83-111.
Kathleen Deignan, CND. “'In the Night of Our Technological Barbarism': Thomas Merton’s Light on the Matter.” 112-127.
Gray Matthews. “The Heart of the Fire: Technology, Commotion and Contemplation.” 128-149.
Paul R. Dekar. “Thomas Merton, Guide to the Right Use of Technology.” 150-175.
Gary Hall. “Openness, Availability, Capacity for Gift.” 176-187.
Gordon Oyer. “Machine Culture and the Lone Zone: Discussing Technology and Contemplation at the 1964 Peacemaker Retreat.” 188-232.
Daniel Bogert-O'Brien. “Thomas Merton and Ivan Illich: Two Mendicant Anti-professionals in the Age of the Simulacra of the Professions and the System.” 233-243.
Jeffrey T. Kiernan. “Technology, Freedom and the Human Person: Some Teen Insights into Merton and Benedict XVI.” 244-255.
David Joseph Belcastro. “2010 Bibliographic Review: Fire Watch When the Web Goes Down.” 256-280.
Donald P. St. John. Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis. 281-285.
Bonnie Thurston. Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis. 285-289.
Kathleen Deignan, CND. Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis. 289-305.
Donald Grayston. Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis. 305-313.
Monica Weis, SSJ. “Author Response to Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton.” 313-323.
Dewey Weiss Kramer Rev. of Hidden in the Same Mystery: Thomas Merton and Loretto edited by Bonnie Thurston. 324-328.
John Eudes Bamberger. Rev of Monastic Observances: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 5 edited by Patrick F. O'Connell. 329-331.
John Collins. Rev. of All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day edited by Robert Ellsberg. 332-336.
Patrick F. O’Connell. Rev. of Christian Spirituality: The Classics edited by Arthur Holder. 336-342.