The Merton Annual - Volume 25
Belcastro, David Joseph. “Introduction: The Ineffable Desert and the City or What We Call Home.” 7-12.
Merton, Thomas. “Some Points from the Birmingham Non-Violence Movement.” 13-22.
Marty, Martin E. “An Interview About Thomas Merton with Dr. Martin E. Marty.” Conducted by Vaughn Fayle, OFM and edited by Joseph Quinn Raab. 23-29.
O’Connell, Patrick F. “Pilgrimage, the Prophet, Persecutions and Perfume: East with Ibn Battūta and Thomas Merton.” 30-48.
Poks, Malgorzata. “With Malinowski in the Postmodern Desert: Merton, Anthropology and the Ethnopoetics of The Geography of Lograire.” 49-73.
Gustafson, Hans. “Place, Spiritual Anthropology and Sacramentality in Thomas Merton’s Later Years.” 74-90.
Pramuk, Christopher. “‘The Street Is for Celebration’: Racial Consciousness
Belcastro, David Joseph. “Voices from the Desert: Merton, Camus and Milosz.” 104-112.
Collins, John P. “Two Antiheroes: Meursault and Binx Bolling Viewed through Thomas Merton’s Literary Imagination.” 113-123.
Gardner, Fiona. “You Are You: That Is the Most Important Thing – Everything Is in It Somewhere: An Analysis of the Correspondence from Thomas Merton to John Harris.” 124-131.
Whalen, Robert Weldon. “Thomas Merton and Hannah Arendt: Desert and City in Cold-War Culture.” 132-143.
Kwon, Hyeokil. “Is Desert Spirituality Viable in the Twenty-First-Century City? The Legacy of the Desert Fathers in Thomas Merton. ” 144-153.
Cannon, Nass. “Stand on Your Own Feet! Thomas Merton and the Monk without Vows or Walls.” 154-168.
Hollmann, Joshua. “Searching for Sophia: Nicholas of Cusa and Thomas Merton.” 169-176.
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. “No Spouse Is an Island: Thomas Merton’s Contribution Toward a Contemporary Spirituality of Marriage.” 177-196.
McDonald, Mary Murray. “The Soul-Rich Monk/Priest: Thomas Merton on Lectio Divina.” 197-204.
Raab, Joseph Quinn. “2011 Bibliographic Review: Pointing Fingers at the Calm Eye of the Storm.” 205-216.
Kramer, Victor A. Rev. of A Silent Action: Engagements with Thomas Merton by Rowan Williams. 217-221.
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. Rev. Thomas Merton: Twentieth-Century Wisdom for Twenty-First-Century Living by Paul R. Dekar 221-225.
Bell, Ian. Rev. of Thomas Merton: Contemplation and Political Action by Mario I. Aguilar. 225-227.
Gardner, Fiona. Rev. of The Wounded Heart of Thomas Merton by Robert Waldron. 228-232.
Belcastro, David Joseph. Rev. of Silence Speaks: Teilhard de Chardin, Yves Congar, John Courtney Murray, and Thomas Merton by Robert Nugent. 233-235.
Grip, Robert. Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Spiritual Guide for the Twenty-First Century [CDs] by Anthony Ciorra & A Retreat with Thomas Merton [CDs] by Donald Goergen, OP. 236.
O’Connell, Patrick F. Rev. of Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of Faith [book and DVDs] by Robert Barron. 237-243.
Griffith, Kevin. Rev. of Afternoons with Emily by Paul Quenon & Belonging to Borders: A Sojourn in the Celtic Tradition by Bonnie Thurston. 243-245.