The Merton Annual - Volume 32
Raab, Joseph Q. “Finding Your Right Mind in This Mad Place: An Introduction.” 7-10.
Merton, Thomas and Patrick Hart. “Correspondence (1962-1968)” edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell. 11-77.
Berger, Rose Marie. “Direct Transmission of Faith.” 78-92.
Ellsberg, Robert. “‘The Gate of Heaven Is Everywhere’: The Faith Journey of Thomas Merton.” 93-113.
Hillis, Gregory K. “Letters to a Black Catholic Priest: Thomas Merton, Fr. August Thompson and the Civil Rights Movement.” 114-136.
Dekar, Paul R. “God’s Messenger: Thomas Merton on Racial Justice.” 137-154.
Plekon, Michael. “Communion and Engagement: Merton, Berrigan and the Eucharist in Peacemaking and Protest.” 155-169.
Lynch, Liam. “Contemplative Cosmopolitanism: Thomas Merton’s Response to Xenophobia.” 170-182.
O’Connell, Patrick F. “Thomas Merton and the “Edenic Office of the Poet”: Three Poems from The Tears of the Blind Lions.” 183-204.
Pramuk, Christopher. “Merton on the Dark Side of the Moon: Points for Meditation and Deep Listening inside a Darkened Space.” 205-217.
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. “Thomas Merton in Connivance with Eternity: A 2018 Bibliographic Overview.” 218-238.
O’Neill, OCSO, Kathleen. Cistercian Fathers and Forefathers: Essays and Conferences by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 239-242.
Kehoe, George G. The Climate of Monastic Prayer by Thomas Merton. 242-247.
Pynkoski, Paul. The Art of Thomas Merton: A Divine Passion in Word and Vision, edited by John Moses. 247-251.
O’Connell, Patrick F. Thomas Merton on Augustine, Jerome, and Ambrose: The Philosophy of the Great Latin Fathers; Thomas Merton’s Great Sermons and Reflections; Thomas Merton on Literature: John Milton, T. S. Eliot, and Edwin Muir; Thomas Merton on William Faulkner. [CDs] 251-258.
Poks, Malgorzata. On Thomas Merton by Mary Gordon. 258-263.
Bubel, Katharine. Superabundantly Alive: Thomas Merton’s Dance with the Feminine by Susan McCaslin and J. S. Porter. 263-268.
O’Connell, Patrick F. The Monk’s Record Player: Thomas Merton, Bob Dylan, and the Perilous Summer of 1966 by Robert Hudson. 269-276.
McNary-Zak, Bernadette. Thomas Merton: Evil and Why We Suffer – From Purified Soul Theodicy to Zen by David Orberson. 276-279.
Higgins, Michael W. The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation by Hugh Turley and David Martin. 279-282.
Hall, Cassidy. Merton’s Palace of Nowhere – 40th Anniversary Edition by James Finley. 282-285.
Belcastro, David Joseph. What I Am Living For: Lessons from the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton, edited by Jon M. Sweeney. 285-291.