The Merton Annual - Volume 34
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. "Introduction: The Many Faces of the Stranger." 7-12.
Merton, Thomas. "On Remembering Monsieur Delmas" edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 13-24.
Thurston, Bonnie. "The 'Inward Stranger': Challenge, Coordinates, Consequences." 25-37.
Prevot, Andrew. "Contemplation in Times of Crisis." 38-53.
Oyer, Gordon. "Thomas Merton's Path toward Writing on Racial Concerns." 54-77.
Higgins, Michael W. "Après Kamloops, le Déluge: Institutional Church, Indigenous Oppression and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition." 78-91.
Pramuk, Christopher. "'The Grey Face of the Other': Sparks of the Divine in a Toppling World." 92-106.
Hall, Gary P. "Up Close and Particular: Remembering Herman Hanekamp and Merton's Other Insights into Loving Strangers." 107-119.
Robinson, James. "'The Age of Rosemarys': Thomas Merton's Engagement with Rosemary Radford Ruether and Rosemary Haughton." 120-128.
Marshell, John. "Unpacking the 'Eastern Thing' of Thomas Merton." 129-151.
Stout, Huili S. "Thomas Merton and the Difficulty of Interreligious Dialogue." 152-171.
O'Connell, Patrick F. "Merton's Strange Archipelago: Poetic Responses to a Prosaic Journey." 172-194.
Whalen, Robert. "Noir, Hip, Beat, Cool: Thomas Merton and the Postwar, Trans-Atlantic, Existentialist Avant-Garde." 195-204.
Herron, Fred. "Are We There Yet? Thomas Merton as Experience, Text and Event." 205-218.
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. "Extending the Frontier: A Bibliographic Review of 2020." 219-231.
Vale, Peter. Rev. of A Monastic Introduction to Sacred Scripture: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 1 [Full Text] by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell . 232-235.
Mahon, J. Patrick. Rev. of Beholding Paradise: The Photographs of Thomas Merton [Full Text] edited by Paul M. Pearson. 235-239.
McNary-Zak, Bernadette. Rev. of Shaped by the End You Live For: Thomas Merton's Monastic Spirituality [Full Text] by Bonnie Thurston. 239-242.
Caldwell, Tony. Rev. of Authenticity, Passion, and Advocacy: Approaching Adolescent Spirituality from the Life and Wisdom of Thomas Merton [Full Text] by Thomas E. Malewitz. 242-245.
O'Connell, Patrick F. Rev. of Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton and the Greatest Commandment: Radical Love in Times of Crisis [Full Text] by Julie Leininger Pycior. 245-254.
McGregor, Michael N. Rev. of Writing Straight with Crooked Lines: A Memoir [Full Text] by Jim Forest. 254-259.
Sniegocki, John. Rev. of Advancing Nonviolence and Just Peace in the Church and the World [Full Text] edited by Rose Marie Berger, Ken Butigan, Judy Coode and Marie Dennis. 259-265.