The Merton Annual - Volume 4
Editors. "Introduction." ix.
Merton, Thomas. “The Neurotic Personality in the Monastic Life.” 3-19.
Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO. “Merton’s Vocation as Monastic and Writer: An Interview with John Eudes Bamberger, OCSO” conducted by Victor A. Kramer. 21-38.
St. John, Donald P. “Deep Geography: Nature and Place in The Sign of Jonas.” 41-58.
Waldron, Robert G. “The Sign of Jonas: A Jungian Commentary.” 59-68.
Rukstelis, Michael. “Recreated Innocence in The Sign of Jonas.” 69-74.
Downey, Michael. “Penning Patterns of Transformation: Etty Hillesum and Thomas Merton.” 77-95.
Kilcourse, George A. “‘A Shy Wild Deer’: The ‘True Self’ in Thomas Merton’s Poetry.” 97-109.
Goulet, Jacques. “Thomas Merton’s Journey Toward World Religious Ecumenism.” 113-129.
Roccaforte, Linnell. “The Rain Speaks On: Contradiction in Thomas Merton’s View of Peace.” 131-152.
Lewis, Gloria Kitto. “Sacred Arts Study: Thomas Merton’s Guides for Art and Worship.” 155-171.
Zynda, Mary Damian, CSSF. “Contemporary Mystic Study: Thomas Merton as Supported by Evelyn Underhill’s Stages of Mystical Development.” 173-202.
Ferry, Wilbur Hugh. “'Action at the Center' An Interview with W. H. Ping Ferry” conducted by Gregory J. Ryan. 205-219.
Clark, Benjamin, OCSO. “Thomas Merton’s Gethsemani: Part 1, the Novitiate Years.” 223-256.
Daggy, Robert E. “‘What They Say’: 1990 in Merton Scholarship and Publication.” 259-271.
Montaldo, Jonathan. Rev. of The School of Charity: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 275-284.
O’Connell, Patrick F. Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Education of the Whole Person by Thomas Del Prete. 284-288.
Lagorio, Valerie M. Rev. of Soul Friends: A Journey with Thomas Merton. 289-291.
Hotchen, Stephen J. Rev. of The Spark in the Soul: Four Mystics on Social Justice by Terry Tastard. 291-295.
Corless, Roger. Rev. of Freedom in Exile: The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama. 295-297.
Carr, Anne E. Rev. of Evelyn Underhill Artist of the Infinite Love by Dana Green and The Ways of the Spirit by Evelyn Underhill. 298-300.
Kramer, Victor A. Rev. of The Catholic Counter-culture in America: 1933-1962 by James Terrence Fisher and The Writings of Daniel Berrigan by Ross Labrie. 301-308.
Thurston, Bonnie Bowman. Rev. of Buddhist Emptiness and Christian Trinity edited by Roger Corless and Paul Knitter and A Taste of Water: Christianity Through Taoist-Christian Eyes by Chwen Jiuan A. Lee and Thomas G. Hand. 308-310.