Kramer, Victor A. "Introduction."
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. "Editor's
Note." 3-5.
Merton, Thomas. “The Man
in the Sycamore Tree: A Fragment of an Early Novel.” 7-38.
Lax, Robert. “Remembering
Merton and New York” edited by Paul Spaeth. 39-61.
Albert, John, OCSO. “To
Merton Through Augustine: Images, Themes and Analogies of
Kinship.” 65-94.
Waddell, Chrysogonus,
OCSO. “Merton of Gethsemani and Bernard of Clairvaux.” 95-130.
Clark, Benjamin, OCSO.
“Thomas Merton’s Gethsemani: Part II, The Formation Years.”
Collins, Frederick, OCSO.
“Merton’s Quiet Influence: A Testimony of Continuing Conversion”
an interview conducted by Victor A. Kramer. 169-186.
Allchin, A. M. “The
Worship of the Whole Creation: Merton and the Eastern Fathers.”
Dear, John, SJ. “Blessed
Are the Meek: The Nonviolence of Thomas Merton.” 205-213.
Higgins, Michael W. “The
Cardinal and the Monk: Literary and Theological Convergences in
Newman and Merton.” 215-225.
Kropf, Richard W. “Crying
With a Live Grief: The Mysticism of Merton and Teilhard
Compared.” 227-245.
Paguio, Erlinda G.
“Blazing in the Spark of God: Thomas Merton’s References to
Meister Eckhart.” 247-262.
Pearson, Paul M. “Thomas
Merton and the Celtic Monastic Tradition: Search for the
Promised Land.” 263-277.
Porter, J. S. “The Last
Journals of Thomas Merton and Anaïs Nin.” 279-295.
Voiles, Kenneth M. “The
Mother of All the Living: The Role of the Virgin Many in the
Spirituality of Thomas Merton.” 297-310.
Wu, John, Jr. “A Lovely
Day for a Friendship: The Spiritual and Intellectual
Relationship Between Thomas Merton and John Wu As Suggested in
Their Correspondence.” 311-354.
Daggy, Robert E.
“Wandering in the Merton Dimension: A Survey of Scholarship and
Publication in 1991.” 357-360.
Kramer, Victor A. Rev. of
The Merton Tapes [Third Series] by Thomas Merton.
Zahn, Gordon C.
Rev. of
Living With Wisdom: A Life of Thomas Merton by Jim
Forest. 368-370.
Weber, Richard, OCSO.
Rev. of Thomas Merton as Writer and Monk: A Cultural Study,
1915-1951 by Peter Kountz. 370-373.
Patnaik, Deba P.
Rev. of
Father Louie: Photographs of Thomas Merton by Ralph
Eugene Meatyard. 373-377.
Fox, Ruth M., OSB.
of Prayer and Commitment in Thomas Merton and Prophecy
and Commitment in Thomas Merton by Mary Luke Tobin. 377-384.
Kilcourse, George A.
of Spiritual Guides for Today: Evelyn Underhill, Dorothy Day,
Karl Rahner, Simone Weil, Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen by
Annice Callahan. 384-386.
Egan, Keith J. Rev. of
Modern Spiritual
Writers: Their Legacies of Prayer by Charles J. Healy.