This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Flahiff, George Bernard, Archbishop, C.S.B.".
Archbishop George Bernard Flahiff, elevated to Cardinal in 1969, was bishop of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. At the Second Vatican Council, he was involved in what was known as Schema 13, which became Gaudium et Spes, the Pontifical Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. Merton was particularly interested in the sections on peace, war, and how it would address nuclear weapons.
Please click here for general restrictions concerning Merton's correspondence.
See also published letters from Merton to Flahiff in The Hidden Ground of Love, pp. 245-254.
If the person in correspondence with Merton has full text records in the Merton Center Digital Collections, there will be a numeric link to them below.
This Record Sub-Group is not divided into Series and is arranged chronologically.
Click icons for links: ✓="Published | Library Record", ✉="Scanned" | 🗷="Scanned, Viewable Only at Merton Center"
# | Date | From/To | First Lines | Pub ✓ | Notes |
| y/m/d | Merton | | Scan ✉ | |
1. |
1965/07/17 |
TL[c] from Merton |
I am not sure the U.S. Bishops will appreciate the enclosed, which I have sent to the Commonweal. |
✓ |
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2. |
1965/07/29 |
TLS to Merton |
Many thanks for your letter of the 17th which awaited me when I returned form [sic] an extended |
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3. |
1965/08/13 (#01) |
TL[c] from Merton |
I was delighted to get your kind letter, and especially happy to have a chance to look at the |
✓ |
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4. |
1965/08/13 (#02) |
TL[c] from Merton |
I was delighted to get your kind letter, and especially happy to have a chance to look at the |
✓ |
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5. |
1965/12/30 |
TAL[c] from Merton |
It was a delight to get your long letter from Rome and to breathe a little of the atmosphere of the |
✓ |
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6. |
1966/02/28 |
TLS to Merton |
I seem always to be in the position of apologizing to you for a delay of writing. I had intended |
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7. |
1966/05/15 |
TL[c] from Merton |
Recently one of the Contemplative superiors of women who is associated with Mother Angelica P.C. |
✓ |
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8. |
1966/06/01 |
TLS to Merton |
I was delighted to receive your letter of May 15th. Unfortunately, it arrived just as I was making |
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9. |
1966/06/07 |
TL[c] from Merton |
Many thanks for your kind and encouraging letter. I certainly appreciate it, and I am glad you |
✓ |
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10. |
undated/no/no |
other |
biographical information / and Wm. Shannon's biographical notes plus footnotes
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