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Sub-Section D.7: Periodicals, Journals, Pamphlets used by Merton (some with marginalia)

This section originally included periodicals used by Merton. It was additionally expanded to include extra copies of periodicals and journals containing Merton's essays by or about Merton. Some of the essays contain marginal notes or other annotations. (See also Sub-Section B.5, Books with Merton's Marginalia.) Copies of articles by Merton are first kept with Sub-Section D.1 by article title. Periodicals containing articles about Merton through the present have been integrated into Sub-Section D.4. There are two finding aids available: one with the articles, some with Merton's marginal notes and underlining; and one with a listing of extra copies of periodicals and journals with articles by or about Merton.

Folders are arranged alphabetically by series. Series names start with author's last name or title of journal in absence of a single author.

1 Abe, Masao. "A Symposium on Christianity and Buddhism continued with Professor Abe's Reply,". Japanese Religions., No. 2 (1966), (Kyoto, Japan) Vol 4.
2 Agus, Jacob B., Rabbi. "From the writings of Rav Kuk" (from the book, Banner of Jerusalem by Rabbi Jacob B. Agus); and notes on the Biblical books of Leviticus, Ezekiel, and Nehemiah.
3 Ahern, Barnabas M., C.P. "The Concept of Union with Christ after Death in Early Christian Thought." Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Convention, The Catholic Theological Society of America [Yonkers, NY: 1961]: 3-21.
4 Albers, Josef. "Josef Albers.", Origin: third series (January 1968)., (La Jolla, California).
5 Baciu, Stefan. "Beatitude South of the Border: Latin America's Beat Generation.", Reprint from Hispania 49:4 (December 1966): 733-739 [inscribed to Merton by Baciu].
6 Balthsar, Hans Urs von. "Der Unbekannte jenseits des Worts." Sonderdruck aus Interpretation der Welt. Romano Guardini zum 80. Geburtstag Herausgegeben von Helmut Kuhn, Heinrich Kahlefeld, Karl Forster (Echter-Verlag: Würzburg [1965?]): 638-645.
7 Bass, Ruth. "Amy Bess Miller: A Believer in Shakers." Berkshire Week: The Summer Magazine of The Berkshire Eagle (Pittsfield, Massachusetts: Summer, August 8, 1964): 5A.
8 Beecher, John. "Their Blood Cries Out.", (Cupertino, California).
9 Bokuzin 70 (Japan)., 8-1958.
10 Bokuzin 76 (Japan)., 3-1959.
11 Bolshakoff, Serge. "Le Starets Alexandre du Scete de Gefsimany (1810 - 1878)" [handwritten diary for Thomas Merton].
12 Bunting, Basil. "Two New Odes" by Basil Bunting and essays on his poetry. Agenda, Vol.4., (London, England)., (Autumn 1966)., No. 5-6.
13 Carlisle, Olga. "The Art of Fiction XXV: Three visits with Boris Pasternak." The Paris Review 24 (Summer-Fall 1960): 45-69.
14 Chaigne, Hervé. "Herbert Marcuse: Critique de la société industrielle.", by Hervé Chaigne.
15 Circumspice., No. 2, (Collegeville, Pennsylvania) Vol I.
16 Corman, Cid [editor]. Origin 11 / third series/ featuring Chuang-Tzu's Autumn Flood.
17 Dalrymple, John. "Spiritual maturity in the Church," a paper read to the Newman Association Edinburgh Circle, 4th December 1966. Mount Carmel, Discalced Carmelite Quarterly [unknown volume and date]: 10-24. [Signed and inscribed by author.]
18 Danielou, R.P. "Les Problemes Actuels: De La Foi.", (March 18, 1968).
19 Daumal, René. "René Daumal.", Origin: third series (January 1968)., (La Jolla, California).
20 Dumont, Charles, O.C.S.O., (Supposed Author). "La Raison De La Mer?" (Typescript, October. 5, 1965). 1 p.
21 Dunne, George H. "Catholic Social Doctrine and World Peace."
22 El rehilete (Mexico) (February 1964) Vol. 10.
23 Emmet, Dorothy. "Prophets and Their Societies.", (The Henry Myers Lecture, 1956) [signed by Dorothy Emmet].
24 Espiral: letras y arte (Bogota, Colombia), (December, 1962) No. 86.
25 Fairbanks, Marila. Mother Ann Lee. "A handwritten Shaker Spirit message", [Facsimile of] "A Bond of Love and Word of Comfort by Mother Ann Lee.", (Pittsfield, Massachusetts).
26 "Forest Industry Bibliography.", Forest Industry Educational Materials (American Forest Products Industries, Inc.), (Washington, D.C.).
27 Forest, Jim. "The Catholic Peace Fellowship: Reflection on the Future" (Nyack, New York).
28 "Forestry Notes for 1948.", (January, 1949).
29 Frank, Jerome D. "Breaking the Thought Barrier: Psychological Challenges of the Nuclear Age," reprinted from Psychiatry: Journal for the study of interpersonal processes, 23.3 (August 1960).
32 Geary, James A. "An Irish Homily on Poverty: Text and Translation," Catholic University Bulletin, Vol. 18 (Jan.-May 1912), pp. 266-279.
33 Goss, Jean. "Conférence en Amérique-Latine du 1/3 au 20/6/62."
34 Gransden, Antonia. "The Reply of a Fourteenth-century Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds to a Man's Petition to be a Recluse," English Historical Review (1960) LXXV (296): 464-467.
35 Griffin, John Howard. "On Our Door Step.", Pio Decimo Press., (St. Louis, Missouri).
36 Guiart, Jean. "John Frum Movement in Tanna," Oceania: a journal devoted to the study of the native peoples of Australia, New Guinea, and the islands of the Pacific, 22.3 (March 1952): 166-175.
37 Guise, C.H. "Forest Planting on the Farm.", Cornell Extension Bulletin 226 (February 1932) .
38 Hart, Patrick, Br. O.C.S.O. "Eremitism in the Celtic Church.", Cistercian Studies Volume III (1968:2).
39 Hart, Patrick, Br. O.C.S.O. "The Heritage of Celtic Monasticism.", Cistercian Studies Volume I, (1966: 1).
40 Heschel, Abraham. J. "God and Man [uncorrected proof of 'Between God and Man'].", (Harper: New York)., (April 15, [1959]).
41 Hoffman, Daniel. "Edwin Muir: The Story and the Fable," The Yale Review 55 (March 1966): 403-426.
42 Hollo , Anselm. "The Coherences: Poems by Anselm Hollo, 1966-67.", (Iowa City, Iowa), (1968).
43 Hughes, Kathleen. "The Changing Theory and Practice of Irish Pilgrimage," Journal of Ecclesiastical History XI (1960): 143-151.
44 "In Him Find Life.", (Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross: Nerinx, Kentucky, 1962).
45 Inward Light., No. 67 (Spring 1965)., (Washington, D.C.) Vol. XXVIII.
46 Jemison, George M. "Timber Stand Improvement in the Southern Appalachian Region.", U.S. Dept. of Agriculture., (Washington, D.C.)., (August, 1949)., No. 693.
48 Kadarkay, Arpad. "Marxism and Christianity: A Marxian Viewpoint.", (August 6, 1968).
50 La Palabra Hombre (Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico) (July - September 1960).
51 Latitudes (Houston, Texas)., (Summer, 1967) Vol. 1, No . 2.
52 Leclercq, Jean, 1911-1993. "Note Pour La Presse," Bouaké [Côte d'Ivoire], le 26 mai 1964.
53 Leclercq, Jean, 1911-1993. Nouveau sermon d'Isaac de l'Étoile.
54 "Les Fraternités de la Vierge Des Pauvres" (1963).
55 "Les Temps Modernes.", edited by Jean- Paul Sartre., (June 1960).
56 Marcuse, Herbert. "Varieties of Humanism: a discussion with Harvey Wheeler," Center Magazine 1.5 (Santa Barbara, California: July 1968): 12-15.
57 Maritain, Jacques. "De la grâce et de l 'humanité de Jésus," (1964), 23 pages, [inscribed by Maritain to Merton with Merton's marginalia].
58 Mohan, Robert P., S.S. "Thermonuclear War and the Christian: Does Traditional Moral Theory Allow a Pre-emptive First Strike?" Worldview 4.12 (December 1961), 3-7.
59 Muir, Edwin, 1887-1959. Various book reviews: Collected Poems, and Essays on Literature and Society.
60 Mumford, Lewis. "Pioneers In Mechanization ['How the Benedictine (and Cistercian) monasteries of medieval Europe were pioneers in use of machinery…']" Chapter 12 of The Myth of the Machine by Lewis Mumford, 263-272 [with Merton's marginalia].
61 The Muslim World: A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Study and of Christian Interpretation Among Muslim. Nos. 1-2 (January 1961 through April 1961)., (Hartford Seminary Foundation)., Vol. LI.
62 The Muslim World: A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Study and of Christian Interpretation Among Muslim. Nos. 3-4 (July, 1961 through Oct. 1961)., (Hartford Seminary Foundation)., Vol. LI.
63 Nicolas, Marie-Joseph, Fr., O.P. "Le Père Vayssière., Ermite Et Provincial: 1864-1940.", (L'Abeille [Lyon, France] April, 1941).
64 Novais, José Antonio. "Views of Msgr. Escarré, Abbot of Montserrat." Iberica (December 15, 1963): 7-8.
65 Osborne, Arthur (editor). The Mountain Path., 1.2 (April 1964), (Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai).
66 Pallis, Marco. "Living One's Karma," The Middle Way (date and issue unknown): 127-142.
67 Paul VI, Pope, 1897-1978. "Pope Paul Opens Council's Second Session," The Advocate (3 October 1963): 3-5.
68 Laws, James. "Dr. James Laws' Journal of the Kane Relief Expedition of 1855," Polar Notes: Occasional Publication of the Stefansson Collection., Dartmouth College Library., Hanover, New Hampshire., No. VII, (November, 1967): 1-24.
69 Ponge, Francis. "Francis Ponge.", Origin: third series., (Apri1 1968)., (La Jolla, California).
70 Rabinowitch, Eugene. "Escape into the Past" (Events and Comments section),. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists., (February 1962): 24.
71 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926. Selections from Letters to a Young Poet
73 Saint-Maurice, Béraud de. "The contemporary Significance of Duns Scotus' Philosophy," reprint from John Duns Scotus: 1265-1965, edited by John K. Ryan and Bernardine M. Bonansea (1965) 345-367 [inscribed by Saint-Maurice to Merton].
74 Schwarz, Herbert. "Meditations," [photocopied typescript with cover page in Merton's handwriting] 22p.
75 Sermon on Zen [not by Merton] "Sermon on Zen."
76 Slocum, G.K., and W.D. Miller. "Virginia Pine: Reproduction, Growth, and Management on the Hill Demonstration Forest, Durham County, N.C.", North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, (July, 1953)., Tech. Bul. No. 100.
77 Soedjatmoko, 1922-1989. "Dyason Memorial Lectures 1967," (The Australian Institute of International Affairs)., (1967). Articles: I. Indonesia: Problems and Opportunities. II. Indonesia and the World.
78 Sophrony (Sakharov), Hiéromoine. Des fondements de l'ascèse orthodoxe. Messager de l'Exarchat du patriarche russe en Europe occidentale.
79 Suzuki, D.T. "The Awakening of a New Consciousness in Zen."
80 Suzuki, D.T. "Basic Thoughts Underlying Eastern Ethical and Social Practice." Extracted from: Philosophy and Culture East & West ed: by Charles A. Moore. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1962: 428-447.
81 Suzuki, D.T. "Zen and Parapsychology." Extracted from: Philosoply and Culture East & West: edited by Charles A. Moore. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1962: 732-753.
82 Telford, C.J. "Equipment and Methods for Harvesting Farm Woodland Products.", U.S. Department of Agriculture (Washington, D.C.), (July 1942) No. 1907.
83 Thomas, Trevor. "A Harvest of Thorns.", Memorandum, (June 7, 1965).
84 Tibetan Bulletin Vol. 4 (February - August 1968) No. 1 and No. 3-8.
85 Tomorrow: studies in the Sacred Traditions of East and West (London, England) 13.3 (Autumn 1965).
86 Transatlantic Review, (N.Y., New York) 29 (Summer 1968).
87 "Trees for Tomorrow.", American Forest Products Industries, Inc. (Washington, D.C.).
88 Van Doren, Mark. "Poetry as Knowledge.", (San Francisco, California)., (May 14, 1959).
89 Vaute, Marie-Dominique. "Le Pere Vayssiere."
90 Veilleux, Armand, O.C.S.O. "The Theology of the Abbatial Office in Cenobitism and Its Liturgical Implications" (Abbey of Notre Dame de Mistassini, Village des Pères, Quebec, Canada, 1967).
91 Verdú , Alfonso . Monumenta Nipponica: studies in Japanese Culture., No's 1 - 2 (Sophia University - Tokyo)., Vol. XXI: 125-170.
93 Weisskopf, Walter A. "Economic Growth versus Existential Balance." Ethics, an International Journal of Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy 75.2 (January 1965): 77-86.
94 Weisskopf, Walter A. "Repression and the Dialectics of Industrial Civilization." Review of Social Economy 23.2 (September 1965): 116-126.
95 Woolf, Douglas. "Douglas Woolf.", Origin: third series., (July 1967)., (La Jolla, California).
96 X: A Quarterly Review., Vol. 1 (June 1960) No . 3., (London): 165-248.
97 Zukofsky, Louis. "Louis Zukofsky.", Agenda: Special Issue edited by Charles Tomlinson., Vol. 3 (London, England)., (December 1964) No. 6.