The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Merton Center Manuscripts:

'Poorer means, The : a meditation on ways to unity'

The Poorer means : a meditation on ways to unity, The poorer means: a meditation on ways to unity

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Christian union |

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#SectionAuthor1st Pub1st Serial 1st BookWork ReviewedContent
1. Article (Essay) D.9 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; unpublished «detailed view» -->
2. Mimeographed Article (Essay) D.2 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; 1965 Cord, The Poorer means, The : a meditation on ways to unity «detailed view» -->
3. Article (Essay) D.5 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; 1965 Cord, The Poorer means, The : a meditation on ways to unity In the bound volume of Merton: Collected Essays from the Merton Center Reading Room, Volume 5, page 151.
4. Article (Essay) E.1 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; 1965 Cord, The Poorer means, The : a meditation on ways to unity «detailed view» -->
5. Article (Essay) D.1 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; 1965 Cord, The Poorer means, The : a meditation on ways to unity «detailed view» -->