The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Ascent to Truth

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01aThomas MertonThomas Merton whose two great books - The Seven Storey Mountain and the Waters of Siloe - have soldNo Author Listed Publishers' Weekly (30 June 1951).
01bW.K. Stewart Co. announces with pleaure a new book by Thomas MertonIn showing that the way to truth is through contemplation, Father Merton presents a brilliantNo Author Listed Courier Journal (16 September 1951).
01cThomas Merton: The Ascent to TruthThomas Merton's new book, which he recently finished on the anniversary of his ninth year in theNo Author Listed
01dMore MertonHarcourt, Brace will publish a new Thomas Merton book, "The Ascent to Truth," described as "heavyNo Author Listed Courier Journal (10 July 1951).
02aMerton Asks Rise to Truth"The only thing that can save the world from a complete more collapse is a spiritual revolution," isBurns, George V. Press Cleveland Ohio (25 September 1951).
02bThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas MertonEvery reading, thinking person realized that "the present unrest in five continents, with everyoneTaylor, Pamela Book of the Month (September 1951).
02cThe Ascent to TruthThomas Merton first came into prominence as the author of The Seven Storey Mountain, a spiritualHarcourt, Brace V Kirkus Bulletin NY City (15 September 1951).
03aMystical Contemplation, and Intuitive StateThis new book by Thomas Merton is three things in one. It is a general introduction to ChristianSugrue, Thomas NY Herald Tribune (23 September 1951).
03bMerton Takes Reader Along Mystic PathIn one of Hemingway's' magnificently symbolic short stories, a Spanish waiter, who fears theBrady, Charles A. Evening News Buffalo NY (22 September 1951).
03c'Ascent to Truth' by Father Merton"The only thing that can save the world from complete moral collapse is a spiritual revolution."No Author Listed Star Toronto, Canada (29 September 1951).
04aThe Object is Always the Love of God"Mystic" is for the secularist a convenient word of opprobrium, for the religious an accolade. FewPike, James A. New York Times (23 September 1951): 3,34.
04bThe Illuminative WayNot so long ago, Thomas Merton wrote in "The Seven Storey Mountain" the account of his quest forLooby, James F. Sunday Courant Hartford CT (30 September 1951).
04cContemplation Highest ActivityThe Cistercian monk who wrote the immensely popular "Seven Storey Mountain," now with his persuasiveMarchand, LaFayette L. Globe Boston Mass (7 October 1951).
04d An exploration of Catholic mysticism and an attempt to define the nature and function of theNo Author Listed New Yorker (29 September 1951).
05aThomas Merton exposition"The Ascent to Truth" is Thomas Merton's latest work. It is an exposition of the 16th centuryNo Author Listed Post Houston Texas (7 October 1951).
05bIntroduction to GodOne need not be a scholar to enjoy this new book by the noted Trappist who gave us "The Seven StoreyNo Author Listed Union Sacramento Calif (7 October 1951).
05cThe Prelude to MysticismFather Merton's newest book, "The Ascent to Truth," is splendid in more than one way. To begin withOsuch, Joseph M., S.J. Enquirer Cincinnati Ohio (7 October 1951).
05dMystics in SpotlightIn this informative history and interpretation of the "dark side" of Catholic mysticism andE.C. Times Hartford Conn. (13 October 1951). E.C.
05eCarmelite Saint Merton's Subjectit has been nearly nine years now since Thomas Merton united himself with the Cistercian order andL.H. Tennessean Nashville Tenn. (7 October 1951). L.H.
06aThe Accent to Truth. By Thomas Merton. New York: Harcourt, Brace. $3.50For some of the many followers of Father Thomas Merton, this latest book from the pen of theLeach, Joseph Herald-Post El Paso Texas (13 October 1951).
06bDifficult but Rewarding Study Of Man's Quest for Highest VerityThomas Merton's new book was finished on the anniversary of his ninth year in the Cistercian order.Harris, Gerladine C. Dispatch Columbus O (14 October 1951).
06cThe Ascent to Truth. Thomas MertonThe prologue of this book states its purpose as follows: "The function of this book is to define theNo Author Listed Sun Telegram Lowell Mass (14 October 1951).
06dBooksIt was Miss Evelyn Underhill who said, "The greatest mystics have not been heretics but CatholicWu, John C.H. Commonweal 55 (26 October 1951): 72-73.
07aMerton . . . On Progress in MysticismInterested reader of Thomas Merton will be avid about this book "The Ascent to Truth" and will findWilliamson, Mary Paula The Pilot Boston Mass (20 October 1951).
07bThird Book by TrappistIn his third book, Thomas Merton, expounds the doctrines of John of the cross, to prove that withJ.R.A. Colonist Victoria BC. J.R.A.
07cDirected to Half-BelieversOf the dozen-odd theological texts this reviewer has studied "The Ascent to Truth" is the first toJ.W.T. SaSkatoon Star Phoenix Sask., Canada (27 October 1951). J.W.T.
08aThe Ascent to Truth"The only thing that can save the world from complete moral collapse is a spiritual revolution,"Bregy, Katherine Sign 31 (November 1951): 66.
08bFictionThomas Merton's new book which he recently finished on the anniversary of his ninth year in theNo Author Listed Reporter Berlin NH (1 November 1951).
08cMerton, Thomas."This new book by Thomas Merton is three things in one. It is a general introduction to ChristianHurley, R.J.; Thomas Sugrue, and J.A. Pike Book Rev Digest (November 1951). Contains excerpts from reviews by R.J.
09aAssembly-Line Production Mars Merton's New BookThere is so much of good in "The Ascent to Truth" that I am reluctant to set down my opinion that itShaw, J.G. Ensign Ottawa ON (3 November 1951).
09bMerton Borrows From the MysticsGod is Truth. When we make the ascent to truth we approach close to God. We shall be happyFitzpatrick, A.M., Fr. Catholic Universe Bul Cleveland Ohio (2 November 1951).
09cThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton; McLeod's; 342 pages; $4.50The author of this book and The Seven Storey Mountain is Father Louis of the Trappist Order and thisNo Author Listed Times Moncton, NB Canada (November 1951).
10aThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton; McLeod's; 342 pages; $4.50The author of this book and The Seven Storey Mountain is Father Louis of the Trappist Order and thisNo Author Listed Times Moncton, NB Canada (November 1951).
10bAssembly-Line Production Mars Merton's New BookThere is so much of good in "The Ascent to Truth" that I am reluctant to set down my opinion that itShaw, J.G. Ensign Ottawa ON (3 November 1951).
11aClimbing toward GodStrictly speaking, this is a book without an ending, a study without a solution. It seems like anMcInnis, R.J. America 86 (10 November 1951): 158,160.
11bMerton's 'Ascent to Truth' His Most Important BookThomas Merton's latest and most ambitious work to date, The Ascent to Truth, is a more or lessSimons, John W. Catholic Messenger Davenport Ia (8 November 1951).
12aRare InsightsIt should be said at once that this is a very different book from the author's overwhelming successF.J.L. Traveler Boston, Mass. (31 October 1951). F.J.L.
12bContemplation as the Way to TruthFr. Louis' ascent to ultimate truth, which is God, is by the path of contemplation. To guide theJ.C.C Republican Springfield Mass (October).
12cMysticism In Search For TruthIn Thomas Merton's best seller, Seven Storey Mountain, the Catholic convert and Trappist monk toldDunlap, Katherine Inquirer Philadelphia Pa (21 October 1951).
12dCatholic Book Club--October SelectionWe live in a time of interest not only in the field of religious reading generally and of curiosityTheall, D. Bernard, O.S.B. Best Sellers 11.156 [Scranton Pa] (15 November 1951): 156.
12e Perhaps no one has gained a wider hearing among English-speaking readers on mysticism than theNo Author Listed America (24 November 1951).
13aTruth, Elusive and MysticalThe author of "The Seven Storey Mountain" and "The Waters of Siloe," who put on the Trappist habitInge, Welford Oklahoman Oklahoma City Oklahoma (16 December 1951).
13bThomas Merton Points Way for Ascent to TruthFather Louis Merton, OCSO, known to the reading public as Thomas Merton, the author of the formerNo Author Listed Star [?] Pasadena California.
13cMerton, ThomasA Devout member of the order of the Discalced Carmelites, Father Merton is convinced that onlyNo Author Listed US Quarterly Book Review (December 1951).
14aMysticism in Religious ExperienceThe modern Western mind has very little knowledge of what is meant by the word mysticism, as theKean, Charles D. Post Dispatch Saint Louis Mo (13 January 1952).
14bThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co.; 342 pp.; $3.50This book is not an autobiographical record as Father Merton's popular book, "The Seven StoreyNo Author Listed Chronicle San Francisco Calif (28 October 1951).
14cThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton. Harcourt, Brace. 1951 $3.50In this book Father Merton, author of The Seven Storey Mountain, sets forth the thesis that only aL.S. Library Journal NY City (1 September 1952). L.S.
14dThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton"The function of this book is to define the nature of the contemplative experience, to showDiviney, Charles E. Reverend Charles Diviney.
15aMerton, Thomas. The Ascent to truthNature of the contemplative experience and something of the necessary self-denial which leads up toNo Author Listed Book Bulletin Chicago Library (January 1952).
15bAscent to TruthA book truly in the noble tradition of St. John of the Cross. Its sublime concepts are conveyed inNo Author Listed Pilot Boston Mass (16 February 1952).
15cThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas MertonSaint Paul tells us we are all called to be saints. For the prayer life of the saint a fullNo Author Listed Monitor San Francisco Calif (22 February 1952).
15dStudy of a MysticIn "The Seven Storey Mountain" Thomas Merton spoke briefly with admiration and gratitude of theHughes, Serge Saturday Review of Literature 35 (1 March 1952): 44-45.
16aThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton. Harcourt, Brace, and Co., New York. $3.50An attitude of alarm that prevails among many thinking people could be one reason for Father LouisCollentine, Richard J. Ava Maria [Buffalo, NY] 75 (23 February 1952): 250.
16bMerton, ThomasFather Merton's literary output is a living refutation of the theory that monks are lazy. In hisNo Author Listed Catholic Booklist St. Catherine KY (1952).
17aThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas MertonSaint Paul tells us we are all called to be saints. For the prayer life of the saint a fullNo Author Listed America (23 February 1952).
17bMerton, Thomas. The Ascent to TruthTaking up where his Seven Storey Mountain left off, Father Merton tries to guide the reader on aNo Author Listed Guidepost, Cincinnati Ohio (December).
17cThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton. Harcourt Brace & Co., NY 1951. pp 342. $3.50It is difficult I suppose, for a non-Catholic and a nonmystic to evaluate fairly a book like TheE.L.T. Personalist (Spring 1953). E.L.T.
17dMerton, ThomasBrilliant exposition of the nature of mystical contemplation as expounded in the works of Saint JohnNo Author Listed Bookmark Albany NY (October 1951).
18a Thomas Merton's new book, "The Ascent to Truth," will be published in September (Harcourt, Brace)No Author Listed News Newark NJ (26 July 1951).
18bInspirationalThomas Merton's "The Ascent to Truth" has been announced for publication Sept. 20 by Harcourt, BraceNo Author Listed NY Herald Tribune (6 July 1951).
18c Thomas Merton's long heralded The Ascent to Truth (Harcourt, Brace, $3.50) also is on the bookstandsNo Author Listed News Cleveland Ohio (21 September 1951).
18dThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton. 342 pages. Harcourt Brace. $3.50Still displaying a keen interest in the secular civilization surging around his cloister theNo Author Listed Times NY City (17 November 1951).
18eTrappist Monk TurnsThomas Merton (who has been called the "Talkative Trappist") has written another book. It is calledNo Author Listed World Herald Omaha Neb (October).
18fThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas MertonAn explanation of the value of contemplation, largely through the teachings of a 16th centuryNo Author Listed Retail Bookseller NY City (September 1951).
18g Thomas Merton completed his newest book, The Ascent to Truth on the anniversary of his ninth year inNo Author Listed Herald News Fall River Mass (11 October 1951).
18h Thomas Merton's newest, "The Ascent to Truth" (Harcourt Brace) attempts to balance the difficultNo Author Listed Beacon-Journal Akron Ohio (11 November 1951).
18iReviews in Brief:The author of "The Seven Storey Mountain" believes that because modern man is without love he isNo Author Listed News Detroit Michigan (25 November 1951).
19aThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton. (Compass-Viking, $1.45)Brother Merton's thesis is that the contemporary world needs "a spiritual revolution" and that itsG.N.S.
19bThe Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton (Harcourt Brace) $3.50This is the latest philosophical discussion by the popular Catholic writer, whose simplicity ofNo Author Listed Mirror Los Angeles California (10 November 1951).
20The Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton. Harcourt Brace. $3.50If in his Seven Storey Mountain Thomas Merton gathered an audience and set the stage for thatLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 4 (Spring 1952): 207-209.
21Merton ReissuedThomas Merton explains the teaching of St John of the Cross on mystical prayer and union with God asLuff, S.G.A. Clergy Review 62 (august 1977): 336-337.
22Merton Goes up Mount of ContemplationThomas Merton's new book, which he recently finished on the anniversary of his ninth year in theO'Brien, John A. Chicago Sunday Tribune (7 October 1957).
23Merton and St. John of the CrossThe author of the Imitation bids us, "Ask not who said this, but attend to what is said." It isShaw, James Integrity 6.3 (December 1951):45-46.
24Mystical AscentThe best wines come from wines that grow on hard and chalkyJames, Bruno S. Month [London] 7 (April 1952):242-244.
25 The purpose of the world, the nature of man, the meaning of truth-Sullivan, Walter Catholic World (November 1951) [:156-157.
26 Before any reviewer opens the fire of his criticism on Thomas Merton'sSquire, Aelred, O.P. Blackfriars 33 (March 1952) 144-146.
27 The popular Trappist author's latest book summarizes the mysticalDucey, Michael American Benedictine Review 2 (December 1951) 440-441.
28 This important book is the complement of the author's Seeds of Contemplation. All readers of the latter book should read this.Watkin, E. I. Dublin Review 226 (1st quarter 1952): 74-77.
29 In these days, when even Catholics are in danger of being infected withWalker, Bruno, O.C.R. Life of the Spirit 7.80 (February 1953): 370-371.
30The Nature of MysticismThe growth of interest in mysticismNo Author Listed Times Literary Supplement [London] 2619 (Apr. 11 1952): 256.
31 The name of Thomas Merton is alreadyCostelloe, Patrick O The Furrow, v3#4 (April 1952): 223-224.