The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

A Hidden Wholeness: The Visual World of Thomas Merton

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01BookendsJohn Howard Griffin, long-time friend and now official biographer of the late Thomas Merton,Williams, P. Shirley Courier Journal & Louisville Times [KY].
02A Contemplative Life In Words and PhotosThis is a book that has to be seen to be believe -- and fully felt. And immersing one's self in bothWolfe, Ann F. Dispatch Columbus OH (22 November 1970).
03A circus of Mertons"When he left for Asia," said W. H. Ferry, "he was like a kid going to the circus."Forest, James H. Commonweal 92 (22 January 1971): 400-402.
04 Reviewing A Hidden Wholeness is as exciting and difficult as coming to grips with the enigmaticHutt, Richard L. Cross and Crown 23 (June 1971): 228-229.
05Lenten Reading SuggestionsPhotographs and text in this beautiful book complement each other in an all but perfect orientationMcDonnell, Thomas P. America 124 (20 February 1971): 181-182.
06 Thematic arrangement of photographs by Merton and Griffin, text by Griffin, centering on Merton'sNo Author Listed Choice 8 (May 1971): 369.
07Thomas Merton: Distinctly Personal PicturesThis is a beautiful volume composed with deep felicity--the unostentatiousPatnaik, Deba P. Courier-Journal [Louisville] (25 October 1970).
08 Surrounded by the silence of forests, in the peaceful old Trappist-CistercianLake, Miriam Epiphany 1.3 (Spring 1981): 94-99.
09 The most predictable thing about Thomas Merton's life was that its endDeedy, John, Jr. Critic 29 (March-April 1971): 81-82.
10The Call to EmptinessIn "Notes for a Philosophy of Solitude," from Disputed Questions, ThomasBonazzi, Robert Southwest Review 56.1 (Winter 1971): 86-90.
11 The title of this book aptly capturesCorcoran, Donald, Sr., O.S.B. Cam. Catholic Worker XXXVI.8 (October-November 1970): 5.
12Signpost to BeautyIn the last three-and-a-half yearsKountz, Peter J. Christian Century (25 November 1970): 1425-1426.
13Recalling the artist and monk who lives onThese are the first two of what will surely be a banquet of books to publicly witnessMurray, Michele National Catholic Reporter [Kansas City, MO] 7 (19 February 1971): 11.
14 Sans conteste, ce livre de photographies prises par John Howard GriffinHart, Patrick, Br., O.C.S.O. Collectanea Cisterciensia 35.4 (1973).
15Merton Used Photography in Religious SearchThomas Merton, the monk with a poet's visionNo Author Listed Indianapolis News (December 1970).
16Myth-Making of a MonkWhen the astonishing energies of Thomas MertonMcDonnell, Thomas P.
CSQ Doubtless this photographic book by John HowardHart, Patrick, Br., O.C.S.O. Cistercian Studies 7.2 (1972). Bulletin of Monastic Spirituality # 288. [150-151].