File# | Title | First Line | Rev.Author | Citation | Year |
01 | Bookends | John Howard Griffin, long-time friend and now official biographer of the late Thomas Merton, | Williams, P. Shirley |
Courier Journal & Louisville Times [KY].
| no-year |
02 | A Contemplative Life In Words and Photos | This is a book that has to be seen to be believe -- and fully felt. And immersing one's self in both | Wolfe, Ann F. |
Dispatch Columbus OH (22 November 1970).
| 1970 |
03 | A circus of Mertons | "When he left for Asia," said W. H. Ferry, "he was like a kid going to the circus." | Forest, James H. |
Commonweal 92 (22 January 1971): 400-402.
| 1971 |
04 | | Reviewing A Hidden Wholeness is as exciting and difficult as coming to grips with the enigmatic | Hutt, Richard L. |
Cross and Crown 23 (June 1971): 228-229.
| 1971 |
05 | Lenten Reading Suggestions | Photographs and text in this beautiful book complement each other in an all but perfect orientation | McDonnell, Thomas P. |
America 124 (20 February 1971): 181-182.
| 1971 |
06 | | Thematic arrangement of photographs by Merton and Griffin, text by Griffin, centering on Merton's | No Author Listed |
Choice 8 (May 1971): 369.
| 1971 |
07 | Thomas Merton: Distinctly Personal Pictures | This is a beautiful volume composed with deep felicity--the unostentatious | Patnaik, Deba P. |
Courier-Journal [Louisville] (25 October 1970).
| 1970 |
08 | | Surrounded by the silence of forests, in the peaceful old Trappist-Cistercian | Lake, Miriam |
Epiphany 1.3 (Spring 1981): 94-99.
| 1981 |
09 | | The most predictable thing about Thomas Merton's life was that its end | Deedy, John, Jr. |
Critic 29 (March-April 1971): 81-82.
| 1971 |
10 | The Call to Emptiness | In "Notes for a Philosophy of Solitude," from Disputed Questions, Thomas | Bonazzi, Robert |
Southwest Review 56.1 (Winter 1971): 86-90.
| 1971 |
11 | | The title of this book aptly captures | Corcoran, Donald, Sr., O.S.B. Cam. |
Catholic Worker XXXVI.8 (October-November 1970): 5.
| 1970 |
12 | Signpost to Beauty | In the last three-and-a-half years | Kountz, Peter J. |
Christian Century (25 November 1970): 1425-1426.
| 1970 |
13 | Recalling the artist and monk who lives on | These are the first two of what will surely be a banquet of books to publicly witness | Murray, Michele |
National Catholic Reporter [Kansas City, MO] 7 (19 February 1971): 11.
| 1971 |
14 | | Sans conteste, ce livre de photographies prises par John Howard Griffin | Hart, Patrick, Br., O.C.S.O. |
Collectanea Cisterciensia 35.4 (1973).
| 1973 |
15 | Merton Used Photography in Religious Search | Thomas Merton, the monk with a poet's vision | No Author Listed |
Indianapolis News (December 1970).
| 1970 |
16 | Myth-Making of a Monk | When the astonishing energies of Thomas Merton | McDonnell, Thomas P. |
| no-year |
CSQ | | Doubtless this photographic book by John Howard | Hart, Patrick, Br., O.C.S.O. |
Cistercian Studies 7.2 (1972). Bulletin of Monastic Spirituality # 288. [150-151].
| 1972 |