The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Learning to Love: Exploring Solitude and Freedom. The Journals of Thomas Merton vol. 6 1966-1967

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Learning to Love"What does the lonely and absurd man to teach others?" ponders Thomas Merton in Learning to LoveBrown, Anna J. America 179.1 (4 July 1998): 23-24.
02Leaning to Love: The Journals of Thomas merton. Volume Six 1966-1967In this sixth volume of Thomas Merton's Journals, his multi-dimensionality and self-contradictoryGunn, Robert W. Journal of Religion and Health 37.1 (Spring 1998): 77-78.
04Inside the Thomas Merton revivalFrom Learning to Love, Vol. 6 of the journals of Thomas Merton: "M., my darling, where are you? ThePowe, B.W. Globe and Mail [Toronto] (9 January 1999): D14.
05The Mind of MertonThomas Merton's celebrity was a paradox: The more he seemed to withdraw from the world, the moreMiner, Brad Crisis 26 (July-August 1998): 46-47.
06 Christine Bochen, the editor of this volume of Merton's journals, perceptively writes in her introductionNo Author Listed Monos 10.3 (May/June 1998): 9.
07The Uncensored MertonOne March, not long after we were married, my wife put on her birthday wish-listJones, Timothy Books & Culture: A Christian Review [London]6.6 (Nov.-Dec. 2000): 25-31.
08Enamoured AnchoriteThe life of the American monk and spiritualFurlong, Monica Times Literary Supplement [London] 4974 (Aug. 14 1998): 31.
09Journal Relates Merton 'Affair' - Famed Monk Loved Louisville WomanIt is often said that the world-renowned Trappist monk andJester, Art Herald Leader (1998).
ANNUAL One afternoon in 1966, I passed Fr Louis on his way from 'the steel building' where one of the threeQuenon, Paul, Br., O.C.S.O. Merton Annual 11: 199-203.
JOURNAL In Learning to Love, the penultimate of the seven volumes of Thomas Merton's completePearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 5.2 (Advent 1998): 52-55.
SEASONALOld Desires and NewThose who have turned Thomas Merton into an icon or plaster saint in overalls would do well to giveFullerton, Timothy Merton Seasonal 22:4 (Winter 1997): 31-34.