The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Monastic Journey

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Prejudice: a matter of the heartThomas Merton died on December 10, 1968. His influence, however, continues to grow. The MonasticHiggins, Michael W. Reporter Toronto (1977): 47-48.
02The Solitary LifeThomas Merton died on December 10, 1968. His influence, however, continues to grow. The MonasticFenhagen, James C. Christian Century 95 (5 April 1978): 372-373.
03Symbols & SystemsA few months ago I was a quest "expert" on a radio-talk show in Washington, D.C. The topic wasCunningham, Lawrence S. Commonweal 119.19 (6 November 1992): 42.
04aThe monastic journeyThomas Merton does not lack for a wide audience. His books are being re-issued and are being soldGiannini, Robert Saint Luke's Journal of Theology 22 (September 1978): 326-327.
04bThe monastic journeyWhile writings about Thomas Merton appear almost monthly, it is something of an event when a newQuinn, Mark Horizons 6 (Spring 1979): 150.
05The monastic journeyThis volume is a selection of twelve later essays of Merton dealing with monastic life or closelyCorcoran, Donald, Sr., O.S.B. Cam. Review for Religious 38 (January 1979): 153.
06The monastic journeyToward the end of his life the American contemplative Thomas Merton (1915-68) wrote: "Our realKelly, Frederic J., S.J. Theological Studies 39 (September 1978): 588-589.
07Thomas Merton: The Monastic JourneyIn a poignant tribute written shortly after the tragic death of the noted American Trappist ThomasTwomey, Gerald S. America 142.15 (19 April 1980): 347-348.
08The monastic journeyA monk of Gethsemani once sent me a ribbon bookmark on which is imprinted a monk seated by a window,Fraser, Anne Marie Catholic Worker 44 (January 1978): 8.
09Was Thomas Merton the last great traditional monk?Was Thomas Merton the last great 'traditional' monk of the Western world? It is essential, I think,McDonnell, Thomas P. Church World [Portland ME] (24 November 1977): 8.
10The monastic journey"The problem of the contemplative orders in the presence of modern man, is a problem of greatCrawford, James W. New Review of Books and Religion 2 (April 1978): 16.
11Monk of the Western WorldIt is incredible to think that nearly a decade has passed since the death of Thomas Merton. Was heMcDonnell, Thomas P. Pilot [Boston] 148 (18 November 1977): Thomas P.
12The monastic journeyToward the end of his life the American contemplative, Thomas Merton (1915-1968), wrote, "Our realKelly, Frederic J., S.J. Sisters Today 50 (May 1978): 659.
13Not the Last of the ProphetsA prophet is a person of neither vague ideas nor ready-made solutions. He or she is a person who, byHoover, Conrad C. Sojourners 9.5 (May 1980): 28-30.
14 At present, Merton bulks too large; 'Collectanea Cisterciensia', for example, shows that even St.G.C. Heythrop Journal [London] 20 (October 1979): 466-467.
15 In their different fashions, both Father Shea and Malcolm Boyd deal in their boooks withChristopher, Michael U.S. Catholic 42 (Decemeber 1977): 50-51.
16 This book is of particular interest to me with my particular concern for monastic spirituality.Eastman, Patrick Monos 4.10 (Nov/Dec 1992): 11.
17 Students of Merton and monasticism will be grateful toTeahan, John F. Religious Studies Review (October 1978): 300.
18Monastic RenewalThomas Merton's deep grasp of the beauty and valueHooker, Penny Catholic Herald [London] (1 July 1977): 6.
19The Value, Timeliness of the Monastic LifeOn Oct. 23, 1968, in Calcutta, India, Thomas Merton difined a monkPatnaik, Deba P. Courier-Journal (23 October 1977): D5.
20 A collection of "in-house" articles never intended for a mass-audienceNo Author Listed The Critic (Winter 1977): 89.
21 Over the years of his brief monastic life the late Thomas MertonDevlin, Vianney M., O.F.M. The Cord (September 1978): 252-256.
SEASONALA Revised JourneyI am a recent convert to the monastic way of life, having professed in 1991.Machar, Jerome, O.C.S.O. Merton Seasonal 17:4 (Fall 1992): 24-25.