The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Sign of Jonas

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Merton's JonasJacques Maritain speaks of two attitudes of spirit present in man by reason of the law inscribed onLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 6 (Autumn 1953): 44-52.
02Thomas Merton: The Sign of JonasBefore The Seven Storey Mountain was published, Thomas Merton had begun to keep a journal. The SignNo Author Listed Book blurb from dust jacket.
03a The Sign of Jonas, the journal of Thomas Merton, author of "Storey Mountain" will be published byNo Author Listed News Charleston SC (14 September 1952).
03bSpiritual Journey"The Sign of Jonas," a new book by Thomas Merton, will be published by Harcourt, Brace in SeptemberNo Author Listed New York Herald Times (22 May 1952).
03c For the religious reader there is "The Sign of Jonas," by Thomas Merton (Harcourt, Brace, Oct. 23),No Author Listed Retail Bookseller New York City (October 1952).
03dMonastery ChronicleThe Sign of Jonas, by Thomas Merton, originally scheduled for fall publication, will be published byNo Author Listed Times Indianapolis, IN (28 December 1952).
03eCatholicEverybody who read Seven Storey Mountain will want to read this book. It covers six years of ThomasNo Author Listed Press Cleveland, OH (2 December 1952).
03fThe Sign of JonasThe author's first book since "The Seven Storey Mountain" to offer real competition to that greatNo Author Listed Retail Bookseller New York City (October 1952).
04a "The Sign of Jonas," by Thomas Merton (Harcourt, Brace, Feb. 5), is a worthy successor to "The SevenNo Author Listed Retail Bookseller New York City (February 1953).
04bThe Sign of JonasThe author's first book since "The Seven Storey Mountain" to offer real competition to that greatNo Author Listed Retail Bookseller New York City (February 1953).
04cBetween the BookendsThe Sign of Jonas is the story of a priestly paradox--the candid self-assessment of a man who leftStack, Jim News [Newburyport, Mass] (5 March 1953).
04dThe Sign of JonasThe author's first book since "The Seven Storey Mountain" to offer real competition to that greatNo Author Listed Retail Bookseller (January 1953).
04eMerton, ThomasMerton, now Father Louis of the Cistercian Order, had been five years at the Abbey of Gethsemani inMcDonald, Gerald D. Library Journal New York City (1 February 1953).
05aThe Sign of JonasThe Merton name is sure passport to sales, but it is important to know just what this new book is asNo Author Listed Virginia Kirkus Bulletin New York City (1 February 1953).
05bBooks and ThingsHere is Thomas Merton, who renounced the world in 1941 and has since addressed a number of books toHutchens, John K. New York Herald Tribune (6 February 1953).
05cThe Sign of JonasThe five-year journal of the daily routine and reflections of a member of a Cistercian Order inNo Author Listed Saturday Review (7 February 1953).
05dA 'New' Merton In Lively DiaryIn 1946, Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk at Gethsemane, Kentucky, wrote a runaway best-sellingO'Neill, Frank Cleveland News (5 February 1953).
06aNoted Trappist Proves He Has Much To Offer All Faiths In 'Sign of Jonas'Thomas Merton has a great deal to offer men and women of every faith. Thos who have read hisSmith, Harrison Toledo Blade (8 February 1953): Also see 06c, 07c, 09b, 09c, 10b, 12d, 13a, 14c, 15a.
06bTrappist Thomas Merton Recalls 6 Monastery YearsThomas Merton, who at one time was a barker for a sideshow at the Chicago World's Fair, became inBarensfeld, Thomas Plain Dealer Cleveland, OH (8 February 1953).
06cThe World of BooksThomas Merton has a great deal to offer men and women of every faith. Those who have read hisSmith, Harrison Mutual Press Clipping: Also see 06a, 07c, 09b, 09c, 10b, 12d, 13a, 14c, 15a.
07aIn the Belly Of a ParadoxOn December 30, 1949, Thomas Merton made the following entry in his journal "Tomorrow is SaintYeiser, Frederick Cincinnati Enquirer [OH] (8 February 1953): news section 50.
07bMore of the Merton Record: A Canded Account of Spiritual Pilgrimage of Cistercian MonkThis is an extremely candid record of a spiritual pilgrimage that is still in progress. It is theMarchand, LaFayette L. Sunday Globe Boston, Mass.
07cThomas Merton Continues Reflection Begun in 'The Seven Storey Mountain'Thomas Merton has a great deal to offer men and women of every faith. Those who have read hisSmith, Harrison Mutual Press Clipping: Also see 06a, 06c, 09b, 09c, 10b, 12d, 13a, 14c, 15a.
08aThomas Merton's Warm Account of Six Monastic YearsAmerica, the land of activism, was startled in 1948 by the appearance of "The Seven Storey MountainWalsh, Chad New York Herald Tribune (8 February 1953).
08bThe Paradox of the Recluse Whose Writing Draws CrowdsTaking up his life where The Seven Storey Mountain left off, Thomas Merton has now published aNo Author Listed News Savannah, GA (8 February 1953).
08cDaily Life in Trappist MonasteryNot only Catholics have bought this Trappist monk's two popular books Seven Storey Mountain and TheNo Author Listed Herald Miami Florida (8 February 1953).
09aThe Daily Journal of a Silent Trappist MonkEleven years ago Thomas Merton, now Father Louis, entered the Trappist monastery of Gethsemani inMacGregor, Martha New York Post (8 February 1953).
09bMonk's Story of His LifeThomas Merton has a great deal to offer men and women of every faith. Those who have read hisSmith, Harrison Roanoke Times (8 February 1953): Also see 06a, 06c, 07c, 09c, 10b, 12d, 13a, 14c, 15a.
09cJournal Revealing in Monastery MeditationsThomas Merton has a great deal to offer men and women of every faith. Those who have read hisSmith, Harrison News Santa Barbara, CA (9 February 1953): Also see 60a, 06c, 07c, 09b, 10b, 12d, 13a, 14c, 15a.
10aAmerican Monk Tells of Quest For Total Immersion Into GodThis is the journal of six years of Thomas Merton's life as a monk in the Trappist monastery of OurGriffin, John Howard Times Herald Dallas, TX (8 February 1953).
10bMeditations and Prayers of a MonkThomas Merton has a great deal to offer men and women of every faith. Those who have read hisSmith, Harrison Beacon Wichita Kansas (8 February 1953): Also see 60a, 06c, 07c, 09b, 09c, 12d, 13a, 14c, 15a.
11Silent Searcher in a Shouting WorldI am quite sure there has been no books like this, It is a diary kept during five years spent in aShuster, George N. New York Times Book Review 58 (8 February 1953): 1.
12aFan Mail Is Penance to Famed MonkTo be an author in a Trappist monastery is, says Thomas Merton, "to be like a duck in a chicken coopMcGarey, Mary Star Washington DC (8 Feb 1953). M. McG.
12bJournal of a TrappistOut of the stillness of the Trappist monastery in Gethsemane, Ky., comes the welcome voice of ThomasA.D.V. Courant Hartford Conn (8 February 1953). A.D.V.
12cThomas MertonOur third contributor to the literary world is Thomas Merton. His kind of writing is vastlyNo Author Listed Mercury Medford, Mass (9 February 1953).
12dMerton's Journal Tells of Monastic Life, Its RewardsThomas Merton has a great deal to offer men and women of every faith. Those who have read hisSmith, Harrison Evening News Buffalo, NY (14 February 1953): Also see 60a, 06c, 07c, 09b, 09c, 10b, 13a, 14c, 15a.
12eMerton's Spiritual Journal Records His Inner ConflictsThe Sign of Jonas, by Thomas Merton (Harcourt-Brace, $3.50), is the spiritual journal of Merton (nowBurn, George V. Press Cleveland, OH (10 February 1953).
13aLife of Meditation ToldThomas Merton has a great deal to offer men and women of every faith. Those who have read hisSmith, Harrison Union San Diego, CA (8 February 1953): Also see 60a, 06c, 07c, 09b, 09c, 10b, 12d, 14c, 15a.
13bMerton's 'Sign of Jonas" More Life in MonasterySecond installment of the Trappistine journal begun with "Seven Story Mountain," Thomas Merton's TheNo Author Listed Star Toronto, CA (14 February 1953).
13cJournal Started After Five Years in MonasteryAfter five years in the Trappist monastery of Gethsemani, Father Louis, this author, started thisRogers, W.G. Mutual Press Clippings Philadelphia, PA (12 February 1953): Also see 16c.
14aDiary of a Poet Monk: Thomas Merton, Whose 'Seven Storey Mountain' Was a Best Seller, Writes of HisWhen "the Seven Storey Mountain," the autobiography of Thomas Merton, poet and man of the world whoCattoi, Louise Journal Milwaukee Wis (8 February 1953).
14bDramatic Life of Fr. LouisThe personal journal of Father Louis (Thomas Merton) of Gethsemani Monastery in Kentucky provides aMossman, Josef News Detroit, MI (15 February 1959).
14cMerton's 'Sign of Jonas' Eloquently Portrays FaithThomas Merton has a great deal to offer men and women of every faith. Those who have read hisSmith, Harrison Observer Charlotte NC (15 February 1953): Also see 60a, 06c, 07c, 09b, 09c, 10b, 12d, 13a, 15a.
15aMonk's Journal Tells Unique LifeThomas Merton has a great deal to offer men and women of every faith. Those who have read hisSmith, Harrison Spokesman Review Spokane, WA (15 February 1953): Also see 60a, 06c, 07c, 09b, 09c, 10b, 12d, 13a, 14c.
15bFascinating Reading In Merton's JournalThis book is copyrighted by the Abbey of Our Lady of the Gethsemani, located near Louisville, KY.Lucchese, Sam F. Journal Atlanta, GA (15 February 1953).
15cAuthor Reveals Monastic Life in Own JournalHave you ever wanted to look into an author's mind and see what the thoughts were behind hisNestlebush, R.P. Gazette Little Rock Ark (15 February 1953).
16aThomas merton's Sequel to His 1948 AutobiographyThomas Merton is the hard-living young man who turned his back on the world to become a TrappistHabich, William Courier Journal [Louisville, KY] (15 February 1953).
16b'The Sign of Jonas' by Thomas MertonThomas Merton known as Fr. Louis of the Cistercian order, loves the great forest trees near theJ.W.C. Republican Springfield Mass. J.W.C.
16cJournal of Father LouisAfter five years in the Trappist monastery of Gethsemani, Father Louis, this author, started hisNo Author Listed Sunday Register New Haven, CT: Also see 13c.
17aIn the Belly of a ParadoxIn 1948 there was published a book called "the Seven Storey Mountain," written by Thomas Merton. ItRedman, Ben Ray Saturday Review of Literature [New York] 36 (21 February 1953): 45-46.
17bmerton's JournalThis is the journal of Thomas Merton, now Father Louis of the Trappist monastery at Gethsemani.Pasley, Gertrude News Newark, NJ (22 February 1953).
18aThe Search of the SpiritThose who read, and were fascinated by Thomas Merton's "The Seven Storey Mountain" must, like thisWeston, D.R. Gazette Montreal Canada (21 February 1953).
18bThomas Merton's Resurrection TaleFor those who had the privilege of meeting this thoroughly-lived and profound personality of theKiken, Jonas Post Denver CO (15 February 1953).
18cMonastic Life Detailed in Trappist DiaryClose followers of Thomas Merton's prolific writings will find in "The Sign of Jonas" a change inMcGarey, Mary Dispatch Columbus OH (22 February 1953).
19aThis week I readOff and on for the past two or three weeks I have been reading this journal of Thomas Merton. AGraham, Kathleen Leader Post Regina, SK.
19bWhat's What in BooksAt one time the monk was a man of mystery. The relatively few men--women were never permitted--whoCanfield, F.X. Michigan Catholic [Detroit, MI] (5 March 1953).
19cNew 'Journal' Draws PraiseThomas Merton has called this journal of the six years of his life since solemn profession, "theCasey, George W. Herald Boston Mass (22 February 1953).
19dMerton as Monk"It is five years since I came to this monastery" begins this journal by Father Louis, known far andHarrop, Mona Times-Star Cincinnati [OH] (3 March 1953).
19eThe Sign of JonasDay-journal of "Seven Storey Mountain" author, one of today's best-known Catholic converts,No Author Listed News Dallas TX (1 March 1953).
20aFr. Louis Climbs Great MountainAbout six years ago a very modern young man captured the American reading public with the story ofBroderick, John A. Post, Boston, MA (8 March 1953).
20bTrappist Monk Writes Moving Accoutn of the Joys of Contemplative LivingWhat manner of life does a Trappist monk lead? Is it a life of silence and negativity interspersedJ.P. Spectator Hamilton, Ont Canada (28 February 1953). J.P.
20cCorrespondent in KentuckyA little more about Thomas Merton from whose "The Sign of Jonas" excerpts appear today in "This WeekNo Author Listed New York Herald Tribune (8 March 1953).
20dThe Sign of Jonas"Yesterday we were out in the middle bottom, spreading manure over the gray mud of the cornfields. IKielt, Bernadine Book of the Month New York (March 1953).
21aDay by Day Inside a MonasteryThomas Merton, a Trappist monk, believes that, like Jonah in the whale, he is traveling toward hisDonald D. Jones Star Kansas City Kansas (28 March 1953).
21bSpiritual Saga of MertonIntimate glimpses into the soul of a man who can hardly wait to lose himself in God are given inMacGillivray, Leo Ensign Ottawa Canada (21 March 1953).
21cThe Sign of JonasBeing the private journal of a Trappist monk, this is a most unusual book. Written where silence isJ.W.W. Daily Province Vancouver BC (28 March 1953). J.W.W.
21dMerton, Thomas"Personal notes and meditations" of the author of the Seven Storey Mountain (Book Review Digest 1948McSorley, Joseph; J.A. O'Brien, Henry Rago, G.D. McDonald, S.M. Fitzgerald, etc Book Review Digest (April 1953).
21e Thomas Merton, American author of the best-selling book, "The Seven Storey Mountain," has now hadNo Author Listed Edmonton Journal Alta. Canada (28 March 1953).
22aThe Sign of JonasThe author of "The Seven Storey Mountain," who is now Father Louis of the Cistercian Order at theNo Author Listed Chronicle San Francisco CA (19 April 1953).
22bThe Quiet Search For FaithIn "the Sign of Jonas," Merton still is trying to find himself. The book will be found full ofA.C. Observer Raleigh NC (12 April 1953). A.C.
22cMonastery Life Told: Thomas Merton Has An Absorving StoryIn "the Sign of Jonas," a journal by Thomas Merton, you get a glimpse of life in a monastery. ThisLazorcak, Marty Press Pittsburg, PA (24 May 1953).
22dReviews in Brief:Before "the Seven Storey Mountain" was published. Thomas Merton had begun to keep a journal. "TheNo Author Listed Record Chelsea Mass (23 April 1953).
22eThe Sign of JonasThomas Merton, the author of the best seller "the Seven Story Mountain," has again arisen from theD.J.D. Catholic Home Messenger Canfield OH (August 1953). D.J.D.
22fBetween Book Ends: With Merton in His MonasteryThe many readers of Thomas Merton's "the Seven Storey Mountain," a poetic account of a young man'sHolland, Dorothy Garesche Post Dispatch Saint Louis, MO (28 May 1953).
22gBook ReviewsHave you ever noticed what a Trappist monk thinks in the cloisters? He is under a vow to silence soPearson, Flaval Chehalis Advocate [Chehalis, Wash] (1 October 1953).
23aMerton, Thomas"Personal notes and meditations" of the author of The Seven Storey Mountain (Book Review Digest 1948McSorley, Joseph; J.A. O'Brien, Henry Rago, G.D. McDonald, S.M. Fitzgerald, etc Book Review Digest (August 1953). Excerpts from reviews by Joseph McSorley, J.A. O'Brien, Henry Rago, G.D. McDonald, S.M. Fitzgerald, Chad Walsh, G.N. Shuster, and J.V.
23bMerton, ThomasFive years after Thomas Merton became a Trappist monk, and before the publication of The SevenNo Author Listed US Quarterly Book Review (June 1953).
23cThe Sign of JonasThomas Merton, Father Louis, a Trappist monk, famed author of The Seven Storey Mountain, brings usR.T.F. Personalist (Autumn 1953). R.T.F.
23dThe Sign of Jonas. By Thomas MertonThe first half of the book seems to me really to deserve that sticky adjective 'exalting.' As aNo Author Listed Commonweal (4 December 1953).
23eThe Sign of JonasBeing the private journal of a Trappist monk, this is a most unusual book. Written where silence isNo Author Listed Evening Citizen Ottawa Canada (4 April 1953).
23fThomas Merton's Trappist DiaryOriginally published by Harcourt, Brace in 1952, The Sign of Jonas received wide attention as "theDu Buis, Maria St Joseph Magazine (April 1956).
23gThe Sign of Jonas, by thomas Merton (Image Books)There are a lost of good Merton books around, too, but I like this one best. Joan of Arc, by CharlesSullivan, Oona Jubilee (February 1961).
24The meaning of Thomas MertonWhen The Seven Storey Mountain appeared, it answered many questions about modern society and theLandy, Joseph America 88 (21 February 1953): 569-570. Spanish translation published in Digesto Catolico in June 1953 - "El Significado de Thomas Merton" - pp. 63-67.
25Subtle, Fascinating, Like His 'Seven Storey Mountain'A new book by Thomas Merton is not much of a novelty these days, for the author of "The Seven StoreyO'Brien, John A. Chicago Sunday Tribune (8 February 1953).
26From the Belly of the WhaleOne summer at the Abbey of Our Lady of New Melleray a Trappist was showing me around the rawRago, Henry Commonweal 57 (27 February 1953): 526-529.
27 To re-read these two books is to be transported to another world, one of high hope and enthusiasm.Cary-Elwes, Columba, O.S.B. Heythrop Journal [London] 19.1 (January 1978): 118-119.
28 For a variety of reasons many persons will be drawn to the reading of this book. Some will wish toMcSorley, Joseph Catholic World 176 (March 1953): 474-475.
29 Words and deeds, the thought and the act, make an odd counter-point, and one can never tell whichSquire, Aelred, O.P. Blackfriars 34 (July-August 1953) 363-364.
30Father Thomas MertonThis is the spiritual journal of Thomas Merton, the well-known writer. It is not a book to pleaseJames, Bruno S. Dublin Review 227 (Fall 1953): 314-315.
31 Before The Seven Storey Mountain was publsihed Thomas Merton had begun to keep a journal.Reparata, Sister Mary, O.P. Catholic Library World 24 (March 1953): 203.
32 In this autobiographical study, sequel to his best-selling The Seven Storey Mountain, Father LouisDucey, Michael American Benedictine Review 4.3 (Autumn 1953): 277-278.
33 The Sign of Jonas contains Thomas Merton's Trappist journal from December, 1946, to July, 1952,Ryan, E.A., S.J. Thought 29 (June 1954): 314-315.
34"My Work Is My Hermitage"Elected Silence was an important and interesting book; important because it illustrated the thirst for contemplationSpeaight. Robert Tablet [London] (6 June 1953): 12.
35 Thomas Merton is certainly the only Catholic writer on theVelarde, R. Life of the Spirit 8.89 (November 1953): 236-238.
36 This is a sequel to Elected Silence. It is the diaryO'Donoghue, Dermot The Furrow, 4.10 (Oct. 1953): 608-609.