The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Solitary Explorer

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01A kinsman to manyA decade ago, when I first took the first tentative, frightened stepBaker, James Thomas Commonweal 108 (10 April 1981): 214-216.
02Merton: Not Yet DisappearedThomas Merton, a widely known figure of American Catholicism, was a man of significantElwood, J. M. National Catholic Register 16 (19 September 1980) : 18.
03 What Merton wrote was never so fascinating as the man himself.Lane, Belden C. Theology Today 38.2 (July 1981): 242-246.
04 I am pleased to review this book in light of the grossly unfair treatment it received fromTeahan, John F. Journal of Religion 63.1 (January 1983): 95-96.
05 Selecting as her theme a crisp statement of Thomas Merton in his Asian Journal (1968):Kelley, Frederic J. Horizons 8 (Fall 1981): 398-399.
06 At last, twelve years after his untimely death in Bangkok on Dec. 10, 1968, a fullKelly, Frederic J., S.J. Theological Studies 42 (March 1981): 154-157.
07 Malits, an acknowledged authority on Thomas Merton and Chair of the Religious StudiesNo Author Listed Choice 18 (January 1981): 676.
08The Ordeal of Thomas MertonThey found him lying dead on the floor of a hotel room in Bangkok, the victim of accidentalGray, Francine de Plessix New York Times Book Review (19 October 1980): 3, 28, 30.
09 Thomas Merton continues to exert great influence on American spiritualityBailey, Raymond Review & Expositor [Louisville] 79.1 (Winter 1982): 177-179.
10Four on MertonIt is nearly thirteen years since the death of Thomas Merton. The interest in his life and thoughtTerry, James S. Cross Currents 31 (Spring 1981): 102-105. James S. Terry.
11 The intemperance which characterizes so much of what is written and said about Thomas MertonGarvey, Michael Critic 40.2 (February 1981): 2-4.
XREF1Merton's Affirmation and Affirmation of Merton: Writing about SilenceThomas Merton chose to be a cloistered contemplative within one of the most austere religious orders in the United States.Kramer, Victor A. Review [Charlottesville, VA] 4 (1982): 295-333 [see review author file].