The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Strange Islands

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Babel TheoryThomas Merton's new book of poems is dull, daunted and reminiscent of Eliot. These three qualitiesLogan, John Commonweal 66 (5 July 1957): 357-358.
02Thomas Merton as PoetThe popularity of Thomas Merton's autobiographical and contemplative prose works has resulted inHabich, William Courier-Journal [Louisville] (21 April 1957).
03Urbanity and GraceThe third book of poems by Howard Moss is an extremely accomplished collection. The poems differ inMerwin, W.S. New York Times Book Review (26 May 1957): 28.
04Sacred and SecularThe Strange Islands is Thomas Merton's first collection of new poems in eight years. The prodigiousJustice, Donald Poetry 91 (October 1957): 41-44.
05A Fair SamplingPoetry is being written among us as never before, and of a high degree of refinement and professionaBeach, Joseph W. Prairie Schooner 31 (Fall 1957): 171-181.
06A New MannerPoetry is being written among us as never before, and of a high degree of refinement andLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 10 (Summer 1958): 214-218.
07Sincerity and the MusePoetry is being written among us as never before, and of a high degree of refinement andHall, Donald Saturday Review 40 (6 July 1957): 29.
08On What Strange Islands?Poetry is being written among us as never before, and of a high degree of refinement andMcDonnell, Thomas P. Spirit 24 (July 1957): 85-87.
09The River is Always the Same RiverIn Collected Poems, Joyce's Chamber Music, Pomes Penyeach, and Ecce Puer are made available at aNapier, John T. Voices 165 (January-April 1958): 35-37.
10In the Presence of AnthologiesFrom the beginning, Thomas Merton's verse has presented many difficulties; these result not so muchDickey, James Sewanee Review 66.2 (Spring 1958): 304-305.
11Singers for the Summer MonthsToo often the Muse, with bright but vainly beating wings, flutters around our book columns, seekingMorgan, Edwin G. America 97 (13 July 1957): 408.
12Acts of FaithThe publication of poetry in translationDickinson, Patric Thomas Times Literary Supplement [London] 2913 (Dec. 27 1957): 789.
13The Strange IslandsIn his commentary on his ownSteed, Robert Catholic Worker (May 1957).