The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Tears of the Blind Lions

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01The Tears of the Blind Lions By Thomas Merton. New Directions. 32p. $.50"When those who love God try to talk about Him, their words are blind lions looking for springs inSweeney, Francis America 83 (8 April 1950): 1950.
02aMerton, Thomas"These poems seem somewhat complicated and labored. There is something of the spirit of Bloy-aKennedy, Leo; Anne Fremantle, Milton Crane, R.G. Davis, M.T. Lentfoerhr Book Rev Digest (August 1950); contains excerpts of reviews by Leo Kennedy, Anne Fremantle, Milton Crane, R.G.
02bThe Tears of the Blind Lions. Thomas Merton. New Directions. $1.25.Poetry is to prose as liquer to wine: cognac is made of the same grapes as burgundy, but by howFremantle, Anne Commonweal 51 (10 March 1950): 586.
02c Thomas Merton, once a surrealist poet and now Father Louis of the Cistercian Order of Trappists inNo Author Listed Chicago Sun (17 April 1950).
02dPoetryThe Tears of the Blind Lion by Thomas Merton (New Directions. $.50) is the third book of poems fromNo Author Listed America (13 May 1950).
03Reviews in Brief:Merton's The Tears of the Blind Lions is uneven poetry-even within a single poem the quality variesJohnson, Manly Hopkins Review 3 (1949): 54-55.
04aDevotion in VerseThomas Merton's newest volume of poetry is concerned, not surprisingly, with the themes that haveCrane, Milton New York Times 54 (27 November 1949).
04bTears of the Blind Lion. By Thomas Merton. (New Directions, $1.25)Here, in a slender volume of poetry, the author of "Seven Story Mountain" distills modern CatholicNo Author Listed Times-Star Cincinnati (24 December 1949).
04cTears of the Blind Lions: Trappist Thomas Merton, Author of 'Seven Storey Mountain,' Offers a SlimThomas Merton is widely read as the author of two recent books, "The Seven Storey Mountain" and "ThePick, John Journal Milwaukee (20 November 1949).
04dMystical MetaphorsIn this collection of poems the author has revealed more of himself than he did in his other books.Therese, Sister, O.S.B. News Birmingham (24 December 1949).
04e Contrarily, I find a slackened tension and forced note in the new poems of Thomas Merton, The TearsNo Author Listed Journal Providence (21 December 1949).
04f Although Thomas Merton's latest book of poetry "The Tears of the Blind Lions" may be considered "difNo Author Listed Catholic Messenger Davenport (December 1949).
04gNew Merton PoemsThomas Merton, best known as the author of "The Seven Storey Mountain," is also an excellent poet.No Author Listed Express San Antonio (27 November 1949).
04hTrappist Monk TurnsA new, small sheaf of devotional poems by the author of the widely popular "The Seven StoreyNo Author Listed Times Los Angeles (8 January 1950).
04iThe Tears of the Blind Lion. By Thomas Merton. New Directions, New York. 32 pages. $1.25.Someone has remarked that for a silent Trappist, Thomas Merton does quite a bit of talking.O'Connor, Madeleine Argonaut San Francisco.
05aFather Merton Pends Noteworthy New Verse of Old YearFather Merton's most recent volume of verse confirms our convictions that he is the most importantHolley, Fred News Charleston SC (1 January 1950).
05bThe Tears of the Blind Lions. By Thomas Merton. New Directions. $1.25These 17 religious poems by the author of "The Seven Storey Mountain," mostly in a warmly sensitiveNo Author Listed Enquirer Cincinnati Ohio (14 January 1950).
05cMerton, Thomas. The Tears of the Blind Lions.Short poems by the author of The Seven Storey Mountain show great beauty though the imagery is oftenNo Author Listed Guidepost Cincinnati Ohio (February 1950).
06Devotion In VerseThomas Merton's newest volume of poetry is concerned, not surprisingly, with the themes that haveCrane, Milton New York Times 54 (27 November 1949).
07aWhere Silence Is a MinistryThere seventeen poems were written under a monastic rule of great austerity, where "night is ourDavis, Robert Gorham Saturday Review of Literature 33 (11 February 1950).
07bBetween Book Ends: Thomas Merton's PoetryThis small and beautifully printed collection of devotional poems by Thomas Merton, the youngFirebaugh, Joseph J. Post-Dispatch St Louis Mo (1 February 1950).
07cThe Tears of the Blind Lions, by Thomas Merton. New Directions; $1.25Much of the bitter power of Merton's earlier poetry is gone from this newest collection of 17 poems.McGarey, Mary Dispatch Columbus (5 February 1950).
07dPoems by MertonReaders who have followed the literary career of Thomas Merton, meteoric since "The Seven StoreyC.V. Tennessean Nashville. C.V.
07eVerseSeventeen new poems by the now famed Trappist monk, dedicated to Jacques Maritain. Merton againNo Author Listed New Yorker (11 March).
07f Thomas Merton, the author of "The Seven Story Mountain" and "The Waters of Siloe" and other booksNo Author Listed Traveler Boston Ma (13 February 1950).
07gMerton, Thomas. Tears of the blind lions [poems]. 32p $1.25; pa 50c New directions"These poems seem somewhat complicated and labored. There is something of the spirit of Bloy-aHanlon, E.R.; Anne Fremantle; Milton Crane; and R.G. Davis Book Rev Digest (March 1950). Contains excerpts of reviews by 4 reviews.
07h'The Tears of the Blind Lions'Thomas Merton, the Trappist monk who came into worldly prominence with "The Seven Storey Mountain,"No Author Listed Star Indianapolis In (15 January 1950).
08Merton's Most Recent PoemsThe continued appearance of poems by Thomas Merton in SPIRIT, Poetry, Partisan Review, Horizon andToelle, Gervase, O. Carm. Spirit 16 (January 1950): 195-197.
09ThoughtWhen Thomas Merton's poetry first was printed, it was received in Catholic circles with perhapsClancy, Joseph P. Thought 25 (September 1950): 524.
10aVoice of SilenceThomas Merton's small new book of verse-the verse of one "Planted in the night of contemplation / SeSaul, George Brandon Courant Hartford Conn (27 November 1949).
10bThe Tears of the Blind Lions $1.50New poems by the author of "The Seven Storey Mountain." Also available as a pamphlet in an envelopeNo Author Listed Retail Bookseller NY City (Nov 1949).
10cThe Tears of the Blind Lions $1.25New poems by the author of "The Seven Storey Mountain." Also available as a pamphlet in an envelopeNo Author Listed Retail Bookseller (October 1949).
10d Thomas Merton, author of "The Seven Storey Mountain," who has had two books published this year, hasNo Author Listed
10e Thomas Merton, who should be able to underwrite a new Trappist monastery with the royalties from hisNo Author Listed New York World-Telegram (11 November 1948).
10fTears of the Blind LionThomas Merton has brought together in this little volume seventeen short poems most of which had preNo Author Listed Virginia Kirkus Bulletin (15 November 1949).
11Ten PoetsMy Obviously biased impression is that the specifically war poetry of World War II was better thanFlint, R.W. Kenyon Review 12.4 (Autumn 1950): 705-708, 710-712.
12Four Men and Three WomenWe have recently had installed din our sing a Disposall, and its name has of course stirred theWhittemore, Reed Sewanee Review 58.4 (October-December 1950): 717-727.
13 The lyrics in these several books--whose authors have all contributed to The Catholic WorldHanlon, Elizabeth R. Catholic World 170 (February 1950): 397-398.
14Poised Against…Thomas Merton's latest volumeJames, Mary, S.S.N.D. The Pilot Boston Mass 120 (17 December 1949): 16.