The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Thomas Merton on Peace

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Thomas Merton on Peaceduring the last decade of his life Thomas Merton began to write more insistently about peace andRohrbach, Peter Thomas, O.C.D. America 125 (21 August 1971): 102-103.
02Book ReviewsAt the time of Thomas Merton's death in 1968 it was said that America lost one of her mostHiggins, John J., S.J. American Ecclesiastical Review 165 (November 1971): 208-209.
03A Christian Monk and peaceFor Thomas Merton the word "peace" was more than a utopian concept or a pious platitude. It was aWeber, Richard [Columban], O.C.S.O. Catholic Worker 38 (May 1971): 6; Also see 04, 05.
04Thomas Merton on PeaceFor Thomas Merton the word "peace" was more than a utopian concept or a pious platitude. It was aWeber, Richard [Columban], O.C.S.O. Orion 17 (September-October 1972): 85-88: Also see 03, 05.
05Christian Monks and PeaceFor Thomas Merton the word "peace" was more than a utopian concept or a pious platitude. It was aWeber, Richard [Columban], O.C.S.O. Pax Christi Bulletin [London] 119 (Autumn 1972): 3-4; Also see 03, 04.
06Thomas Merton on PeaceIn this comprehensive selection of Thomas Merton's writings on peace, Gordon Zahn focuses on fiveHeath, Thomas, O.P. Sign 51 (November 1971): 48.
07Merton's Writings Show His Influence on Peace MovementDuring the San Francisco-to-Moscow Peace Walk in 1961, Thomas Merton asked one of theTrue, Michael Catholic Free Press (December 3, 1971).
CSQ This is a selection of Thomas Merton's most importantHart, Patrick, Br., O.C.S.O. Cistercian Studies 7.2 (1972). Bulletin of Monastic Spirituality # 290. [152].