The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

What Are These Wounds?: The Life of a Cistercian Mystic, Saint Lutgarde of Aywières

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01aReligious BiographyThomas Merton's new book will be on a religious theme, the life of the fourteenth centuryNo Author Listed New York Herald-Tribune (23 January 1950).
01bMerton Writes New BookThomas merton, noted Trappist author, has written another book, What Are These Wounds? the biographyNo Author Listed Catholic Messenger Davenport, IA (26 January 1950).
01c A new book by Thomas Merton, author of "Seven Storey Mountain" and "The Waters of Siloe," will beNo Author Listed New York Times (9 January 1950).
01d Thomas merton's new biography of a Trappistine, "What are these Wounds" (Bruce) will appear in MarchNo Author Listed Journal Rapid City SD (26 February 1950).
01eWhat Are These Wounds?A life of St. Lutgarde, thirteenth-century Trappist nun, one of the first recorded cases ofNo Author Listed Saturday Review (18 February 1950).
01f Thomas merton, author of "The Seven Storey Mountain," is getting to be quite prolific. His next bookNo Author Listed Globe Boston MA (5 February 1950).
01g And Thomas Merton, clearly one of our busiest writers, has a new book coming, "What Are These WoundsNo Author Listed Chronicle San Francisco (1 March 1950).
01hWhat Are These Wounds?The author of "The Seven Storey Mountain," etc., explains the life of St. Lutgarde, 13th centuryNo Author Listed Retail Bookseller (March 1950).
02aWhat Are These Wounds?Here we have a biography of a saint who is little enough known even to Catholics, St. Lutgarde ofNo Author Listed Virginia Kirkus Bulletin (15 March 1950).
02bMerton Writes on Saint of 13th CenturyWhether or not you accept the need for mysticism, stigmatization and seven-year fasts (nothing butNo Author Listed Tribune Minneapolis MN (19 March 1950).
02cLife of St. Lutgarde by Thomas merton Is Published HereThis biography of St. Lutgarde of Aywieres, a Trappistine (Cistercian) mystic, was written beforeCattoi, Louise Journal Milwaukee WI (12 March 1950).
03aWhat Are These Wounds?Biography of St. Lutgarde, a thirteenth century saint and mystic who joined a Trappist order; by aNo Author Listed Times-Star Cininnati OH (25 March 1950).
03bInspiring Reading for the Closing Days of LentEveryone--excepting those who embrace exclusively the whole truth of science and none of theHabich, William Courier-Journal (26 March 1950).
04aNew Religious Books for Holy Week ReadingDuring Holy Week you may wish to turn to special reading. The following list is compiled to suit aNo Author Listed Press Cleveland OH (4 April 1950).
04b "What Are These Wounds" by Thomas Merton (Bruce) is based on the medieval biography of St. Lutgarde,No Author Listed Star Indianapolis IN (2 April 1950).
04cWhat Are These WoundsSt. Lutgarde was a Belgian mystic who lived 700 years ago, in the century of Thomas Aquinas. Born ofL.L.M. Globe Boston MA (7 April 1950). L.L.M.
04d In these final days of the Lenten season, you may wish to turn your attention to some of the newerNo Author Listed State Journal Lincoln NE (5 April 1950).
04e"What are These Wounds?"The gifted Trappist, Thomas Merton, here gives a sympathetic interpretation of the interior lifeNo Author Listed Standard New Bedford MA (16 April 1950).
05a Perhaps, given the growing maturity of American Catholicism, "Sister Mary Michael" will be moreNo Author Listed America (18 May 1950).
05bMerton's History of Nun Who Became a SaintIt is a difficult task to bring into sharp focus the life history of a nun who became a saint. It isRemenyi, Joseph News Cleveland OH (10 May 1950).
05cMerton, Thomas"Here we have a biography of a saint who is little enough known even to Catholics, St. Lutgarde ofLentfoehr, Therese; Edward Barry, and Anne Fremantle Book Review Digest (June 1950).
05dWhat Are These Wounds?This time the famed Trappist author of "Seven Storey Mountain" writes about St. Lutgarde, one of theNo Author Listed News Framington MA (15 June 1950).
06aSaint LiutgardisThis work developed from a pamphlet started by request of his superior before Seven Storey MountainNo Author Listed Catholic Booklist St. Catherine KY (1951).
06bMerton, ThomasThe biography of a 13th century Flemish nun, one of the earliest recorded cases of stigmatizationNo Author Listed Book Bulletin Chicago Library (September 1950).
06cWhat Are These Wounds?St. Lutgarde, subject of this new book by the author of "The Seven Storey Mountain," was born inNo Author Listed Blade Toledo OH (August).
07aMerton's Latest Adds Nothing to His Reputation; May Even Harm itThomas Merton's latest published book, What Are These Wounds?, is not his latest composed book.Simons, John W. Catholic Messenger Davenport IA (20 April 1950).
07bTrappist Nun's Story InspiringFather Merton, the young writer who became a Trappist monk and a best-selling author in one of theJ.McA.C Times Hartford Conn (8 April 1950). J. McA. C.
07cMerton, ThomasThe author of "The Seven Storey Mountain" explains the life of St. Lutgarde, 13the centuryNo Author Listed Journal Lewiston ME (26 April 1950).
07dMerton, ThomasBiography of St. Lutgarde, a 13th century saint and mystic who joined a Trappist order; by a giftedNo Author Listed Guidepost Cincinnati OH (May 1950).
08Merton, ThomasWhat Are These Wounds? Is the first full-length biography in English of St. Lutgarde. This subjectStephen McKenna, C.S.S.R. Best Sellers 10 [Scranton PA] (1 April 1950): 6-7.
09aA Flemish SaintSt. Lutgarde of Aywieres, the latest subject of Thomas Merton's fluent pen, is a delightfully solid,Fremantle, Anne New York Times 55 (26 March 1950): 4.
09b The celebrated dictum about every person having one good book in him is well illustrated in the caseNo Author Listed Tribune Chicago IL (26 March 1950).
09c We expect fine writing from Thomas Merton and in this, his latest contribution, we are notFitzgerald, Julia Morris Banner Nashville, TN (31 March 1950).
10Of Saints and Miracles"In the month of June, when the sun burns high in the bright firmament and when Cistercian monksNo Author Listed Newsweek.
11merton to Publish Biography of Mystic"What Are These Wounds?" another book by Thomas Merton, a priest at Our Lady of Gethsemani MonasteryNo Author Listed Courier Journal (6 January 1950).
12 Even in our day it is the exception when a saint who is the recipient of extraordinary charismata isLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Catholic World 171 (May 1950): 234.
13 St. Lutgarde was a Cistercian nun attached to the c onvent of Aywieres in the Duchy of Brabant.Tansey, Martin Sign 29 (May 1950): 66-67.
14 In writing this short biography of St. Lutgarde, the Cistercian mystic of Aywieres, Thomas MertonSquire, Aelred, O.P. Blackfriars 33 (November 1952) 481-482.
15 This is the biography of St. Lutgarde (1182-1246), a Cistercian mystic of Flanders whose privilegeFilas, Francis L., S.J. America 83 (8 April 1950): 20.
16New Merton Book Tells of Saint's LifeThe celebrated dictum about every person having one good book in him is well illustrated in theBarry, Edward Chicago Sunday Tribune Book Review (26 March 1950): 3.
17 This book by Thomas Merton revives the memoryRiordan, Sean The Furrow, 1.9 (Oct. 1950): 482-484.