The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis / selected and edited by William H. Shannon

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of CrisisThomas Merton, monk, writer, and political activist, was among those interesting figures in theThurston, Bonnie Bowman America 172.4 (11 February 1995): 26-27.
02Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of CrisisWith Witness to Freedom, the ten-year project of the publication of Thomas Merton's correspondenceCrews, Clyde F. Catholic Historical Review 82.2 (April 1996): 337-338.
03Books in BriefThomas Merton, monk, writer, and political acivist, was among those interesting figures in theJohnston, George Sim National Review 46.23 (5 December 1994): 80.
04In Short; NonfictionA politically outspoken writer and a Trappist monk from 1941 until his death in 1968, Thomas MertonHall, Alexandra New York Times Book Review (12 February 1995): 22.
05 Trappist monk, novelist, poet and social critic, Merton (1915-1968) oscillates between engagementStuttaford, Genevieve Publishers Weekly 241.29 (18 July 1994): 228.
06 Is Thomas Merton the most prolific posthumous author in modern times--if not all times? It wouldFinley, Mitch St. Anthony Messenger 104.1 (June 1996): 50-51.
07 Next we have the final volume in the five volume collection of Merton's letters.Eastman, Patrick Monos 7.1 (Jan-Feb 1995): 5.
ANNUAL In 1965 as Thomas Merton was preparing to enter his hermitage on a more permanent basis, heBurton-Christie, Douglas Merton Annual 8: 246-254 [online].
JOURNALThe Art of Serious Letters - Five Volumes of Merton's CorrespondenceThomas Merton was once advised by Evelyn Waugh, who edited The SevenPearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 2.1 (Easter 1995): 46-50.
SEASONALA Witness to Truth.The publication of Witness to Freedom, edited by William H. Shannon, is a noteworthy event, not only becauseGuyton, Patrick F. The Merton Seasonal 20.1 (Winter 1995): 23-25.
SEASONALDefending One's Freedom.Reading the fifth and final volume of Thomas Merton's letters, Witness to Freedom, is a movingLewis, Gloria K. The Merton Seasonal 20.1 (Winter 1995): 20-22.