The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Address on prayer by Pope Paul VI at his regular weekly general audience - November, 10, 1965 (translated by Thomas Merton)
Aids to mental prayer
Answers on prayer and action.
Art of prayer, The : an Orthodox anthology; compiled by Igumen Chariton of Valamo. Notes.
Christian life of prayer, The
Climate of monastic prayer, The
Conference on prayer for Conference of Religious of India, Feast of Christ the King, 1968 (Calcutta).
Exercises to help bring the body under control of the spirit
Grammar of perfection, A
Homily on prayer and our priestly vocation. Notes.
House of prayer, The. Notes.
Humanity of Christ in monastic prayer, The
My Lord God. Excerpt from Thoughts in solitude.
Notes on prayer and action
Our prayer for God's guidance in construction
Prayer and conscience [transcript of a taped conference]
Prayer and identity [transcript of a taped conference]
Prayer and the priestly tradition
Prayer as worship and experience
Prayer for peace
Prayer from The New Man.
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Prayer, draft of a
Prayer, personalism, and the Spirit
Prayer, tradition, and experience
Prayer. Notes on tape.
Prayer. Notes.
Praying with Thomas Merton / by Wayne Simsic
Reality, art, and prayer. Excerpt from No man is an island.
Suggestions for the prayer of the faithful
Talk of Father Louis to novices and postulants. Loretto. May 15, 1963. Transcribed from a tape.
Theology of prayer. Notes.
Thomas Merton / 1915-1968 : excerpts from Commonweal - Contemplative life; Art; Nuclear war; The world.
Thomas Merton on prayer at Darjeeling
Three prayers : written for Frank Kacmarcik [concerning the vocation of sacred artist, iconographer, or architect of religious spaces]
Toward a theology of prayer. Ed. with an introd. by Naomi Burton Stone; transcribed by Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O., from a talk delivered in India, 1968.
Trappist speaks on people, priests and prayer, A
Vatican Pavilion : New York World's Fair, 1964-1965
War and the prayer for peace. Excerpt from A Thomas Merton reader.