The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Hermitage Journals

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01The Hermitage Journals: Stone walls do not a prison makeJohn Howard Griffin achieved nationwide fame with his bestselling (5 million copies) Black Like Me.Christopher, Michael U.S. Catholic 47 (May 1982): 48-50.
02 John Howard Griffin, author of the disturbing Black Like Me, was a converted Catholic who wasCondini, Nereo E. National Review 34 (2 April 1982): 374.
03 Griffin, who disguised himself as a Southern black and recorded the experience inStuttaford, Genevieve Publisher's Weekly 220 (27 November 1981): 76.
04In Merton's footsteps and Christ's silencesJohn Howard Griffin, author of the disturbing Black Like Me was a convertedCondini, Nereo E. National Catholic Reporter 18 (12 March 1982): 11.
05 There is a fevered rivalry among writers on Thomas Merton, as if there might not be enoughJessey, Cornelia Christian Century 99.7 (3 March 1982): 244.
06Merton offshoot is inspiring, richAll in all, I would rather read an author's journals, diaries, notebooks and letters than any of his finished works.Fecher, Charles A. Catholic Review (15 January 1982): B3.
07Deceptive 'Journals' of a fake hermit raise doubts about his 'Black Like Me'John Howard Griffin, who died in 1980 at the age of 60, spent a literary lifetime play-acting.Baker, James Thomas Courier-Journal [Louisville] 254 (7 February 1982): D5.
08Merton and UsThe summer of 1969 I received a letter from a major northeaster university asking if ILester, Julius Katallagete 9.3 (Summer 1986): 7-14.
09The Hermitage Journals of John Howard GriffinWhen Thomas Merton died in 1968, there was a serious need for an authorized biography.Sussman, Cornelia S. Spiritual Life 28 (Fall 1982): 177-182.
10A Hymn to Sister EarthJohn Howard Griffin, author of theCondini, Nereo E. Cross Currents 32.1 (Spring 1982): 104-106.
11 Monk Like Me - that had been Griffin's working title for the diaries he keptNo Author Listed Kirkus Reviews (January 15, 1981).