The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns / selected and edited by William H. Shannon

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social ConcernsThomas Merton once complained, in response to the fact that writing demands were constantly beingMcInerny, Dennis Q. Catholic Historical Review 72.4 (October 1986): 683-684.
02The Hidden Ground of Love: Letters. By Thomas Merton. Selected and edited by William H. Shannon.One mourns the decline in quality of modern letters. Yet the monastery provided locale, occasion,No Author Listed Christian Century 102.31 (16 October 1985).
03A life of trying to balance activism with religion"When you get down to it," Thomas Merton wrote when he was 26, "Catholic Action means not voting forSimon, Linda Christian Science Monitor 77 (22 May 1985): 21-22.
04The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns.This is the first of what will be four volumes of the letters of Thomas Merton. This volume containsCunningham, Lawrence S. Horizons 13.1 (Spring 1986): 195-196.
05The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social ConcernsAs a young monk, Thomas Merton was advised by Evelyn Waugh "to put books aside and write seriousMalits, Elena, C.S.C. Journal of Religion 66.4 (October 1986): 458-459.
06Merton, ThomasThe still point of Merton's life was his devotion to monastic contemplation and solitude, to theLichtenberg, Carol J. Library Journal 110 (15 May 1985): 60.
07A poet and pacifist: The Hidden Ground of LoveWith the death of Thomas Merton in 1968, the world lost more than an eloquent and a celebrated monk.O'Donoghue, Dermot Maclean's [Canada] (9 September 1985): 8.
08A Burnt-Out CaseHere is the first of a projected four volumes that will share with us the inner thoughts of theStravinskas, Peter National Review 38.7 (25 April 1986): 54-56.
09The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letter of Thomas Merton on Religious Experiences and Social Concerns"I believe my vocation is essentially that of a pilgrim and an exile in life, that I have no properNo Author Listed Review for Religious 46.5 (September-October 1987): 788-789.
10Thoms MertonMerton, Cistercian monk, author of over 40 books of autobiography, poetry, and essays on literature,Kramer, Dewey Weiss Theology Today 43.1 (April 1986): 148.
11Bookshelf: Epistles From Father Louis"I am large," Walt Whitman boasted, "I contain multitudes." The late Thomas Merton also was large.Fuller, Edmund Wall Street Journal 65 (4 June 1985): 24.
12Thomas Merton: Dissenter and PacifistOne after another, like icons in a procession, Thomas Merton books are being published. And read.McCarthy, Colman Washington Post Book World (30 June 1985): 8.
13This indefatigable monk wrote to all sorts about all subjectsWith the publication of The Courage for Truth in August, the number of volumes of Thomas Merton'sTobin, Mary Luke, Sr., S.L. National Catholic Reporter 30.7 (10 December 1993): 23.
14Man Of Our CenturyThomas Merton was first of all a man, a man open to and filled with the anguish of our times. At ageGarner, Marilyn Antigonish Review [Nova Scotia] 62 & 63 (1986): 41-43.
15Merton, ThomasThomas Merton was a prodigious writer. Dozens of books, scores of articles, and between three andSteele, E. Springs Best Sellers 45.4 (July 1985): 149.
16Merton, ThomasIn many ways, Thomas Merton was a peculiar monk--sworn to the strict Trappist vows of silence, heChristensen, Bryce J. Booklist [Chicago] 81.17 (may 1985): 1220.
17Harvesting the Fruits of Monastic ContemplationWhen Thomas Merton entered Gethsemani Abbey forty-five years ago, he stepped into a world whosePlank, Karl A. Books and Religion 14 (October 1986): 8-9.
18Review ArticleWhile he lived, Thomas Merton's life was a mystery to many, including himself, and since his deathLabrie, Ross Canadian Catholic Review 3.8 (September 1985): 15/295-16/296.
19The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social ConcernsThomas Merton, Trappist monk, poet, and author of books on the spiritual and contemplative life,McDonald, Donald Center Magazine 18.6 (November-December 1986): 26-27.
20Merton, ThomasThe first of four projected volumes of letters from (but not to) Merton, this is a treasure trove.McCormick, Chalmers Choice 23.3 (November 1985): 464.
21The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social ConcernsShould Trappists write? Should they write about some things and not about others? As we know, MertonLax, Robert Cithara [Saint Bonaventure University] 25.2 (May 1986): 82-83.
22 It is the paradox of formation in the midst of deformation, of consonance out of dissonance thatMuto, Susan Annette Commonweal 113.4 (28 February 1986): 118.
23 When, Suddenly and not without theatrical flourish, the monk-savant Thomas Merton died in 1968, heKennedy, John J. Grail 6.1 (March 1990): 106-110. John J. Kennedy.
24Mountains to climb: Thomas Merton as correspondentThomas Merton, a Trappist monk, was a man of letters. He wrote more than 3000 of them. Letters wereKennedy, Joseph Patrick Houston Chronicle (7 July 1985): 19.
25Letters of Thomas Merton: the enigma remainsTo date 3,500 of Thomas Merton's letters have been collected, and more are expected to turn up inDuncan, David A. Houston Post (21 July 1985): 2G.
26A passion for justiceThomas Merton spent 27 years as a monk in the Order of the Cistercians of the Strict Observance,Phillips, E. Harrell Jackson Sun (29 September 1985): 4B.
27The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social ConcernsThis first volume of Merton's letters, three more are planned, may prove to be one of the finalWilliams, Joan, O.C.D. Living Prayer 21.6 (November-December 1988): 61-62.
28The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social ConcernsSince Thomas Merton's accidental death in 1968, we have seen everything from picture books on peopleLaSalle, Peter Los Angeles Times (13 October 1985).
29Letters on the road to PolonnaruwaThomas Merton could not write. He compulsively contemplated on thinking-writing. In 27 years ofKinsella, Nivard National Catholic Reporter 22.29 (16 May 1986): 12.
30The outspoken Trappist"My life is in many ways simple, but it is also a mystery which I do not attempt to reallyEllis, John Tracy New York Times Book Review (11 August 1985):7.
31Thomas Merton's letters reveal a complex manThomas Merton was a letter writer's letter writer. The first of what may become five hefty volumesFinley, Mitch Our Sunday Visitor 74.39 (26 January 1986): 7.
32 December 10th 1988 marked the twentieth anniversary of Thomas Merton's death by electrocution inPearson, Paul M. Priests and People 3.7 (July-August 1989): 294-295.
33 The corpus of literature in this country concerning Thomas Merton continues to grow with Collins'Pearson, Paul M. Priests and People 4.10 (November 1990): 426.
34The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social ConcernsMany of the entries in this collection of letters by one of the 20th century's original thinkers areNo Author Listed Publishers Weekly 227.14 (5 April 1985): no.14, p.60.
35The Burgeoning Merton IndustryA colleague of mine regularly drops off for my perusal the proceedings of a society dedicated toLabrie, Ross Resources for American Literary Study 15.1 (Spring 1985): 49-59.
36A Man to Match His 'Mountain'These two new Thomas Merton titles provide fascinating insights into the development of theMichaels, Paul Review [Sacramento] (1 September 1985): 8.
37Thomas Merton's Fruitful Service: Being Rooted in the Hidden Ground of LoveOver the years it has been asked by more than one writer: "If Thomas Merton suffered so by remainingRyan, Gregory J. Sisters Today 59.10 (June-July 1988): 593-599.
38The Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social ConcernsThese recent releases once again confirm the amazing magnitude of Merton's literary endeavors. ThePayne, Steven, O.C.D. Spiritual Life 31 (Fall 1985): 187.
39 Thomas Merton, the Trappist monk from the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani near Bardstown, Kentucky,Coughlin, Robert M. Saint Anthony Messenger 93.7 (December 1985): 50-51.
40Merton, ThomasMerton's letters number in the thousands and were carefully preserved. They were directed toHeiser, William Charles, S.J. Theology Digest 32.4 (Winter 1985): 376.
41Letter of An American MonkIt is ironic that the novelist Evelyn Waugh had once advised the late Thomas Merton to quit writingMcDonnell, Thomas P. This World (Fall 1985): 135-138.
42Merton's Buddhist Christian Mirrors"The Hidden Ground of Love" is a truly impressive work in many ways. The range of Thomas Merton'sGalvin, John Washington Times Magazine (3 June 1985): 8.
43Merton StudiesThe corpus of literature by and about Thomas Merton continues to grow apace. Two important booksPearson, Paul M. Way [London] 31.2 (April 1991): 174-176.
44Turning in On The WorldMerton published so prolifically and with such candor that not even his personal and privateHinson, Edward Glenn Sojourners 14.11 (December 1985): 44-45.
45 In many ways, Thomas Merton was a peculiar monk--sworn to the strict Trappist vows of silence,Christensen, Bryce J. Booklist [Chicago] 81.17 (May 1985): 1220.
46Merton and Us Lester, Julius Katallagete 9.3 (Summer 1986): 7-14.
47'A Smooth and Fancy Typewriter': Letters of Thomas MertonIn 1948 Thomas Merton, in a letter to his friend Bob Lax, said: I wrote to ClareKingdon, Frank Doctrine and Life 41.5 (May/June 1991): 250-254.
48A man for our timeSupposing the bets could be collected, which of this century's prophets and sages would a gambler backHarriott, John F. X. Tablet [London] 242.7741 (26 Nov. 1988): 1354.
49Thomas Merton: Letter, EssaysThomas Merton traveled far in the quiet confinesReynolds, Joseph Sunday Telegram Worcester, MA (September 29, 1985).
CSQ This volume of 669 pages provides an overview of one aspect of Thomas Merton's complexKramer, Victor A. Cistercian Studies 21.4 (1986): 365-373.
JOURNALThe Art of Serious Letters - Five Volumes of Merton's CorrespondenceThomas Merton was once advised by Evelyn Waugh, who edited The SevenPearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 2.1 (Easter 1995): 46-50.
SEASONAL-CooperConfession and CatharsisIn the past year, activity surrounding Thomas Merton as a certifiable public personality has beenCooper, David D. Merton Seasonal 10:3 (Summer 1985): 7-11 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].
SEASONAL-KeltyMerton: Monitoring SelfSome years ago a young man who had been a semi-professional dancer and actor entered theKelty, Matthew, Fr., O.C.S.O. Merton Seasonal 10:3 (Summer 1985): 12-13 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].
SEASONAL-MalitsA Testimony of Confidence and FriendshipOn finishing the first volume of Thomas Merton's collected letters (three more are projected), oneMalits, Elena, C.S.C. Merton Seasonal 10:3 (Summer 1985): 14-15 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].
SEASONAL-NelsonThe Mail from Tunis, ProbablyPerhaps there is just a slight misnomer in the subtitle William Shannon chose for this firstNelson, Raymond Merton Seasonal 10:3 (Summer 1985): 16-19 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].