The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Honorable Reader: Reflections on My Work

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Honorable reader : reflections on my workDaggy has collected the special prefaces written by Merton for translations of his books into FrenchCarr, Anne E. Journal of Religion 70.3 (July 1990): 511.
02Merton, ThomasDespite a title change, this new edition of Introductions East & West (LJ 8/81) is not greatlyChase, Elise Library Journal 114.6 (1 April 1989): 94.
03News of the Thomas Merton IndustryDuring 1988-89, innumerable twentieth anniversary events commemorated the death of Thomas MertonKilcourse, George Mid-Stream 30.1 (January 1991): 35-49.
04Merton, ThomasMerton was never able to do a systematic review of his writings, but he did take time to makeMcGinn-Moorer, Sheila E. Booklist 85.14 (15 March 1989): 1222.
05More merton: The Christian RomanticAn acquaintance who happens to be a Jewish psychiatrist mentioned to me recently that he thoughtLabrie, Ross Canadian Catholic Review 10.6 (June 1992): 21-22.
06'Expect to feel renewed' by Merton's bookSome things in God's creation are certain to make one feel good: a cold drink on a South DakotaOlszewski, Brian T. Monitor [Trenton] 36.13 (27 April 1989): 6.
07 Honorable reader : reflections on my works in not Merton's "Retractiones" (St. Augustine's look-backWeber, Richard K., O.P. Spirituality Today 44.2 (Summer 1992): 199-200.
08A man for this seasonThis book is a collection of the prefaces Merton wrote for foreign publications of his books, hisFurlong, Monica Tablet [London] 244.7807 (3 March 1990): 283.
09Merton StudiesThe corpus of literature by and about Thomas Merton continues to grow apace. Two important booksPearson, Paul M. Way 31.2 (April 1991): 174-176.
10 Daggy has collected the special prefaces written by Merton for translations of hisCarr, Anne E. Journal of Religion 70.3 (July 1990): 511.
ANNUAL The title of this work derives from the celebrated preface to the Japanese edition of The SevenDowney, Michael Merton Annual 3: 293-295.
SEASONALMerton ReflectsThis book is a somewhat expanded version of Introductions East and West: The Foreign PrefacesCunningham, Lawrence S. Merton Seasonal 14:2 (Spring 1989): 16-17.