The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Human Journey

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Pilgrimage to CompassionThe contemporary spate of "spirituality" books which continue to vogue in booktrade houses seems toKilcourse, George Commonweal 110 (18 November 1983): 634-637.
02 This may well be the best book on Thomas Merton of the several which have appearedMalits, Elena, C.S.C. Horizons 10 (Spring 1983): 197-198.
03 P. has written ten books on spirituality and lliterary criticism.Twomey, Gerald S. Theological Studies 44 (March 1983): 177-178.
04 Professor Padovano's recent work is an attempt to show how Merton is one of thoseThurston, Bonnie Bowman Christianity and Literature 33.2 (Winter 1984): 69-70.
05Merton's life and works illuminedI had thought over the years I had heard all the Mertonabilia worth hearing, and then someBerrigan, Daniel J., Fr., S.J. National Catholic Reporter 18 (7 May 1982): 22.
06 If you do not know much about Thomas Merton, Padovano's book, The HumasMalits, Elena, C.S.C. New Catholic World 225.1349 (September-October 1982): 238.
07 Thomas Merton, the modern hermit whose prolific writings made the world aware of hisStuttaford, Genevieve Publishers Weekly 221 (29 January 1982):58.
SEASONALA Personal InterpretationIt should be noted first of all that this book is a paperback release of a previously publishedHauser, Richard J. Merton Seasonal 10:4 (Fall 1985): 9 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].