The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Intimate Merton: His Life from His Journals

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Father Louis Up CloseThe 20th century has concluded. Thomas Merton remains the single most influential American CatholicHauser, Richard J. America 182.7 (4 March 2000): 23-27.
02The Intimate Merton: His Life from His JournalsMuch has been made of the irony that Thomas Merton's reputation as a spiritual master was built to aHuff, Peter A. Church History 69.4 (December 2000): 938-940.
03The Intimate merton: His Life from His JournalsIn the Poet's Notebook, a collection of excerpts edited out of the notebooks of several AmericanElshtain, Eric P. Journal of Religion 81.2 (April 2001): 290-292.
04Merton, ThomasThis is a con-volume condensation of Merton's journals, which have been published over the last fewCurley, Augustine J. Library Journal 124.17 (15 October 1999): 76.
06An Unexpected MertonIt comes as a surprise to discover that in the Orthodox Church only three saints are calledForest, James H. Sojourners 29.6 (November-December 2000): 30-63.
07A Book of Life: Merton Journal collection offers a spiritual autobiographyOn a winding road near Bardstown stands the Abbey of Gethsemani, a 152-year-old monastery. SilenceWebb, Chris Ace Magazine [Lexington KY] (12-25 April 2000).
08Thomas Merton's journals explore territory between the physical and spiritualThe well-known life of Thomas Merton (1915-1968), spiritual poet and monk, agent of change andAllen, Frank Catholic Free Press [Worchester MA] (31 December 1999): 11.
09Merton's life in his wordsYou would think that having read all the multivolumed published journals of Thomas Merton, thereAprile, Dianne Courier Journal [Louisville] (26 December 1999): I5.
10'Solitude will possess me entirely'Long before accidentally electrocuting himself in 1968, Fr. Thomas Merton had a world-wideShort, Rupert Daily Telegraph [London] (29 January 2000): B2.
11Just me, myself and IFor a Trappist, Thomas Merton had a lot to say. For all he abandoned, the world, first, and finallySaunders, Bill Independent On Sunday [London] (30 January 2000): 13.
12The Intimate Merton: His Life from His JournalsIt is doubtful that any religious writer of the last century has achieved the circulation orBarrett, Marvin Parabola 25.4 (November 2000): 92, 94, 99.
13New Merton collection a 'must' for devoteesI echo the author of Angela's Ashes author Frank McCourt's enthusiasm for the Intimate Merton.Waldron, Robert G. Pilot [Boston] (11 February 2000): 11.
14The hidden Merton"When I reveal most, I hide most", Thomas Merton noted in a journal the year before he died. WhileForest, James H. Tablet [London] (26 February 2000): 265. Jim Forest.
15The Intimate Merton: His Life from His JournalsThe well-known life of Thomas Merton (1915-1968), spiritual poet and monk, agent of change andAllen, Frank Tidings [Los Angeles] (7 January 2000): 20-21.
16Thomas Merton's Journals Condensed VersionThomas Merton has become a target for a variety of divergent projections not only during hisCasey, Michael, O.S.C.O. Tjurunga 57 (November 1999): 40.
17 Take off your shoes and read, for you enter a holy place when you open this book.Doriot, Jeanne, SP Cistercian Studies Quarterly 36.1 (2001): 133-135.
18 "If all seven volumes of journals are the wood, The Intimate Merton is only a path through them and notKemper, Matthew D. St. Anthony Messenger 110.2 (July 2002): 51-52.
19Feature Review: The Restless Hermit: Reflections on the Intimate MertonBrother Patrick Hart and Dr. Jonathon Montaldo have edited the life of Thomas Merton taken fromPhilibert, Paul J. American Benedictine Review 53.1 (March 2002): 60-73.
20Eloquent silenceFather M Louis or Thomas Merton as he became known, was a Roman Catholic monk, poet, andGordon, Henry Reform (june 2002): 33.
21 Though Thomas Merton died in 1968, the famous spiritual writer and Trappist monkHartnagel, Nancy Tidings 108.29 (20 July 2001): 20.
22 The Intimate Merton is a fascinating collection of the private thoughts of one of the 20thWessman, Jeff New Dimensions Annual Journal (2002): 60.
23Distillation of journals adds focus to vibrant legacyThomas Merton (1915-1968) is one of the more intriguing religious figures of the 20thSledge, John Mobile Register [Mibile, AL] (31 December 2000): 1D.
24 Having found Seven Storey Mountain interesting many years ago, I opened this book with some positiveBharat, Sandy World Faiths Encounter 28 (March 2001): 59.
25 The title of this book conveys the perspective adopted by the editors in their attemptBeltran Llavador, Fernando Citeaux 52:1-2 (2001): 177-179.
26Remarkable manAlthough the influential monk and writer, Thomas Merton, died in 1968, hisDaniels, Margaret Methodist Recorder (30 May 2002): 17.
27 Few religious figures of the past century embodied more irony and paradoxJones, Timothy Sewanee Theological Review 44.3 (2001): 349-352.
28 "A path through the woods" is the description HartRiess, Jana Publishers Weekly 246.45 (November 8, 1999): 61.
29 Thomas Merton was an inveterate journal keeper.Flanagan, Donal Irish Theological Quarterly 66.2 (2001): 191.
30 As a seeker of spiritual truths, Thomas Merton headed off in the opposite direction fromCooper, David D. Fourth Genre 6.2 (2004): 149-150.
ANNUAL Merton's real autobiography, it has been suggested, is in his personal journals.Biallas, Leonard J. Merton Annual 13: 257-263.
JOURNAL The Intimate Merton, as its subtitle suggests, tells the life of Thomas Merton usingPearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 6.2 (Advent 1999): 50-52.
SEASONALMerton's Legacy DistilledMy bookstore in Cleveland carries a hefty four shelves lined with over a hundred books on or aboutDonnelly, Doris Merton Seasonal 25:1 (Spring 2000): 27.