The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Books in ReviewOne senses that Thomas Merton drank deeply from the ancient sources of vision and experience duringKennedy, R. Scott R. Scott Kennedy.
02aSearch by Merton comes alive in bookTransferring to this work the artistic concept of a triptych is one way to help readers toDelaney, Anne Boston Sunday Globe (26 August 1973).
02b'Asian Journal of Thomas Merton'The scene was Thailand's capital of Bangkok. The date was December 10, 1968. The occasion was aGallagher, Joseph Pittsburgh Catholic (24 August 1973).
03Search by Merton comes alive in bookTransferring to this work the artistic concept of a triptych is one way to help readers toDelaney, Anne Boston Sunday Globe (26 August 1973).
04Merton's Pilgrimage Merges East and WestEven in his teens, as we learn from his memorable autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain," ThomasWolfe, Ann F. Columbus Dispatch (2 September 1973).
05To the Lands of the Buddha Comes a Pilgrim of Christ"I am going home, to the home where I have never been in this body..." nor in this "washable suit,"Lentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Milwaukee Journal (2 September 1973).
06aMerton's legacy to the modern world"He endeared himself to everyone by his simplicity, his openness to all, his eagerness to give ofJ.W.G. Prairie Messenger, Saskatchewan (23 September 1973). J.W.G.
06bBook ReviewIn 1968 Thomas Merton travelled to Bangkok to address a conference of Asian monastic orders. He hadNo Author Listed Vajra Bodhi Sea Cold Mountain Monastery Sino-American Buddhist Association San Francisco 42 (October 1973).
07aSeeking the transcendentI have already acquired a small queue of young people who want to borrow this book. What makes theMcCulloc, Joseph Times (25 May 1974).
07bBook ReviewsIf you read this book just to find out whether or not Thomas Merton really wished to leave hisCargas, Harry James Saint Louis Post Dispatch (20 November 1973).
08Merton's Final PilgrimageA growing preoccupation with Eastern mysticism and monastic forms marked the last years of theBailey, Raymond Christian Century 90 (7 November 1973): 1102, 1104.
09Book NotesAs he viewed the stone Buddhas of Polonnaru in Ceylon a week before his accidental death in BangkokLewis, Kevin Journal of Religion 55 (1975): 477-78. Kevin Lewis.
10Contemporary Christian ThoughtThose interested in Thomas Merton will be grateful for this handsome volume that reproduces theCunningham, Lawrence S. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 42.3 (September 1974): 593.
11The Asian Journal of Thomas MertonThe Asian Journal is not so much the final testament to the work and thought of Thomas Merton as itGurdak, Thaddeus J. Journal of the American Oriental Society 97.1 (January-March 1977): 87-88.
12Book ReviewsIn 1968 the Poet and Trappist monk, Thomas Merton set out on a journey to Asia, partly to attendWoodcock, George Pacific Affairs 46.4 (Winter 1973-1974): 570.
13The Asian Journal of Thomas MertonIt is twenty-seven years since the publication of Merton's The Seven Storey Mountain. For those whoLay, Thomas N., S.J. Review for Religious 32 (November 1973): 1462-1463.
14Asian JournalTo a culture which knew nothing about it, Thomas Merton reluctantly came to realize that in order toGlimm, James York Sewanee Review 81.4 (Autumn 1973): 845-847.
15The Asian Journal of Thomas MertonThis personal, daily journal, written by Merton during his long-awaited trip to the Orient betweenKelly, Frederic J., S.J. Theological Studies 35.1 (March 1974): 222-223.
16Mystic's Last JourneyHe left San Francisco with an exhilaration that approached ecstasy -- "with Christian mantras and aNo Author Listed Time Magazine 102 (6 August 1973): 54.
17Asian Journal of Thomas MertonThomas Merton was deeply concerned with Oriental spirituality and mysticism, particularly in theKelly, Frederic J., S.J. Horizons 1 (Fall 1974): 149.
18Asian Journal of Thomas MertonWhat may one look forward to in this beautiful and latest Merton volume? Insight, of course: "ForRichardson, Jane Marie, Sr., S.L. Worship 48 (April 1974): 251-254.
19Monks, Popes and ProphetsLate in 1968, thanks to an invitation to speak at a conference on monasticism in Bangkok, Thailand,MacCormick, Chalmers America 129 (4 August 1973): 69.
20Thomas Merton: 'I Will Disappear'The scene was Thailand's capital of Bangkok. The date was Dec. 10, 1968. The occasion was aGallagher, Joseph Beacon (27 September 1973): 3.
21Last pilgrimageFew men in history have done more to affect the world by denying the world than Thomas Merton and itMorgan, Dewi Books and Bookmen [London] 19 (July 1974): 97-98.
22Thomas mertonMerton's memory will be for every linked with the A.I.M. since his last writings were occasioned byLeclercq, Jean, Dom, O.S.B. Bulletin de L'Aide a L'Implantation Monastique 17 (1974): 111-113.
23Book Reviews: Merton, America, Francis of AssisiThis fine book is the journal of Thomas Merton's trip to the East in the fall of 1968. Merton diedCorcoran, Donald, Sr., O.S.B. Cam. Catholic Worker 39 (October-November 1973): 5.
24Last pilgrimageFor more than twenty-five years Thomas Merton lived as a monk at the monastery of Gethsemani,Allchin, A. M. (Arthur Macdonald) Church Times [London] (24 May 1974): 5.
25merton and the BuddhistsWhat the hell was Thomas Merton doing way out in Bangkok, Thailand, when he died five years ago?Zeik, Michael Commonweal 99 (12 October 1973): 34-37.
26 All five of these books hearten the Christian of the churches in one way or another. The first twoMcCarthy, Abigail Q. Commonweal 99 (22 February 1974): 515-516.
27Merton: The last chapterPlan to set aside a substantial block of time to read this book. And do read it. It is demanding,Baker, James Thomas Courier Journal [Louisville] (16 December 1973): E8.
28Thomas Merton's Asian encounterA Zen saying which intrigued Thomas Merton was "Where do you go from the top of a thirty-foot pole?"Heidenry, John Saint Louis Globe Democrat (14-15 July 1973): 4E.
29Book ReviewsReaders of Thomas Merton will welcome this latest addition to his books, the final one to come fromMolnar, Enrico S., O.A.R. Living Church 192 (28 October 1973): 18.
30The mystery of Thomas MertonA book just published by New Directions of New York is a must for all students of Thomas Merton. ItHallett, Paul H. National Catholic Register 48 (26 August 1973): 4-5.
31The last words of Thomas MertonAlthough Thomas Merton left many unpublished manuscripts at the time of his death, this book comesGriffin, John Howard National Catholic Reporter 9 (28 September 1973): 7, 17.
32The Asian Journal of Thomas MertonThomas Merton, a Trappist monk, died in a tragic accident in Bangkok on Dec. 10, 1968. Merton was onRice, Edward New York Times Book Review (8 July 1973): 13.
33The Eloquent TrappistThomas Merton became Father Louis, a Trappist monk, in 1942. He died in 1968 while on an AsianTennenbaum, Silvia Newsday (26 August 1973):5.
34The Asian Journal of Thomas MertonThis beautiful travel account begins with an eastward flight from Honolulu in 1968 by the lateParameswar, A.S. Prabuddha Bharata [Calcutta] 83 (July 1978): 318-319.
35The Asian Journal of Thomas Mertonoccasionally in a travelog we can be presented with "the insidious web of the psyche's weaving." AMiller, David L. Review of Books and Religion 3 (Mid-January 1974): 1, 16.
36The Asian Journal of Thomas MertonThe publication of this journal of Thomas Merton's last months, four and one-half years after hisKelly, Frederic J., S.J. Sisters Today 45 (December 1973): 235-236.
37The Asian Journal of Thomas MertonAsian Journal has been on the book stands for several months now and, according to my bookshopYeaton, Daniel Spiritual Life 20.1 (Spring 1974): 85-87.
38Thomas Merton's Asian JourneyThomas Merton was a great man. From his notes and diaries and talks on the last journey of his lifeChristopher, Michael US Catholic 38 (October 1973): 48-50.
39Creative EndeavourThe Seven Storey Mountain, Thomas Merton's account of his early life in AmericaFawcett, Sarah Tablet [London] 230 (7 February 1976): 140.
40Merton: the last phaseThe publication of this journal of Thomas Merton's last months, four and one-half yearsKelly, Frederic J., S.J. Month [London] ser.3.7.1/12 (August 1974):681-682.
41 Father Merton, the writer and Trappist monk who explored Hinduism, Buddhism, ZenNo Author Listed Publishers Weekly 203 (April 9 1973): 62-63.
42 This Journal is description, context, and effect of Merton's last trip.Kuhn, John G. Best Sellers 33 (August 15 1973): 223.
43 The collection of articles edited by Professor Hick offers substantial food for thoughtLipner, Julius Blackfriars 56 (October 1975) 471-474.
44Merton's last journey"May I not come back without having settled the great affair."Graham, Aelred, O.S.B. Tablet [London] 228 (June 8 1974): 551-552.
45Lessons in ContemplationThe death in December 1968 - byNo Author Listed Times Literary Supplement [London] 3775 (July 12 1974): 739.
46For Merton: No More Monk Business"Depressing," was Thomas Merton's comment when heBarensfeld, Thomas The Cleveland Press (September 7, 1973): 21.
47 Since the beginning of theological ferment of the early 1960s manyDahl, M. E. Theology 79.669 (May 1976): 176-178.
48 Thomas Merton, poet turned Trappist monkNo Author Listed Press-Telegram (Long Beach) (August 8, 1973).
49Two Approaches to the Concept of FraternityThe curious, and hopeful, thing about the Watergate hearings in the SenateKirsch, Jonathon Los Angeles Times (22 July 1973).
50 The Asian Journal is by no means the finest workGifford, Nellie Panorama - Chicago Daily News (28-29 July 1973).
51Settling the Great Affair: Thomas Merton's Last DaysThe Asian Journal of Thomas Merton is the finalManago, Bill Chicago Tribune (5 August 1973).
52 Thomas Merton's growing interest in the spiritualityDahlheimer, Ed The Mirror [Diocese of Springfield, MO] (July 22, 1973).
53From 'Seven Storey' to the HimalayasThis publishing feat edited from Merton'sMcGloin, Peter M. Arizona Register (August 3, 1973).
54Merton… a 'Pilgrim' in AsiaThis is the journal of a Catholic monk searchingHyde, Lewis Minneapolis Tribune (August 12, 1973): 9D.
55Stockpile of Notes Makes Up Late Author's BookThomas Merton first reached the public eye with anFarlekas, Chris Sunday Record (July 22, 1973).
56The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton: The End of a Monk's Quest"Thus finishes the book, but not the quest," said Thomas Merton at the endQuindlen, Carol Catholic Observer [Springfield, MA] (July 27, 1973): 1.
57The Asian Journal of Thomas MertonShortly before his untimely and accidental death inMurray, James G. Long Island Catholic (July 19, 1973).
58Thomas Merton's Asian JournalHere, at long last and after much delay, is the personalFecher, Charles A. Catholic Review [Baltimore, MD] (July 13, 1973).
59Thomas Merton's 'Asian Journal'The Asian Journal is Thomas Merton's diary of his trip to the EastNo Author Listed Catholic World.
60Making Reader ThinkThomas Merton was many persons during his life spanFlynn, William San Francisco Examiner (July 20, 1973).
61 Thomas Merton died Dec. 10, 1968, just about five years ago.Zeik, Michael RBR Reviews 4.2 (July 1973): 22.
62 On Oct. 15, 1968, Thomas Merton, Trappist monk of Gethsemani, whose wholeBrady, Charles A. Buffalo Evening News (August 11, 1973).
63A Long Day's JourneyWhen the word went out in 1968 that Thomas Merton after all those yearsMacKaye, William R. Washington Post Book World (August 12, 1973).
64Critics' Choice for ChristmasReading is my hobby, my vocationHahn, Claire Commonweal (December 7, 1973): 269-270.
65 Flying from San Francisco in mid-October 1968, Merton briefly visitedNo Author Listed Choice (November 1973): 1405.
66Hungry Pilgrim's Final PilgrimageOn October 15, 1968, Thomas Merton the celebratedPayne, Alfred C. Roanoke Times (November 25, 1973).
67 The Very last work of this late and great TrappistNo Author Listed Long Island Catholic (December 13, 1973).
68 This is the long-awaited Asian Journal of Thomas Merton,No Author Listed Theology Digest (Autumn 1973): 275.
69 Thomas Merton - convert, Trappist monk and hermitDollen, Charles Southern Cross [San Diego CA] (August 9, 1973).
70 This selection from the notebooks of the widelyNo Author Listed Sunday Oregonian (September 9, 1973).
71A Worldly Monk in Search of TruthBefore lunch on December 10, 1968, Father LouisEvett, Robert Star [Washington, DC] (July 5, 1973).
72 Merton's last notes before his death in BangkokWarren, Mobi TM Community Newsletter (Fall 1973).
73Thomas Merton's Profound Ecumenity Evident in 'Asian Journal'In 1968 Thomas Merton died of electrocutionPerry, Rosemarie Post [Denver, CO] (September 30, 1973).
74merton's JournalThe scene was Thailand's capital of Bangkok. The date was Dec. 10, 1968. The occasion was aGallagher, Joseph Catholic Standard [Washington, DC] (September 6, 1973).
75 This thick book contains the last writings of a monkBonner, D. F. Triumph (November 1974).
76Mission in the OrientDr. Rosselli makes a good point when he describesScott, Paul Country Life (June 20, 1974).
77Le "Journal d'Asie" de Thomas MertonLe souvenir de Merton est desormais associe au now de l'AIM,Leclercq, Jean, Dom, O.S.B. A.I.M. Bulletin [France].
78 On October 15, 1968 Thomas Merton realized a life-longNo Author Listed New Book Review.
79Journey of a SoulThomas Merton was always very much aware of the contradictionsField, Michael Chronicle & Echo [Northampton] (June 8, 1974).
80 Merton's story is that of the wanderer, the examiner of lifeMcNearney, James L. New Life (May 1974).
81 The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton is the accountBailey, Raymond Review & Expositor [Louisville]: 269-271.
82BookendsThomas Merton's diary-record of his tripWilliams, Shirley Courier Journal & Times [KY].
83 Some books are footprints, the author saying I have been here and am moving on. Others areNo Author Listed Kirkus Reviews (March 15, 1973).
84Merton: First and LastThe scene was Thailand's capital of Bangkok. The date was Dec. 10, 1968. The occasion was aGallagher, Joseph Chicago Sun Times (3 January 1979).
CSQ This journal published five years after the deathDumont, Charles Cistercian Studies 9.4 (1974). Bulletin of Monastic Spirituality # 218. [130-131].