The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Introductions East and West: The Foreign Prefaces of Thomas Merton

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01 Critical interest in Thomas Merton has grown steadily since his death in 1968. Best known for hisKaftan, Robert Christian Century 98 (2 December 1981): 1266-1277.
02Merton, ThomasCompiled by the curator of the Thomas Merton Studies Center, this collection of prefaces to 12 ofCounihan, Martha, OSU Library Journal (August 1981): 1553.
03Introductions east and west: the foreign prefaces of Thomas MertonThomas Merton's large body of work contains some out-of-the-way items, works almost impossible forBoenig, Robert Mystics Quarterly 10.3 (September 1984).
04Introductions east and west: the foreign prefaces of Thomas MertonThis book comprises twelve prefaces that Thomas Merton wrote for translations of his books intoTeahan, John F. Religious Studies Review (July 1982): 305.
05For Books on Thomas MertonJohn Howard Griffin, Thomas Merton's originally designated biographer, once remarked: "He literallyTwomey, Gerald S. America 145.3 (1-8 August 1981): 58-59.
06Merton, ThomasAll of Merton's 12 prefaces to foreign translations of his works are here collected in English andNo Author Listed Choice 19.3 (November 1981): 392.
07Introductions east and west: the foreign prefaces of Thomas MertonThis collection of prefaces for foreign editions of Merton's books is valuable for several reasons.Kramer, Victor A. Resources for American Literary Study 11.2 (Autumn 1981): 341-343.