The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Life and Holiness

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01New Testament texts prove very helpfulIt is an unfortunate fact that too many people regard the lay state as somehow inferior to theDushel, Frederick J. Catholic Times Columbus, OH (30 August 1963).
02Thomas MertonIn his latest work, the most articulate contemporary author on contemplation directs his genius forLeontine, Mary, S.S.N.D. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 25.4 (October 1963): 515-516.
03This WeekYet another book by Thomas Merton is not likely to arouse the excitement his first two or three did;No Author Listed Christian Century 80 (6 March 1963).
04Life and HolinessThe author of this books is a Trappist priest at the monastery of Gethsemani, in Kentucky. He isMcDonnell, Kilian, Fr., O.S.B. Princeton Seminary Bulletin (May 1963).
05Life and Holiness"The Spiritual life is not a life of quiet withdrawal, a hothouse growth of artificial asceticalCarlino, Lewis Review for Religious 23.4 (July 1964): 509.
06Life and HolinessFr. Merton's present book is a simple but comprehensive analysis of the Christian life that isLawrence, Virginia, R.C. Worship 37 (November 1963): 690.
07 Thomas Merton states that this work "is intended to be a very simple book, an elementary treatmentBattersby, W.J., F.S.C. Tablet [London] 218 (18 January 1964): 74-75.
08 Thomas Merton wrote Life and Holiness, a simple sketch (perhaps too sketchy) of the Christian lifeFitzGibbon, G., S.J. Month [London] 31 (January 1964): 57-58.
09 There has been a decade of best sellers since Seven Storey Mountain held first place. Whatever elseHogan, Gerald G. Ave Maria 97 (30 March 1963): 28.
10 In five chapters Father Merton explores such basic elements in Christian spirituality as the natureGriese, Raymond F., S.J. American Ecclesiastical Review 151 (July 1964): 71.
11 Life and Holiness is a book of essays for the laity on progress and depth in the Christian life. InO'Meara, Thomas Aquinas, O.P. Cross and Crown 15 (December 1963): 492-493,498.
12Open QuestionsUnfortunately, Life and Holiness is not a book that is likely to impress the audience for whom itDeasy, Philip Commonweal 78 (19 April 1963): 112-113.
13 Perfection can be a frightening word; a word that very many Christians shut their eyes to. Yet itD.K. Clergy Review 49 (April 1964): 262-263.
14 Another challenging book from the Abbey of GethsemaniNo Author Listed The Furrow , 16.11 (Nov. 1965): 726.