The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Life You Save May be Your Own: An American Pilgrimage

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01School of the Holy GhostIn the winter of 1951-52, Caroline Gordon had a vision of the triumph of Catholic writing in the United States.O'Donnell, Brennan America 189.1 (7-14 July 2003): 25-26.
02Writing LivesProfound, original and entertaining, Paul Elie's new book weaves together the life and work of fourCunneen, Joseph Christian Century 120.11 (31 May 2003): 23-25.
03 Elie has fashioned a fascinating multiple biography of four of the most influential Catholic literary figures of theFlanagan, Margaret Booklist [Chicago, IL] 99.14 (15 March 2003): 1268.
04Four characters find an authorIn 1906, Dorothy Day, age eight, woke up to a San Francisco earthquake that would be "the most hauntingGernes, Sonia Commonweal 130.8 (25 April 2003): 25-27.
05 In the 1950s, Englishman Evelyn Waugh lamented the lack of a distinctively American Catholic literary tradition,Young, Steve Library Journal 128.4 (1 March 2003): 92, 92.
06Four Catholic writers who read their way to faithPaul Elie believes that good literature can change or even save us.Schaeffer-Duffy, Claire National Catholic Reporter 39.38 (5 September 2003): 16.
07Catholic Workers and WritersGraham Greene once complained about being pigeonholed as a "Catholic writer," remarking that he used RomanMorris, Charles R. New York Times Book Review (18 May 2003): 34.
08 This long, unusual book consists of interleaved biographies of four mid-century American writersNo Author Listed New Yorker 79.11 (12 May 2003): 111.
09A Tale of Four Catholics: Their Lives, Work and SinIn the middle of the 20th century, the American Roman Catholic experience found classic literary expressionWoodward, Kenneth L. Newsweek 141.20 (19 May 2003): 76.
10Two Journalists Look at Today's ChurchCharting the influence of four major personalities of the 20th century, as well asa describingMorneau, Robert St. Anthony Messenger 111.6 (November 2003): 52-53.
11Sex, God and Writing: Four Catholic Thinkers Who Sinned Their Way to FaithIn 1971 Walker Percy sent a draft of his new novel, Love in the Ruins, to his old friend Shelby Foote.Morrow, Lance Time Magazine 161.15 (14 April 2003): 84.
12'Christ-Haunted' Journeys"A pilgrimage is a journey undertaken in the light of a story. A great event has happened; theBurge, Kimberly Sojourners 32.5 (September-October 2003): 52, 54-55.
13Keeping the FaithIn the late 1970's, the writings of social activist Dorothy Day and, especially, the Cistercian monk Thomas MertonClaridge, Laura Boston Sunday Globe (18 May 2003): H8.
14 O'Connor who is most incisively drawn. Upper-middle-class, she wrote about the Southern poor.Wilcox, Christopher Wall Street Journal (26 March 2003): D8.
15The journeys of 4 American Catholic writersIn "The Life You Save May Be Your Own," Paul Elie weaves a compelling account of the lives fourFitzpatrick, Tara Chicago Tribune (10 August 2003): 14:2.
16The SearchersFor a brief period in the middle of the American 20th century, it was suddenly fashionableAllen, Charlotte Washington Post Book Review (1 June 2003): 3-4.
17 Like Geoffrey Chaucer and Dante Alighieri before him, Paul Elie has taken pilgrimage as a theme and structure forBaker, J. Robert Christianity and Literature 53.1 (Autumn 2003):123-125.
18Four America Catholic and Their ChroniclerWhen Dorothy Day decided to write a history of the Catholic Worker movement she drew forCunningham, Lawrence S. Horizons 31.1 (Spring 2004): 113-117.
19 As a convert to Catholicism in the 1960s, I numbered among my spiritual mentorsGordon, Sarah Flannery O' connor Review 2 (2003-2004): 107-11.
20Inspiration From the Page: An Interview With Paul Elie Pynkoski, Paul U.S. Catholic 69.4 (April 2004): 26-30.
21Four 20th Century Catholics’ Pilgrimages of the Mind, Heart Noland, Thomas T, Jr. Courier-Journal (June 15, 2003): I-5.
CSQ At a recent Christianity and Literature conference, whenever I mentioned that I wouldO'Connell, Patrick F. Cistercian Studies Quarterly 40.2 (2005): 224-230.
JOURNAL Paul Elie, senior editor at Farrar,Pearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 10.1 (Easter 2003): 28-29.
SEASONALGroup Portrait of Four Unique PilgrimsHow does one review a book that already has been reviewed copiously from coast to coast?Stull, Bradford T. Merton Seasonal 28:4 (Winter 2003): 23-24.