The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Literary Essays of Thomas Merton

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01The Literary Essays of Thomas MertonThomas Merton burst upon the American literary scene in 1948 with his best-selling Seven StoreyKramer, Dewey Weiss Christianity and Literature 34.3 (Spring 1983): 73-75.
02The Literary essays of Thomas MertonWith the publication of this hefty volume the Merton shelf grows yet longer. For those readers whoCunningham, Lawrence S. Horizons 9 (Fall 1982): 409-410.
03Merton, ThomasThis voluminous collection reveals Merton's considerable talent as a versatile and very competentCraft, Carolyn M. Library Journal 106 (15 December 1981): 2395.
04The Literary Essays of Thomas Mertonthe hefty volume of six hundred tightly-packed pages contains nearly all of Fr. Thomas Merton'sMariani, Paul American Book Review 5 (November-December 1982): 14-15.
05Last TestamentOf all the posthumous collections of Thomas Merton's writing which have been published so far, noneAllchin, A. M. (Arthur Macdonald) Church Times [London] (2 July 1982): 4.
06A Five-Star Banquet: The Literary Essays of Thomas mertonOne can hardly begin to list the fare available in this wonderful eclectic Merton feast! Truly,Weber, Richard [Columban], O.C.S.O. Cistercian Studies 18.1 (1983): 82-86.
07Blinded by the DivineI didn't know where to begin delving into this generous compendium but thought the essay "Poetry,Congdon, Kirby Contact 2 (February 1987): 42-43.
08The Literary Essays of Thomas MertonTo Thomas Merton, the writer's vocation -- whether creative or critical -- is a high calling. So, heHall, Wade Courier Journal (11 April 1982): D5.
09Book ReviewIn his Introduction to Thomas Merton's literary essays, Brother Patrick Hard informs us that sinceScambray, Kenneth Italo Americano [Sun Valley CA] (3 March 1987): 16.
10Nonfiction in Brief"All innocence is a matter of belief," Thomas Merton said. "For the poet there is not magic. ThereBruckner, D.J.R. New York Times Book Review 87 (23 May 1982): 15.
11A Man to Match His 'Mountain'These two new Thomas Merton titles provide fascinating insights into the development of theMichaels, Paul Review [Sacramento] (1 September 1985): 8.
12Truth-telling"There was in Milton a radical tension between his own psychology, his heart, his character asCumming, John Tablet [London] 236 (1 May 1982): 431-432.
13Merton, ThomasThis is a collection of all 53 of Merton's literary and critical essays. Written for the most partNo Author Listed Theology Digest 30 (Summer 1982): 182.
14Pilgrimage to CompassionThe contemporary spate of "spirituality" books which continue the vogue in booktrade houses seemsKilcourse, George Commonweal 110 (18 November 1983): 634-637.
15Soul SearchingThe legacy of Thomas Merton, Trappist monk,Walsh, Edward J. Chronicles of Culture (March 1983): 15-18.
16Thomas Merton: Letter, EssaysThomas Merton traveled far in the quiet confinesReynolds, Joseph Sunday Telegram Worcester MA (September 29, 1985).
17 The best of the essays here were written while Merton served as Abbot of the TrappistNo Author Listed Kirkus Reviews (October 1, 1981).
18 Nearly fourteen years have passed since the deathHinson, Edward Glenn Review & Expositor 79.4 (Fall 1982): 712.
SEASONALSophianic CriticismBrother Patrick Hart's edition of Merton's literary essays was a welcome addition to MertonianaCunningham, Lawrence S. Merton Seasonal 10:4 (Fall 1985): 18-20.