The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Living Bread

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01aThomas Merton the Living BreadThomas Merton's the Living Bread is infused with the "unmistakable radiant, contagious joy" whichNo Author Listed
01bExcerpts from The Living Bread"The whole Problem of our time is the problem of love. How are we going to recover the ability toNo Author Listed
01cThomas mertonthe beloved author of The Seven Storey Mountain, offers an inspiring and exalting illumination ofNo Author Listed New York Times (13 and 27 May 1956).
01dThe Living BreadThe Living Bread by Thomas Merton is the high point of Farrar, Straus and Cudahy's spring list, aNo Author Listed Publishers Weekly (28 January 1956).
01eThe Living BreadA Trappist poet's meditations on the Holy Eucharist.No Author Listed New York Times (3 June 1956).
02aThe EucharistWritten particularly for the articulate Roman Catholic layman, this is an authoritative book on theM. Advertiser Montgomery Ala (25 February 1956). M.
02bCatholic DogmaAccording to its author this is not for everybody. He writes in the prologue, "If the reader hasFrayser, Louise C. Times Dispatch Richmond, VA (26 February 1956).
02cThe Living Bread*Defined as "a meditation on the sacred mystery of the Eucharist" this bookNo Author Listed Virginia Kirkus Bulletin (1 February 1956).
02dThe Living BreadWhen Jesus stood in the crowd at Capharnaum of Galilee and made the astounding statement "I am theM.M. News San Francisco California. M.M.
02eMerton, ThomasAnother book from the fertile pen of Thomas Merton, and this time on a subject which for many hasBreaden, Richard P. Library Journal [NY City] (15 January 1956).
03aThe Living BreadAt once poet, prose stylist and theologian, Fr. Louis expounds the reality of the Eucharist in theNo Author Listed America (2 March 1957).
03bMerton Sums Up Teaching On EucharistQuoting liberally from both the Old and the New Testament, from the early Fathers and from the PopesFitzgerald, Julia Morris Banner Nashville TN (4 March 1956).
03cPerennial TruthsFather Merton draws largely upon liturgical texts and upon the writings of the Fathers to help inNo Author Listed Catholic Standard & Times Philadelphia PA (2 March 1956).
03dCommunionThomas Merton who is Father Louis of the Order of the Cistercians of the Strict Observance, hasNo Author Listed Gazette Cedar Rapids IA (26 February 1956).
03eReligionAn exposition of the Eucharist in accordance with the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church.No Author Listed Tribune Oakland, CA (4 March 1956).
04aThomas merton On MeditationsThe author of "The Seven Story Mountain" has come up with a book of spiritual reflections which isHabich, William Courier Journal [Louisville] (4 March 1956).
04bThomas Merton's Helpful Work on Catholic DoctrineBooks from the pen of Thomas Merton , who is now a Trappist monk at Gethsemane, KY., always stir theO'Brien, John A. Tribune Chicago IL (4 March 1956).
04cBooks by Thomas Merton Treats of Holy EucharistIn good time for Lenten spiritual reading comes Thomas Merton's newest book, "The Living Bread"Theall, D. Bernard, O.S.B. Catholic Standard & Times Philadelphia PA (2 March 1956).
04d "The Living Bread" by Thomas Merton has been published by Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, Inc. The authorNo Author Listed Democrat Times Davenport, IA (10 March 1956).
04eMerton Does Spiritual Book For Lent DaysDuring his visit to America in 1954, Cardinal Agagianian of Beirut was mention by Newsweek (Nov. 8,Agatha, Sister M. Chronicle Houston, TX (4 March 1956).
04fThe Living BreadDefined as "a meditation on the sacred mystery of the Eucharist," this book demonstrates the depthsNo Author Listed Mercury-News San Jose California (4 March 1956).
04gHere's New One for Merton FansThe important Catholic church sacrament of Holy Eucharist is a religious mystery into which AuthorClifford, Robert Press Cleveland, OH (6 March 1956).
05aThe Living Bread"The Living Bread" is a book in which the most profound truth of Christ's Church the Holy Eucharist,No Author Listed Globe Siouix City Iowa (8 March 1956).
05b This book by Thomas Merton, poet and former man of the world who became a Cistercian monk, is one toCattoi, Louise Journal Milwaukee, WI (11 March 1956).
05cmerton on EucharistThomas Merton, now Father Louis of the Trappist order, has penned a beautiful, reverent treatise onT.C. News Dayton OH (11 March 1956). T.C.
05dBooks for Thoughtful Catholics to EnjoyNot everyone who read the "Seven Storey Mountain" has had the hardihood to study the books whichLally, Francis J. Herald Boston, MA (11 March 1956).
05eAn Act of FaithThe latest of the impressively accumulating works of Thomas Merton is a brief, profound andSullivan, Richard New York Times (11 March 1956).
06a Solidly doctrinal is The Living Bread by Thomas Merton (Farrar, Straus and Cudahy. $3). Dealing, asNo Author Listed Our Sunday Visitor (11 March 1956).
06bAn Answer to Our Ills"The Living Bread," title of the latest book by Thomas Merton, refers to the Living Christ, WhoRyan, Lucy Des Moines Sunday Register (25 March 1956): 19D.
06c'Living Bread' Is Joyous Work on Holy EucharistIt is with delight that we greet another book from the gifted pen of the Trappist monk, FatherSmith, Rita I. Courier-Express Buffalo NY (3 March 1956).
06dIntellectual Invitation by MertonIt is the particular gift of Thomas Merton (Fr. Louis, the Cistercian monk) to translate intoMarchand, LaFayette L. Globe Boston, MA (11 March 1956).
06eMerton, Thomas.Father Merton speaks on the meaning of the Eucharist in this volume that emphasizes the centralityNo Author Listed Booklist [Chicago] 52 (1 April 1956): 304.
06fFather Merton Has Written Religious BookMembers of the Catholic Faith will find Thomas Merton's new book inspiring reading. The famedNo Author Listed news Journal Pensacola Florida (11 March 1956).
06gThe Living BreadDespite the wide acceptance of his books, Thomas Merton (Father M. Louis, OCSO) is not yet the poorCrawley, Thomas J. Catholic Light Sacramento, PA (29 march 1956).
07aFrom Kindling to Fruit Trees"Everybody in the universe is tongue-tied, except the priest," Thomas Merton writes in the journalHughes, Riley Saturday Review 39 (17 March 1956): 22.
07bJoy of the SacramentA mid-Lenten book, The Living Bread by Thomas Merton brings to the fore the joyous nature of theNo Author Listed Democrat Herald (31 March 1956).
07cThe Living BreadThis is not a defense of doctrine but a Trappist's meditation on the Living Bread. He treats theNo Author Listed Sign (April 1956).
07d Solidly doctrinal is The Living Bread by Thomas Merton (Farrar, Straus and Cudahy. $3). Dealing, asNo Author Listed Our Sunday Visitor (11 March 1956); Duplicate copy crossed out on item #5, copy of 6a.
07eThe Living BreadThis is an eloquent meditation on the Eucharist, written at the suggestion and request of members ofNo Author Listed Episcopal Church News (1 April 1956).
08aIn Holy CommunionThere are few books about the Sacrament of the Eucharist that compel one's attention as strongly asDacey, John J. Pilot Boston Mass (21 April 1956).
08bWords of FaithIn "The Living Bread" Thomas Merton writes beautifully of the sacrament of the Eucharist which isNo Author Listed Courant Hartford Conn (1 April 1956).
08c'The Living Bread' By Thomas mertonThomas Merton, who is Fr. Louis of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance, has againR.O'C. Republican Springfield Mass (1 April 1956). R.O'C.
08dThomas Merton Reflects On Christianity TodayThe Living Bread, by Thomas Merton (Farrar, Straus & Cudahy; $3) contains reflections appropriate toC.B.J. Star Washington DC (29 April 1956). C.B.J.
08eThe Living BreadIn the latest of a distinguished output of writings, Thomas Merton has chosen as his subject theNo Author Listed Sentinel Orlando FL (6 May 1956).
08f The Living Bread by Thomas Merton is concerned with the Eucharist as sacrifice and sacrament. WithNo Author Listed Herald Syracuse NY (22 April 1956).
08gThomas merton's LatestBooks from the pen of Thomas Merton, who is not a Trappist monk at Gethsemane, KY., always stir theO'Brien, John A. Union San Diego CA (22 April 1956).
08hMeditation On Sacred Mystery"This book was written primarily as a summary of the Church's teaching on the Eucharist. (It) is notScardino, Katherine M. News Savannah GA (27 May 1956).
09aMerton Triumphs AgainEver since Thomas Merton as a neophyte Catholic, swept the literary world off its feet with his "theShinar, Jacob C. Press Pittsburg, PA (4 March 1956).
09bUniversal Appeal in Lord's Supper TreatiseThomas Merton's 10 previous books plus four volumes of verse find not a variant theme but a newDeGroot, A.T. Star Ft Worth Texas (13 May 1956).
09cThe Living BreadThomas Merton, who is Father Louis of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance, writes ofNo Author Listed Tribune South Bend IN (8 July 1956).
10aMeditationsChristianity is Christ. It is through the Eucharist that we become fully Christians, for it is inMoody, J.N. Commonweal 64 (6 July 1956): 354.
10bThe Living BreadMr. Merton is a famous novelist. He is also a famous churchman. His writings have attracted theG.K.C. Herald Dutham, NC (21 October 1956). G.K.C.
10cFor Amateur TheologianThis is not a typical Thomas Merton book. For his analytical descriptions of the modern soul inHall, Henry Ensign (30 June 1956).
10dTheological DiscourseThis is a finely reasoned theological discourse on the Sacrament of the Eucharist of the RomanNorton, John A. Newsleader Richmond VA (11 July 1956).
10eFather Merton Writes About Modern SocietyIn his latest book on the subject of the Eucharist, Father Merton is appalled at the degradation ofMeadowcroft, Doris News Charleston SC (2 September 1956).
10fMerton, Thomas"Another book from the fertile pen of Thomas Merton, and this time on a subject which for many hasDonovan, Edith; J.A. O'Brien, R.P. Breaden, Richard Sullivan, and Riley Hughes Book Rev Digest (August 1956). Contains excerpts of reviews by Edith Donovan, J.A. O'Brien, R.P. Breaden, Richard Sullivan, and Riley Hughes.
11Two Studies: The Presence of GodThe concern of both these books--the one by a Trappist monk, the other by a professor of English atLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 9 (Winter 1956): 85-89.
12The Living BreadThis book was written at the request of a group of diocesan priests who have banded together for theMcDonnell, Kilian, Fr., O.S.B. Worship 30 (July-August 1956): 489.
13Mysterium FideiFr. Merton's new book is an explanation, as concise as may be of the Mass viewed in its threefoldSackville-West, Edward Month [London] 17 (January 1957): 44-45.
14Latens DeitasDuring the Second World War there came into existence the diocese of Aosta, in the Italian Alps, aMurray, Gregory A., O.S.B. Tablet [London] 208 (20 October 1956): 326.
15 In an introductory note of this recent book by an author who has greatly enriched our spiritualDonovan, Edith Catholic World 183.1093/1098 (April/September 1956): 72-73.
16 The most widely known and influential contemplative monk of our time has added to his impressiveMcCorry, Vincent P., S.J. Thought 32 (Summer 1957): 319-320.
17NoticesThose who want books for Christmas which have Christ for subject would seem to have their needsNo Author Listed Blackfriars 37 (December 1956): 551.
18 Despite the wide acceptance of his books, Thomas Merton is not yet the poor man's St. John of theCawley, Thomas J. Best Sellers 15 (15 March 1956): 386-387.
19 A series of profound meditations on the Eucharist as sacarafice and sacrament. The mystery of "GodDolan, Helen America 101 (25 April 1959): 256.
20 This most recent work of the convert-CistercianReinhardt, Kurt F. Books Abroad 31.1 (Winter 1957): 38.