The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

A Man in the Divided Sea

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01PoetryOut of the quiet of a Trappist monastery has come one of the most authoritative poetic voices of ourDonaghy, William A. America (26 April 1947): xxvi-xxviii.
02Fact Fiction Poetry: Thomas Merton: PoetA Trappist monastery, one might think, would be a most unlikely place to find a poet. How could theStrahan, Speer Ave Maria 65 (22 February 1947): 231-234.
03Of Thomas Merton: His Word and His SpiritWhen a man of some mental stature enters the Church, human curiosity sometimes moves toward speculaWiess, Frank J. Carroll Quarterly 1 (Spring 1948): 4-13.
04Adventures Among Books: Elected SilenceThe air is full of strident sounds, noises which assail the ear with terrible dissonance, leaving noKelly, Blanche Mary Catholic Record NY (19 Oct. 1946).
05More Books of the WeekRobert Lowell, whose second book of verse, "Lord Weary's Castle" has just been published is a young,Fremantle, Anne Commonweal 45 (27 December 1946): 283.
06A Man in the Divided Sea: by Thomas Merton. 155 pp. New Directions. $2.50.Louisvillians should also be particularly interested in "A Man In the Divided Sea," since ThomasNo Author Listed Journal-Courier (12 Jan. 1947).
07 Detachment of any kind has become so rare that nowadays we can be refreshed by detachment of theNo Author Listed New Yorker (5 Dec. 1946).
08A Trappist CanticleThomas Merton's present book is a comprehensive record of his conversion to Catholicism. The Poems,Nerber, John Poetry 69 (December 1946): 165-168.
09A Poet of Genuine TalentWhen the "Thirty Poems" of Thomas Merton, the young Trappist monk, were published last year, "the prNims, John Frederick Saturday Review of Literature 29 (26 October 1946): 36.
10Book ReviewsThe excitement attending the publication of this second volume of Thomas Merton's poetry, whichConnolly, Francis Xavier Spirit 13 (November 1946). 150-153.
11A Man in the Divided Sea. By Thomas Merton. New Directions. $2.50Here is Thomas Merton's second volume of poetry which includes also his first set, published last yeGray, Joan World in Books (Jan 1947).
12 The ever growing public of Thomas Merton, young Trappist convert-poet, should be happy about Man inNo Author Listed Catholic Messenger (24 October 1948).
13A Man in the Divided Sea. By Thomas Merton. New York: New Directions; 155 pp.; $2.50Thomas Merton is a young Trappist monk whose work first came to the attention of James Laughlin, andNo Author Listed Chronicle (10 November 1946).
14Merton, Thomas. A Man in the Divided Sea. 1946Religious and metaphysical poems written by a Trappist monk, a new and promising American CatholicNo Author Listed Guidepost (January 1947).
15 Thomas Merton is a Trappist monk whose first book of poetry was devotional. The title, "A Man in theNo Author Listed NY Post (9 December 1948).
16Merton's Profound WorkThomas Merton, Trappist monk, has brought together in "A Man in the Divided Sea" (New Directions.No Author Listed New York Sun (3 December 1946).
17Poets' Column: The MessengerThere is some sentry at the rim of winter / Fed with the speech the wind makes / In the grandNo Author Listed NY Times (20 October 1946).
18A Man in the Divided Sea. By Thomas Merton (New Directions).This book by a young Trappist monk in Kentucky is "brilliant. provocative-and seductive."No Author Listed The Sun (20 July 1947).
19A Man in the Divided Sea by Thomas Merton.An authentic, and wholly Catholic, poet presents a generous sampling of his work to date. Fresh, penNo Author Listed Tidings (13 December 1946).
20Cadence of Organ Music in Poetry"Thirty Poems" by Thomas Merton previously published are included in this collection. In those poemsNo Author Listed Times (28 September 1946).
21 Two books of poetry issued by New Directions are the only books published today. "A Man in theNo Author Listed Times (31 August 1948).
22A Man in the Divided Sea. By Thomas Merton. (New Directions.)A collection of poetry, including a previously published volume, by a distinguished young CatholicS.A.L. Times-Star (23 December 1945).
23Ten PoetsIndividual poems do not necessarily reflect a poet's ability to create a body of work. Most of theseMoss, Howard Kenyon Review 9.2 (Spring 1947): 290-298.
24Four PoetsThe books under review are recommended as in their varying ways enjoyable. They afford a selectionEberhart, Richard Sewanee Review 55.2 (April-June 1947): 324-336.
25Thomas Merton: PoetA Trappist monastery, one might think, would be a most unlikely place to find a poet. How could theStrahan, Speer Ave Maria 65 (22 February 1947): 231-234.