The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Man in the Sycamore Tree

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01 This visual and verbal entertainment by Edward Rice portrays Thomas Merton's lifeLeonhardt, Douglas J. Review for Religious 30.3 (May 1971): 535.
02 Friendship equips one to see and say special things about the one known and loved.Richardson, Jane Marie, Sr., S.L. Worship 46 (February 1972): 123-125.
03Recalling the artist and monk who lives onThese are the first two of what will surely be a banquet of books to publicly witnessMurray, Michele National Catholic Reporter 7 (19 February 1971): 11.
04A circus of Mertons"When he left for Asia," said W.H. Ferry, "he was like a kid going to the circus."Forest, James H. Commonweal 92 (22 January 1971): 400-402.
05 Father Merton's death, met suddenly in a lamentable accident, shocked the multitudes of readers whoPeisson, Henry Cross and Crown 23 (September 1971): 358-359.
06Thomas Merton: Trappist-Buddhist monkThis book is about "an Englsihman who becomes a Communist, then a Catholic, later a Trappist monkAppel, Regis, Fr., O.C.S.O. Homiletic and Pastoral Review 71 (April 1971): 77-79.
07 One wonders if there was a better known American churchman of his era than Thomas Merton.Shaw, Russell Sign 50 (February 1971): 52.
08 The conversion of Thomas Merton to Roman Catholicism and his subsequent monastic career representGodfrey, Aaron W. Liturgical Arts 39 (August 1971): 113, 115-116.
09 In the final pages of his best selling autobiography,Duffy, Sister Gregory Best Sellers 30 (15 January 1971): 445-46.
10Merton: A Fulfilled Human BeingOn the cover of this long-awaited and much-feared book is Thomas Merton's delighted,Filiatreau, John Courier-Journal [Louisville] (31 January 1971): D4.
11 The most predictable thing about Thomas Merton's life was that its endDeedy, John, Jr. Critic 29 (March-April 1971): 81-82.
12 To an amazing degree, Thomas Merton seems to have been all thingsMcNiff, Mary S. Sisters Today 42 (Febraury 1971): 336-337.
13Good Books in a Bad YearThe Seven Storey Mountain, the best-selling 1948 autobiography that made a young Trappist monkMohs, Mayo Time Magazine 96.23 (7 December 1970): 66.
14 Edward Rice's supplement to Merton's own portrait of himselfKincaid, William B. World Literature Today 60.2 (Spring 1986): 319.
15Father Thomas Merton: The Man and His Search"Gott ist Tot." When Nietzche proclaimed the expirationMacleish, Roderick Washington Post (February 27, 1971): C4.
16Myth-Making of a MonkWhen the astonishing energies of Thomas Merton came to a suddenMcDonnell, Thomas P.
17The Man in the Sycamore Tree: An AppraisalA new insight into the life of Bro. Thomas Merton is given by his life-long friendMurray-Gardenchild, Muz The Mountain Path 10.3 (July 1973): 161-162.
CSQ This frankly journalistic account of Merton's life and career from beginning to end is writtenBamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O. Cistercian Studies 7.2 (1972); Bulletin of Monastic Spirituality # 296 [155-161].
SEASONALZacchaeus, Make HasteEdward Rice was one of the first biographers of his monk-friend. His book, which originallyRyan, Gregory J. Merton Seasonal 10:4 (Fall 1985): 9-11 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].