The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Monks Pond

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Monks PondOne of Merton's last projects was to launch a literary quarterly in 1968. The facsimile of its fourNo Author Listed American Literature 61.4 (December 1989): 731.
02News of the Thomas Merton IndustryDuring 1988-89, innumerable twentieth anniversary events commemorated the death of Thomas MertonKilcourse, George Mid-Stream: An Ecumenical Journal 30.1 (January 1991): 35-49.
03 In Kentucky's literary galaxy, its poets are among the brightest stars. Many of them have attainedNo Author Listed Back Home in Kentucky (September-October 1989).
04...And His Little MagazineMonks Pond is no longer Thomas Merton's little magazine filled with a series of graphic and poeticKocka, David Courier Journal [Louisville] (22 July 1989): A13.
05 The four issues of "Monk's Pond", the magazine edited by Thomas Merton, represent one of the lastMoe, Rusty C. Fifth Direction (Autumn 1989): 3.
06Monks Pond and the Slough of Despond: Crisis in the Cloister and the Flight from the FeminineIn 1967, when Thomas Merton announced Monks Pond as a little magazine with a planned lifetime ofDeFrees, Madeline Georgia Review 45.1 (Spring 1991): 177-186.
07Monk's PondThomas Merton entered the Trappist monastery at Gethsemani, Kentucky, in 1941 and spent the rest ofKiser, Thelma Scott Sunday Independent [Ashland KY] (15 October 1989).
08 The four issues of Monk's Pond, Thomas Merton's "little magazine," were one of his last projectsHeiser, William Charles, S.J. Theology Digest 36.1 (Spring 1990): 75-76.
ANNUAL In 1965 Thomas Merton realized "a dream deferred"--becoming a hermit, living in a small concreteGreene, Jonathan Merton Annual 3: 295-298.
SEASONALNew & Old FriendshipsThe fallout from the political and social explosions of the 1960s produced hundreds of off-beatBiddle, Arthur W. Merton Seasonal 14:4 (Fall 1989): 24-26.