The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Behavior of Titans

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Thomas Merton: The Behavior of TitansIn two myths, a parable, a broadside and a meditative study, Thomas Merton presents the latestNo Author Listed Jacket blurb from New Seeds of Contemplation.
02High-Water MarkHere are two notable additions to the increasingly significant body of writings by Thomas Merton.McDonnell, Thomas P. Commonweal 74 (9 June 1961): 285-286.
03Patristic and TitanicThe current interest in Oriental thought together with the impact of the Zen mondo, possessing asLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 14 (Summer 1962): 218-222.
04 Although popular fancy may people monasteries with figures that leapToelle, Gervase, O. Carm. Catholic World 193 (August 1961): 330-331.
05 Meditations on the Prometheus and AtlasGold, Howard Jubilee 9.6 (October 1961): 46.