The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Merton, By Those Who Knew Him Best

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Merton PortraitsThe apparent contradictions alone are enough to make Thomas Merton aBriggs, Kenneth A. New York Times 134 (20 December 1984): 25.
02 Thomas Merton haunts us. He died too soon and left too many questions unanswered.Leonard, Billy Jim Review & Expositor [Louisville] 82 (Summer 1985): 456-457.
03 Thomas Merton has fascinated the public ever since his youthful autobiography became a bestMalits, Elena, C.S.C. Theology Today 42.3 (October 1985): 406, 408-409.
04Two different views of the brilliant Thomas MertonAlthough 16 years have passed since a freak accident killed him inKenyon, Richard L. Milwaukee Journal (20 January 1985): E3.
05Bringing Words Out of SilenceIn early October, 1948, the firm of Harcourt, Brace in New YorkColes, Robert New York Times Book Review (23 December 1984): 1,19.
06The Mystifying MonkThe fascination of Thomas Merton, Trappist monk and world-famous writer, lies partly in the eternal story of a sinner struggling to be a saint-Fuller, Edmund Wall Street Journal 65 (15 January 1985): 15.
07A Solitude That Exploded On the WorldThomas Merton's death left a profound sense of loss.Hoover, Conrad C. Sojourners 14.4 (April 1985): 40-41.
08The Burgeoning Merton IndustryA colleague of mine regularly drops off for my perusal the proceedings of a societyLabrie, Ross Resources for American Literary Study 15.1 (Spring 1985): 49-59.
09A genuine search for GodThomas Merton enthusiasts and devotees should be very pleased at the appearance of these three books.Blonigen, Frederick J. Reflections… The Wanderer Review of Literature, Culture, The Arts 4.2 (Spring 1985): 7.
10The Multifaceted Thomas Merton: Two Books Recall Religious WriterThere are so many Thomas Mertons- the Trappist monk, the poetTehan, Arline Boucher
11 The author-director-producer of the TV documentary MertonNo Author Listed Publishers Weekly (October 19, 1984).
SEASONALMerton: Talk For A Television ProgramThis book was not inevitable, but given the fact of a television documentary about MertonKramer, Victor A. Merton Seasonal 10:2 (Spring 1985): 14-15.