The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Merton: A Biography

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01 Thomas Merton continues to exert great influence on American spirituality nearlyBailey, Raymond Review & Expositor [Louisville] 79.1 (Winter 1982): 177-179.
02 Thomas Merton once said, "An author in a Trappist monastery is like a duck in a chicken coop.Corr, Thomas J. College Literature 8 (1981): 203-204.
03 What Merton wrote was never so fascinating as the himself.Lane, Belden C. Theology Today 38.2 (July 1981): 242-246.
04 At last, twelve years after his untimely death in Bangkok on Dec. 10, 1968, a fullKelly, Frederic J., S.J. Theological Studies 42 (March 1981): 154-157.
05 Many books have been written about Merton since his death.Hauser, Richard J. Review for Religious 40.6 (Nov-Dec 1981): 943-944.
06 Thomas Merton (1915-1968) surprised polite and impolite societySpoto, Donald Notre Dame English Journal 13 (September 1981): 61-64.
07 Thomas Merton, Cistercian monk and indefatigable student of religionCarr, Anne E. Journal of Religion 61 (October 1981): 441-442.
08 Not simply one more book about Thomas Merton to be numbered among thatReher, Margaret M. Horizons 9 (Spring 1982): 160-161.
09 Most of us know Thomas Merton as the author of the youthful autobiographyLeverich, Kathleen Christian Science Monitor 73 (24 December 1980): 17.
10 Mystics, in their devotion to the Ultimate, live boundary-line lives.O'Connor, Patricia Antioch Review 40.1 (Winter 1982): 114-115.
11 Mystics, in their devotion to the Ultimate, live boundary-line lives.No Author Listed Antioch Review 40.3 (Summer 1982): 369-370.
12Will the real Thomas Merton please stand up?Catholic readers have badly needed a detailed and objective biography of Thomas Merton.Christopher, Michael U.S. Catholic 46 (January 1981): 48-49.
13The Clumsy LoverAs far as I can remember, it is ten years since I last reviewed a book.Nicholl, Donald Month [London] 14 (August 1981): 286.
14 There is a magnetism in the life and work of Thomas Merton which has made him a captivatingPadovano, Anthony T. New Catholic World 224 (March-April 1981): 94-95.
15A kinsman to manyA decade ago, when I took the first tentative, frightened step toward an evaluation of the life andBaker, James Thomas Commonweal 108 (10 April 1981): 214-216.
16Merton: Not Yet DisappearedThomas Merton, a widely known figure of American Catholicism, was a man of significant talent.Elwood, J. M. National Catholic Reporter 16 (19 September 1980): 18.
17A Monk of Our TimesThough Thomas Merton is more than a dozen years in the grave, books by him not only remainForest, James H. Sign 60 (April 1981): 43-46, 48.
18Love and tensionAdmirers of Thomas Merton's early books, Elected Silence and The Seeds of Contemplation mayGoffin, Magdalen Tablet [London] 235 (14 March 1981): 261.
19In Search of Thomas MertonNobody is surprised that Monica Furlong's biography of Thomas Merton has turned out to beBamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O. America 147 (2 October 1982): 165-169.
20 In Merton: A Biography, British author Monica Furlong has succeeded in writing a frist-rate accountTwomey, Gerald S. America 144 (10 January 1981): 24.
21 It is one of the many marks of the continuing power Merton exercises over the present to realizeHewett, William Heythrop Journal [London] 25 (January 1984): 109-110.
22 If one expects the irreverent, but delightfully zany, memoir, The Man in theO'Brien, Pat The Furrow 32.4 (April 1981): 262-64.
23 Monica Furlong, both as a journalist and as an author, is one of the most interesting writers of our time.Power, Norman Birmingham Post [England] (29 January 1981): 5.
24Biography Describes LifeFor Thomas Merton, the would-be monastic priest whose writings stirredHilliard, Deb Arkansas Catholic 76.48 (18 December 1987): 3.
25Telling Tom's TaleLike so many in her generation, Monica Furlong first met Thomas Merton through hisSimpson, James B. Anglican Digest 23 (Lent 1981): 29-31.
26 One of the best known charismatic figures in the Church in the years both beforeHughes, Riley Columbia 60 (November 1980): 30-31.
27 "If you ever receive a letter," said Thomas Merton as a young Trappist,Farrow, Anthony Cithara 20.2 (May 1981): 73-75.
28The Long SearchThomas Merton's life seems in many ways a replications of St. Augustine's young manhood,Klausler, Alfred P. Christian Century 97 (4 March 1981): 239-240.
29Monk of DestinyThere is an extraordinary fascination about Thomas Merton.Allchin, A. M. (Arthur Macdonald) Church Times [London] (9 January 1981): 6.
30 In considering Monica Furlong's biography of Thomas Merton, it is hard not to sayAndrew, Brother Christian Scholars Review 11.2 (1982): 181-183.
31Merton: Beneath the religious vestureIn a rare, 1967 interview, the year before his death, Thomas Merton complained, "I maintain myKilcourse, George Courier-Journal [Louisville] 251 (21 September 1980): D5.
32The Human MertonMonica Furlong delivers in this biography what she promises in its introduction:Redmont, Jane Cross Currents 31 .1 (Spring 1981): 99-102.
33Best-selling hermitJust after the war, an American publisher cautiously printed 5,000 copies of anLewis, Russell Dublin Evening Herald (9 February 1981).
34 The intemperance which characterizes so much of what is written and said about Thomas MertonGarvey, Michael Critic 40.2 (February 1981): 2-4.
35Thomas MertonThis is not the 'official' biography of Merton.Kingdon, Frank Hallel [Ireland] 9 (Autumn 1981):302-05.
36The playboy who became a monkThomas Merton was born a cosmopolitan American between the wars.Beaumont, Tim Hampstead and Highgate Express [England] (16 January 1981): 6.
37The Ascent to ThruthThe religious sense, like peace, is indivisible.Broderick, John A. Irish Times (24 January 1981): 15.
38Spiritual odyssey of a golden youthIn 1948, at the age of 26, greatly to the surprise of his publisher, ThomasMcEwan, Hugh G. Glasgow Herald (12 January 1981): 12.
39Beyond the cloisterOne of the worst things that ever happened to Thomas Merton was that heToynbee, Philip Observer [London] (11 January 1981).
40The Way Out of LonelinessIn Seeds of Contemplation (1949), Thomas Merton had written: "The only true joyMalits, Elena, C.S.C. Our Sunday Visitor 69 (11 January 1981): 4-5.
41 The potpourri of books listed above represents one small eddy in the stream of books and monographsCunningham, Lawrence S. Parabola 6 (Winter 1981): 109-113.
42 AS I READ THIS BOOK, I kept thinking of people I wanted to send it to, with a noteFoley, Leonard, O.F.M. St. Anthony Messenger 88 (January 1981): 48-50.
43The Merton ParadoxMerton fans will welcome both of these contributions toHinson, Edward Glenn Sojourners 10 (October 1981): 34.
44 Thomas Merton's growing reputation as a twentieth-century AugustineLitecky, Catherine C.S.J. Sisters Today 52 (April 1981): 507-508.
45A genuine search for GodThomas Merton enthusiasts and devotees should be very pleased at the appearance of these three books.Blonigen, Frederick J. Reflections… The Wanderer Review of Literature, Culture, The Arts 4.2 (Spring 1985): 7.
46Silent ProphetJust 32 years ago, The Seven Storey Mountain appeared in American book-shops. Within weeks the autobiographyMohs, Mayo Time Magazine 116.18 (3 November 1980): 9.
47Demolishing A StereotypeA dozen years ago Thomas Merton was asked by a well-known national magazine to share a few thoughtsFennell, Francis L. Tributaries [Mountain Park, NM] 1.5 (1981): 1-2.
48Sharing a journeyThomas Merton was one of a handful of Catholics absolutely certain to be included in any futureHarriott, John F. X. Sunday Times [London] (8 Jan. 1981).
49Writing out of silenceThOMAS MERTON "elected silence" and proceeded to write best-sellers describing it.Quinn, Edward Yorkshire Post (21 Jan. 1981).
50Merton: Times a-changingA few people who readWaugh, Auberon Sunday Telegraph (London, England), 11 January 1981.
51Turbulent TrappistThe American Trappist priestCupitt, Don Times Literary Supplement [London] 4063 (Feb. 13 1981): 156.
52The Ordeal of Thomas MertonThey found him lying dead on the floor of a hotel room in Bangkok, the victim of accidentalGray, Francine de Plessix New York Times Book Review (19 October 1980): 3, 28, 30.
53The Restless Heart of Thomas MertonThomas Merton (1915-1918) was one of the better-knownDoyle, John P.
54 Furlong ("Puritan's Progress") has written a quietly sensationalNo Author Listed Publishers Weekly (June 27, 1981).
55Fascinating Views of Monastic LifeAn absorbing biography and two short, strikingly originalFuller, Edmund Wall Street Journal (October 6, 1980).
56Thomas Merton: Stations on Life's WayFinally we get to know something about Thomas MertonMcCarthy, Colman Washington Post Book World (November 23,1980): 14.
CSQIn Search of Thomas MertonNobody is surprised that a biography of Thomas Merton has turned out to be absorbing reading.Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O. Cistercian Studies 17.1 (1982): 99-109.
XREF1Merton's Affirmation and Affirmation of Merton: Writing about SilenceThomas Merton chose to be a cloistered contemplative within one of the most austere religious orders in the United States.Kramer, Victor A. Review [Charlottesville, VA] 4 (1982): 295-333 [see review author file].